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ABRAHALL, CLARE (CONSTANCE DRURY) H(OSKYNS). Delete entry (listed play was not actually published). ACHARD, GEOFFREY. Delete entry. ADAMS, ARTHUR E(UGENE). 1917-2007. ADAMS, DORIS SUTCLIFFE. Teacher in Leicestershire. Pseudonym: Grace Ingram, q.v. ADAMS, MORLEY (PUNSHON.). 1876-1954. Famous for popularizing the crossword puzzle. ADAY, SANFORD (ELESTEL). 1918-1989. Born in Oklahoma; died in Fresno, CA.; sentenced to 25 years in prison for sending obscene material through the mail. ADSIT, BYRON D. 1850-1923. Born in South Rutland, New York; became editor of the Watertown, New York, Daily Times in the late 1870s and early 1880s; came to Chicago in the late 1880s and established the Chicago Blade. AGEL, JEROME. 1930-2007. AGG, HOWARD. Possibly Howard (Ogilvie) Agg, 1908- . AIKMAN, ANTHONY. 1942- . The Brokers of Doom. Delete the dash. [Tangiers, Rome, Venice, Cairo] The Caves of Segada. [South China Sea] The Eye of Itza. [Central and South America] AJEMIAN, KEVORK (VARTANI). 1932-1998. Born in Syria; died in Lyon, France. ALFORD, VIOLET. 1881-1972. International authority on all aspects of folk dancing. ALFRIEND, EDWARD M(ORRISON). Born in Richmond, Virginia; insurance underwriter and then partner in father’s insurance business in Richmond; rose to Captain in the Confederate Army; moved to New York City in the 1880s; contributed articles to leading periodicals; died in New York City. AMATO, ANGELA. Add: and screenwriter. AMBERLEY, RICHARD. Paul HenryJames Bourquin, 1916-2009. AMESBURY, JAMES EDWARD. 1931- . (Correcting birth date.) ANDERSON, KEN(NETH OSCAR). 1917-2006. ANDERSON, OLIVER. 1912-2002(?). ANDERSON, W(ALTER) W(ADSLEY). 1904-1991. ANDOM, R. Alfred Walter Barrett, 1869- . (Deleting death date.) ANDREWS, J(AMES) DAVID. Born in Fayetteville, NC. ANDREWS, (CHARLES) ROBERT D(OUGLAS HARDY). 1903-1976. ANDRUL. Arundel (Sinclair) Begbie, 1866- . ANONYMOUS The Down Park Mystery. (By Louisa Martindale, 1872-1966.) Gun Runners. Pearson pb, ca.1963 SC: Tim Royal (Graphic novel.) Highway Robbery. Pearson pb, ca.1963 SC: Tim Royal (Graphic novel.) Jungle Hostage. Pearson pb, ca.1963 SC: Tim Royal (Graphic novel.) Rats of Paris. Pearson pb, ca.1963 SC: Tim Royal (Graphic novel.) Sahara Secret. Pearson pb, ca.1963 SC: Tim Royal (Graphic novel.) Web of Fate. Pearson pb, ca.1963 SC: Tim Royal (Graphic novel.) ANSARA, EDWARD (JOSEPH). 1919-2008. ANTHONY, WILDER. 1883-1965. Born in Boston; died in Santa Cruz, California. APPLEYARD, JOHN Fifteen Mysteries in Pensacola. Pace pb, 2000 ss ARCHARD, GODFREY. Pseudonym of Godfrey Archard Jones, 1902-1986. ARDIN, WILLIAM. Born in Sweden but mainly lived in Britain; worked in market research; retired and living in Scotland. ARMISTEAD, LORNA MARGARET [LORNA MARGARET ARMISTEAD MARSDEN]. 1906-2001. ARNAUD, BONNEVIERE (T.). 1902-1951. Born in Pennsylvania; died in San Francisco. ARNOLD, ADELAIDE VICTORIA. 1860- . Birth name: Adelaide Victoria England; born in Liverpool; married John Oliver Arnold in 1884. ARNOLD, ALAN. 1922-1987. ARTHUR, KAY [KATHERINE A. HUSON]. 1914-1997. ARUNDALE, PAMELA (CONSTANCE PAIGE). 1919- . Born in Yorkshire. ASHE, ROSALIND. Rosalind Margaret Dale-Harris, 1931-2006. Moths. TV movie: BBC, 1994, as Midnight Movie (scw: Dennis Potter; dir: Renny Rye) ASWELL, MARY LOUISE. Richard Wilson Webb, 1901-1970. AUDOUARD, YVAN. 1914-2004. AVERY, HAROLD. 1903-1972. Pseudonym: Harold Westridge, q.v. BAARS, DONALD L(EE). 1928-2008. BADGLEY, ANNE (VERRIEST). Born 12/18/1925 in Hanover, New Hampshire, daughter of Leon (a professor of French at Dartmouth) and Florence Verriest. BAERLEIN, ANTHONY (M.). 1912-1941. BAKER, PETER. 1921- . Minnie Swan. Delete here. BAKER, PETER (GORTON). 1924- . -The Antibodies. Souvenir, 1969; Putnam, 1969. Also published as: Clinic. Pan, 1981 Minnie Swan. Hodder, 1969 [Switzerland] BARATHAM, GOPAL. 1935-2002. BARBER, D(ONALD) H(ERBERT). 1907-1971. BARKER, ALBERT W(INEMAN). 1897-1990. Born in Chicago. BARNARD, JUDITH [JUDITH BARNARD PAPIER FAIN] BARREAUX, (ADOLPHE). 1901-1985. BARRETT, ALFRED WALTER. 1869- . (Deleting death date.) BARRETT, ALFRED WILSON. 1870-1945. Birth name: Alfred William Barrett. BARRETT, NEAL, JR. Born in San Antonio, TX. BARRINGTON, LOWELL. 1907-1966. (Correction.) The Deserter. [California] BARRON, DONALD G(ABRIEL). 1922-2000. BARSTOW, STAN(LEY). 1924- . (Correction.) Born in Horbury, Yorkshire. BARTON, DONALD R(ICHMOND). 1913-1983. Born in Toronto, Canada. BASEVI, [HERBERT EDWARD] VINCENT. 1879- . Born in Kensington, London; in 1930s on staff of Governor of Jamaica. . BASILE, GLORIA VITANZA. 1922-2004. BASKERVILLE, BEATRICE (CATHERINE). 1876-1955. Born in Chatham, Kent, England; married Eugene Guichard; was New York World correspondent Russia and Balkans 1911-1914, and Rome 1914-1931; Daily Telegraph Rome correspondent 1933-1940; Yorkshire Post correspondent in Rome 1940. BATESON, DAVID It’s Murder, Senorita. [Spain] Delete SC Larry Vernon. BATTLES, (ROXY) EDITH (BAKER). 1921-2008. BAXT, GEORGE The Bette Davis Murder Case. SC: Jacob Singer The Clark Gable and Carole Lombard Murder Case. SC: Jacob Singer The Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers Murder Case. SC: Jacob Singer The Greta Garbo Murder Case. SC: Jacob Singer The Humphrey Bogart Murder Case. SC: Jacob Singer The Mae West Murder Case. SC: Jacob Singer The Marlene Dietrich Murder Case. SC: Jacob Singer The Noel Coward Murder Case. SC: Jacob Singer The Talking Pictures Murder Case. (Title correction.) SC: Jacob Singer The William Powell and Myrna Loy Murder Case. SC: Jacob Singer BAYLEY, JOHN (OLIVER). Born in Lahore, India; living in Oxford, England BAYLY, A. ERIC. Possibly Arthur Eric C. Bayly, 1880-1900. Born and died in London. BECKMAN, CHARLES, JR. 1918-2008(?). BEEDING, FRANCIS The House of Dr. Edwardes. TV movie: NBC, 1962, as Spellbound (scw: Sumner Locke Elliott; dir: Paul Bogart) BEGBIE, ARUNDEL (SINCLAIR). 1866- . BEHR, EDWARD (SAMUEL). 1926-2007. Born and died in Paris, France. BELL, NETHA (JOANNE). 1934-2007. BELLAIRS, CHARLES REGINALD. ca.1875- . Born in France of British parents; living in Derbyshire in 1901. BENDER, WILLIAM, JR. 1916-2004(?). BENFIELD, DEREK. 1926-2009. BENJAMIN, EDLA. 1905- . Born in New York City. BENNETT, GEORGE HAROLD. 1930-2004. BENNETT, HAL. George Harold Bennett, 1930-2004. BENNETTS, PAMELA (MARGARET). (Adding middle name.) BERG, ADAM W(ILLIAM). 1922-2006. BERRY, JOHN EDGAR. 1915-2000. BETTERIDGE, DON Death Takes a Tour. Add publication date: 1963 BEYER, DICK. Pseudonym of Gerhard Robert Beyer, 1918-2003. Born in Berlin; raised in the New York City area; served in the U.S. Army Counter Intelligence Corps; started his own advertising agency in 1950; moved to Scottsdale, Arizona, in 1970, and became interested in the real estate business; later moved to Oregon. The Lock Box Murders. [Phoenix] BEYER, GERHARD ROBERT. 1918-2003. Pseudonym: Dick Beyer, q.v. BIGELOW, OTIS (MUNRO, III). 1920-2007. BISHOP, AARON E. ca.1884- . Born in Pennsylvania. BLAKE, BERNARD CECIL. 1883-1918. BLAKE, GEORGE Sea Tangle. Faber, 1932 [Scotland] BLAKE, (FRANCIS WILLIAM) STACEY. 1873-1964. (Giving name in full and correcting birth date.) BLAU, (MILTON) ERIC. 1921-2009. BLAU, ERNEST E. 1895-1982. Died in Vermont. BLOCHMAN, LAWRENCE G(OLDTREE). SC: Kenneth Kilkenny & Dr. Joseph Rosenkohl = K&R. Death Walks in Marble Halls. K&R Film: TCF, 1942, as Quiet Please, Murder (scw & dir: John Larkin) See You at the Morgue. K&R BLOOM, MURRAY TEIGH. 1916-2009. BLORE, LIEUT.-COMMANDER TREVOR. 1905- . Born in Australia. BLOW, (ERNEST) LYNTON. 1906-2003. Born in England; died in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. BOAL, SAM(UEL JEFFREY). 1913-1964. BODINO, RICHARD. Delete. BOE, EUGENE. Jerome Agel, 1930-2007. BOGART, WILLIAM (GIBSON, JR.). Show full name thus. BONETT, JOHN. John Herbert Arthur Coulson, 1907-1984. BONHAM, MARGARET (MARY?). 1913-2000(?). BOONE, JACK (HEPPEL). 1903-1966. (Correcting birth date.) BOOTH, ANTHONY. 1913-1985. BORBOLLA, BARBARA MARTYN [BARBARA MARTYN RODRIGUEZ DE LA BORBOLLA]. 1917-1989. Born and died in Hitchin, Hertfordshire. BORDEAUX, DELMAR E(MIL). 1912-1971. BORNEMARK, KJELL-OLOF. 1924-2006. BOURNE, PETER And Bay the Moon. [London, Paris, 1807] BOURQUIN, PAUL HENRY JAMES. 1916-2009. BOWIE, TOM. 1930-2007(?). BOWSER, JIM. 1929-2008. BOYER, COLUMBIA. 1887- . Born Nellie Columbia Boyer in Illinois; later she was Nell Columbia Boyer Martin and then Nell Columbia Boyer Martin Dickinson, widow of (Ashley) Weed Dickinson, ca.1890-1954, q.v. BOYLAN, ELEANOR. 1916-2007. BOYLE, DENIS Death at Devil-Fish Point. Also published as: Devil Fish. Pearson pb, ca.1963 Devil Fish; see Death at Devil-Fish Point BRADY, JAMES. 1928-2009. BREMNER, MARJORIE K. [MARJORIE K. BREMNER HUTTON]. 1916-1993. Born in Chicago; died in London. BREMONT, ANNA DUNPHY. 1864-1922. BRENNAN, ELIZABETH. 1907- . (Correcting birth date.) Born in Clonmel, County Tipperary, Ireland. The Mystery of Hermits’ Crest. Metropolitan (Dublin), 1948 BRENTANO, JOSEPH P(AUL). 1875- . BRETT, BARBARA (J.). 1936- . (Correcting birth date.) BRETT, HY(MAN). Barbara (J.) Brett, 1936- . (Correcting birth date.) BRETT, SIMON (ANTHONY LEE) Villain of the Earth. Delete BROADLEY, PHILIP (JOHN). 1922-2008. BROEMEL, EDITH (ROSE MILLS). 1867- . Born in Pancras, England. BROOKE, HUGH (FELIX CONRAD). 1902-1977. BROWN, DELIA. Pseudonym. BROWN, JAMES AMBROSE. Born in Scotland; moved to South Africa with his parents in 1936. BROWN, L(OULA) ROCKWELL. 1917-2009. BROWN, RICHARD (BLAKE). 1902-1968. BROWN, (HELEN) RUDD (OWEN). Granddaughter of William Jennings Bryan; graduate of Barnard College in 1941. BROWN, VINCENT -Ordeal by Compassion. John Lane (London), 1898 BROWNING, STERRY Crime at Cape Folly. [England] BRUNNER, BERNARD. 1923-2006(?). BRYANT, WILL(IAM H.). 1923-2002. BUCKETTE, HILDAGARDE. Delete entry. BUCKLEY, WILLIAM F(RANK, JR.). 1925-2008. BULLOCK, LOTTE. 1918-1980. BUNKER, DIANE L. 1933-2004. BURNETT, VIRGIL. Born in Wichita, Kansas; author and illustrator; professor in the Fine Arts Department at the University of Waterloo (Ontario, Canada) since the early 1970s. BURROW, CHARLES KENNETT -The Lifted Shadow. Bowden (London), 1899 BUTLER, LUTHER (DALE, SR.). Born in Alamosa, Colorado. BYERS, STEPHEN P. Born in Montreal, Canada; living in Arkansas. BYRNE, JOHN KEYES. 1926-2009. BYRON, JAMES. James Byron Hall, 1918-2008. CADE, COULSON T(REGARTHEN). 1886- . Born in Cornwall, England CAIN, JAMES M(ALLAHAN) Career in C Major and other stories. Correct Avon publication date to: 1945 CAIN, PAUL Fast One. Note: Derived from ss: Fast One \ Lead Party \ Velvet \ The Heat \ The Dark. Film based on ss Fast One: Paramount, 1933, as Gambling Ship (scw: Max Marcin; dir: Marcin, Louis J. Gasnier) CAIRNS, CICELY. Pseudonym of CICELY ELIZABETH Cairns Fraser, 1914-1950. CALISHER, HORTENSE. 1911-2009. CAMERON, ELEANOR ELFORD The Curse of the Casa Del Monte. Correct to: The Curse of Casa del Monte. The Spider Stone. [Washington] The Young Widow. [train] CAMERON, (COURTNEY) OWEN. 1902-1960. CAMPION, CYRIL (THERON) Man About Town. [London] CAPASSO, AL(FRED ANTHONY). 1914-2008. CAPON, (HARRY) PAUL The Murder of Jacob Canansey. [England] CAPUTI, ANTHONY (FRANCIS). 1924-2008. CARDIFF, SARA. Rebecca Kavaler, 1920-2008. CARDONA-HINE, ALVARO. Born in Costa Rica; came to the U.S. in 1939. CAREW, JEAN. Jane (Irenita) Corby, 1891-1970. CAREW, RAYMOND. Frank Victor Hughes-Hallett, 1872-1921. CAREY, HELEN A. 1905(?)-1995(?). CARL, HAROLD. 1925-2007(?). CARLISLE, HENRY (COFFIN). Born and living in San Francisco; novelist and translator. CARLOVA, JOHN (E.). 1915-2000. CARPENTER, STEPHANIE. 1960- . Worked in public relations before a modeling career and freelancing for women’s magazines. CARRADI, LOU The Set-Up. [New York City] CARSON, SELWYN (JAMES). 1927-2003. CARSTARPHEN, FRANK E(LLICE). 1897-1951. CARTER, NICK Blood of the Falcon. (Possibly by Dennis Lynds, 1924-2005, q.v.) The Master Assassin. (Possibly by Dennis Lynds, 1925-2005, q.v.) CASTIER, JULES. 1889- . Born in Calais. CASTILLOU, HENRY. 1921-1994. CAVERLY, BARBARA A(NNE). 1927-2006. CAVNAR, SAM(UEL MELMON). 1925-2007. CELESTIN, JACK. Jack De Leon, 1902-1956. CHALONER, JOHN (SEYMOUR). 1924-2007. CHAMBERS, WHITMAN The Come-on. [California] CHANSLOR, ROY (EDWIN). Born in Liberty, Missouri; died in Los Angeles. CHANTOON, MABEL (MARY AGNES). 1872- . Birth name: Mary Mabel A. Cosgrove. CHAPERON, JOHN (E.). 1932-2006. CHARTERIS, LESLIE The Brighter Buccaneer. Note: Chartered pb reprint, 1946, omits ss The Appalling Politician \ The Owner’s Handicap \ The Unblemished Bootlegger \ The Unpopular Landlord. Featuring the Saint. Note: Bonded pb reprint, 1945, contains only ss The Impossible Crime and The National Debt. CHENEY, THEODORE A(LBERT) REES. 1928-2008. CHESBRO, GEORGE C(LARK). 1940-2008. (Show name thus.) CHETWYND, MRS. H. W. ca.1827-1901. Born in Scotland. CHITTY, LADY [HELEN MARY LATHAM CHITTY]. 1867-1932. CHRISTIE, AGATHA Murder in the Mews. Note: The Mercury pb reprint was published 1941 and contains ss The Incredible Theft \ Murder in the Mews \ Triangle at Rhodes. Murder Is Easy. TV movie: ITV, 2008 (scw: Stephen Churchett; dir: Hettie Macdonald) The Mysterious Mr. Quin. Note: The Bestseller pb reprint, 1940, omits ss The Bird with the Broken Wing \ The Man from the Sea \ The World’s End. Partners in Crime. Note: The Bestseller pb reprint, 1942, omits The Ambassador’s Boots \ The Case of the Missing Lady \ The Crackler \ The Gentleman Dressed in Newspaper \ The Man in the Mist \ The Red House \ The Sunningdale Mystery. A Pocketful of Rye. TV movie: ITV, 2008 (scw: Kevin Elyot; dir: Charles Palmer) Poirot Investigates. Note: The Bestseller pb reprint, 1943, omits The Case of the Missing Will and The Kidnapped Prime Minister. They Do It With Mirrors. TV movie: ITV, 2009 (scw: Paul Rutman; dir: Andy Wilson). Why Didn’t They Ask Evans. TV movie: ITV, 2009 (scw: Patrick Barlow; dir: Nicholas Renton) CHRISTIE, DONALD (DRAYTON). 1908-2001. CHRYSTIE, EDWARD M. ca.1882- . Born in Scotland. CHURCHER, W(ILLIAM) R(OY) M. 1883- . CLARK, CURT. Donald E(dwin) Westlake, 1933-2008. CLARK, DON L. Magy La Magnifica. [New York] Magy’s Back. [Argentina] CLAY, CHARLES. 1906-1980. CLINTON, EDWIN M. 1926-2006. Born in Los Angeles; died in Livingston, Wyoming. CLOUTIER, HELEN [HELEN M. HARGREAVES CLOUTIER SCHMOCK]. 1909-2002. CODY, JAMES P. Peter Thomas Rohrbach, 1926-2004. COE, JONATHAN Dwarves of Death. Film: WAVEpictures, 1999, as Five Seconds to Spare (scw & dir: Tom Connolly) COE, MARIAN. Marian Coe Zipperlin, 1921-2007. COE, TUCKER. Donald E(dwin) Westlake, 1933-2008. COLBY, NATHANIEL. 1936- . (Correcting birth date.) COLBY, TED. Nathaniel Colby, 1936- . (Correcting birth date.) COLEMAN, VERNON. 1946- . Deadline. Chilton Designs (England), 1994 [England, France] COLLIER, G. K. Pseudonym of G. K. Crawley. -The Gamester. Hale, 1994; St. Martin’s, 1994 [Rome, England, past] -The Golden Web. Hale, 1996 [England, past] COLLINS, CORNELIUS J. 1922-1999. COLLINS, JOHN. (Author of “Sheer Bluff”.) Pseudonym of Gerald Lenanton, 1896-1952. CONNORS, HILARY. Correct to: Hilary Connor. And correct co-author from Richard Bodino to: Richard H. Rodino, 1949-1990. CONRAD, BARNABY (JR.). (Adding the parenthetical information.) CONSTANDUROS, MABEL On the Run. [England] CONYERS, (MINNIE) DOROTHEA. SC: Sandy Acland (adding last name). COOK, ROBIN Bombe Surprise. [London] COOKE, G(EOFFREY) WALTER Death Can Wait! (Show title thus.) COOPER, M(ARY) E(LLEN). SC: Avisa Baglatoni, in title marked AB and subsequent novel(s). Key Deceptions. AB Murder at the Locksmith Convention. [Las Vegas] CORBETT, (WINFIELD) SCOTT. 1913-2006. CORBY, JANE (IRENITA). 1891-1970. COSSERY, ALBERT. 1913-2008. COULSON, FELICITY WINIFRED CARTER. John Hubert Arthur
Coulson, 1906-1989.
COVERT, ALICE LENT. 1913-1986. COX, CRAWFORD (B.). 1922-2008. COYLE, SIR A. DONAN. A(ndrw) Dewar Willock, ca.1889- . CRABTREE, SIMON. Birth name: Michael Bernhard Nathan. CRAIG, WILLIAM. 1929-1997. CRANE, ROBERT Strikeback! SC: Ben Corbin CRAWFORD, (WALLIE) WALLACE (BROWN). 1915- . Born in Glasgow; worked in prisoner welfare in UK prisons. (Correction of Addenda entry.) CRAWLEY, G. K. Pseudonym: G. K. Collier, q.v. CREESE, IRENE. 1912-1993. CROCKETT, ANTHONY (JOHN SINCLAIR) Toys of Desperation. [Spain] CROSS, NEIL Mr. In-Between. Show film as also released as: The Killing Kind CRUNDEN, ALLAN B. and ROBERT MORSE CRUNDEN. SC: Morris Dantzeff = MD. A Chicago Winter’s Tale. MD Roses and Forget-Me-Nots. Vantage, 1959. [Chicago, ca.1916] MD CUDAHY, SHEILA [SHEILA CUDAHY PELLEGRINI]. 1920-2001. CULLEN, ROBERT (B.) Heirs of the Fire. SC: Colin Burke CULVER, TIMOTHY J. Donald E(dwin) Westlake, 1933-2008. CUMBERLAND, MARTEN. This is either a pseudonym or an assumed legal name, as he was born Sydney Walter Marten. Attention! Saturnin Dax! (Show title thus.) CURTSINGER, E(UGENE) C(LEVELAND, JR.). 1924-2008. CUSHING, PAUL The Great Chin Episode. [England] DALE-HARRIS, ROSALIND MARGARET. 1931-2006. DALTON, JACKIE. Jacquelyn (Elizabeth) Troutman, 1928-2006. DAMIAN, PAUL. 1960- . (Correcting birth date.) Has a Ph.D. in Mathematics from Imperial College, London; has held faculty positions at Duke University, the University of Michigan, and the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas in Austin. DANE, JOEL Y. Pseudonym of Joseph Francis Delany, 1905- . (Spelling correction.) DAVIDSON, (MARIE) DIANE. 1924-2007. DAVIDSON, DIANE. Diane L. Bunker. 1933-2004. DAVIES, FREDA. 1937- . DAVIS, ELMER. 1890-1974. Nickname: Tech Davis, q.v. DAVIS, MILDRED (B.). 1923- . (Correcting birth date.) DAVIS, ROBERT P(RUNIER). 1929-2005. DAVIS, TECH. Nickname of Elmer Davis, 1890-1974, a reporter in New York. DAY, DORIS M(ARIA). A Will of Her Own. (1-act play.) DEAN. LYN. Winifred Selina Garrett, 1909-1978. DEAN, PHILIP. Philippe Deane Gigantes, 1923-2004. DE BREMONT, ANNA (DUNPHY). 1864-1922. DeCORMIER, LOUISE. Rebecca Kavaler, 1920-2008. DE FRAGA, GEOFF. A journalist. DE GROOT, J(ACOBUS) MORGAN. 1868-1932. Born in Sliedrecht, Netherlands; doctor of law; lived in England 1897-1932; died in Zeist, Netherlands. DE HAAS, ARLINE. 1900- . Pseudonym: Allan Duncan, q.v. DE HAMEL, HERBERT (GUSTAVE) [HERBERT GUSTAVE HAMEL]. 1880-1965. Many Thanks, Ben Hassett. Delete reference to Congreve edition. D’EKNA, VIRGINIA DE STRALE. 1891(?)-1947(?). DELANNOY, BURFORD. ca.1863- . DE LEON, JACK. 1902-1956. (Correcting birth date.) DELF, T(HOMAS) W(ILLIAM) H(ERBERT). 1847-1923. (Adding death date.) DELFOSSE, PIERRE. 1922- . DEMBO, SAMUEL. 1929-1966. DENIS, JOHN. SC: Mike Graham and Sabrina Carver = G&C (see also Alistair MacNeill and Hugh Miller). Alistair MacLean’s Air Force One Is Down. Correct to: Air Force One Is Down. G&C Alistair MacLean’s Hostage Tower. Correct to: Hostage Tower. G&C The Moscow Horse. Futura, 1978 Goliath. Fontana, 1987 DERBY, MARK. Pseudonym of Harry Perceval George Albert Wilcox, ca.1910- . Probably born in Scotland. DE ROUEN, REED (RANDOLPH). 1921-1986. DESMOND, HUGH. Add pseudonym: Elizabeth Fenton, q.v. DE TOLEDANO, RALPH. 1916-2007. DEUELL, JAN. Probably a pseudonym. SC: Gordon Darch and Doctor Jan = D&J. Murder Through Locked Doors and other stories. Llanelly Mercury (Wales), n.d. ss (all with D&J): The Case of the Castle Keep \ The Edinburgh Mail \ Murder Through Locked Doors \ The Spread-Eagled Man DIBB, C. E(MILY) Spotted Soldiers. [Zimbabwe] DICKINSON, (ASHLEY) WEED. ca.1890-1954. Born in St. Paul, Minnesota; graduate of Williams College; newspaperman for 40 years; survived by his widow, Nell Columbia Boyer Martin Dickinson, 1887- , who wrote as Columbia Boyer, q.v. DICKSON, CARTER The Department of Queer Complaints. Note: The Bestseller pb reprint, 1942, omits ss Blind Man’s Hood. DICKSON, JACK. Scottish screenwriter. DILLON, CATHERINE Constantine Cay. [Bahama] DIXON, JEAN (CLARENCE). 1915-2005. DOLINSKY, MEYER. Pseudonym: Mike Dolinsky, q.v. DOLINSKY, MIKE. Pseudonym of Meyer Dolinsky, 1923-1984, q.v. DONALDSON, ROBERT (GORDON). 1919-1995. DOUGLAS, JOHN SCOTT. 1905-1979. Born John Francis Douglas, Jr., in Seattle, the son of a lawyer; died in Los Angeles. DOWDELL, DOROTHY (FLORENCE) KARNS. 1910-2007. DOWDLE, JOHN W(ESLEY, JR.). 1926-2008. DOWNING, RUPERT (MOUNTJOY). 1901-1989. Bless the Bed. Barker, 1956 DOWTY, AGLEN A. 1846-1906. Birth name: Artemas Aglen Dowty. DRESSLER, FRANK W. 1928- . DUFF, DOUGLAS V(ALDER). 1901-1978. DU MAURIER, DAPHNE Rebecca. TV movie: NBC, 1962 (scw: Ellen Violett; dir: Boris Sagal) DUNCAN, ALLAN. Pseudonym of Arline de Haas, 1900- . (Delete reference to Allan McNab.) DUNKERLEY, ERICA ISOBEL. 1890- . Born in Brentford, England. DUNLOP, MONA [MONA NAOMI ANNE HOCKING DUNLOP MESSER]. 1890-1966. See also: Anne Hocking, Mona Messer. The Guarded Trust. Ward, 1915 [England, France] DUNNE, MARY COLLINS. 1914-2008. DURING, STELLA M(ARIA). ca.1859-1933. Born in Wakefield, Yorkshire. EADES, MAUD L. ca.1879- . EADIE, ARLTON The Crimson Query. [England] EATON-BACK, BLANCHE C. E. ca.1856-1939. Died in Hove, Sussex. EDENFIELD, EARL E(DWARD), JR. 1931-2008. EDMONDS, I(VY) G(ORDON). 1917-2007. EDWARDS, JANE (CAMPBELL). 1932-2008. EHRLICH, JACK. 1930-2003. EICHLER, ALFRED Pipeline to Death. Add SC: Insp. Carl Knickman EKBERGH, IDA DIANA. 1874-1955. Born in Pennsylvania; died in California. ELIAS, ALBERT J. 1920-2007. ELKOFF, MARVIN. 1926-2008. ELLIOT, BRIAN. 1901-1991. -Leviathan’s Inch. Angus, 1946 [Australia] ELLIOTT, WILLIAM J(AMES) Kissed Corpse. [England] ELLIS, JULIE Evil at Hillcrest. [Canada] EMERY, (RUSSELL) GUY. 1909-1964. Born in Mohall, North Dakota; graduate of West Point. ENEBUSKE, SARAH FOLSOM. 1873- . Born Sarah Folsom McKean in Boston, Mass. ERNST, JIM. 1930-2006. EVANS, BOB [ROBERT JOHN EVANS, JR.] EYERLY, JEANNETTE (HYDE). 1908-2008. EYERS, JOHN. Pseudonym of Peter Eyers-Hill, 1939- . Other pseudonym: Peter Hill, q.v. EYERS-HILL, PETER. 1939- . Pseudonyms: John Eyers, Peter Hill, qq.v. Born in Newmarket, Suffolk, England; police officer in the U.K. 1956-1969; has lived in New Zealand since around 1980. FALCONER, LANOE. Pseudonym of Mary Elizabeth Hawker, 1848-1908. (Correcting Addenda entry.) FALK, LEE (HARRISON) The Island of Dogs. (by Warren J. Shanahan, 1926-1997.) FARMER, PHILIP JOSE. 1918-2009. FARR, JOHN. Jack Webb, 1916-2008. FARRAN, ROY (ALEXANDER). 1921-2006. FARROW, (WILLIAM) MORLEY. 1838-1877. FAST, JULIUS. 1919-2008. FEAGLES, ANITA MacRAE. 1927-2008. FENNO, JACK. Hortense Calisher, 1911-2009. FENTON, ELIZABETH. Pseudonym of Kathleen Lindsay, 1903-1973, q.v. Other pseudonyms: Hugh Desmond, Nigel Mackenzie, Mary Richmond, qq.v. FIEDLER, JEAN(NETTE FELDMAN). 1923-2003. (Correcting birth date.) FISHTER, J(ACOB) FRANZ. 1904-1964. Born in Johnstown, PA; died in Santa Clara, CA. FITZGERALD, G(ERALD) BERESFORD. ca. 1849- . (Correction for author of An Odd Career.) The Fatal Phial. Digby, 1898 FLETCHER, MARY MANN. 1918-2002. Born in New York City; died in Florida; writing teacher and author of over twenty romantic gothic novels and nurse romance novels. FLETCHER, NICK. (Show byline thus, deleting the initial R.) 1947- . Reporter, feature writer, and show business journalist turned freelance writer. SC: Max Slater in a story (marked MS) in title below and in subsequent novels. Escaping the Rain. ss: Bar Stool Hero \ Black Confetti \ Café Conquistador \ Cherry Cake \ A Date to Remember \ Deceptions of Truth \ Escaping the Rain \ Girl with a Gun \ Just a Hat and High Heels \ Justifiable Punishment \ Losing Lysette \ The Man Who Loved Dogs \ Miranda’s Letters \ Night of the Seagull \ Observing the Pool \ Playing the Ace (MS)\ The Recognition Shift \ Weekend with Pepe FLETCHER-ALLEN, EDGAR. Born in Hull, England, on 4/20/1886; was a student at Andover Theological Seminary, and also registered at Harvard Divinity School. FLOYD, C. J. SC: Col. Brendan D. Jackorowski, in both titles. Death Shipment. Charter, 1978 [WWII, Holland] Dirty Jack. Award, 1977 [WWII, Germany] FODEN, FREDERICK Denver Lil. (Deleting the dash.) [New York City] FOKKER, NICOLAS. 1908-1995. The Tamer. Show original Swedish title as: Dar Vaser Inga Rosor I Sagspanet. FOOTE, (ALBERT) HORTON (JR.). 1916-2009. FORD, LESLIE. Pseudonym of Fred(erick) Taylor, 1947- , q.v. FORESTER, E(LSPETH) LASCELLES (MACKENZIE). 1873-1931. FORREST, RICHARD (STOCKTON). 1932-2005. FORREST, WILMA Shadow Mansion. [Massachusetts, past] FORRESTER, STAN. 1931-2007. FOX, GEORGE (RICHARD). 1930-2000. FRANKAU, PAMELA. Diana (Joan) Raymond, 1916-2009. FRANKE, WOLFGANG E(GON). 1915-2007. FRASER, AUGUSTA ZELIA WEBB. 1858-1925. FRASER, CICELY ELIZABETH CAIRNS. 1914-1950. Pseudonym: Cicely Cairns, q.v. FREED, DONALD The Killing of R.F.K. (Novelized true crime.) FRIEDMAN, ROY. 1934-2006. FRIZELL, BERNARD. 1913-2006. Birth name: Bernard Frieszel. FROEDE, GORDON L(UDWIG). 1931-2008. FROST, FREDERICK Secret Agent No. 1. (Note: derived from ss: The Strange Villa \ The Little Father of Death \ The Scarred Back \ The Man in the Shroud.) Spy Meets Spy. (Note: Derived from ss: Treason Against a King \ The Gilded Box \ Wings Over Moscow \ The Downfall.) FULLER, (WALTER) DEAN. Show name thus. FURBER, DOUGLAS Just Another Murder. [London] FUTRELLE, JACQUES. Birth name: John Heath Futrelle. FYTTON, (CHARLES FARID BASSELLI) FRANCIS. 1928- . GALEA, CLIVE. 1933-2007. GARNETT, GRIFFIN T(AYLOR, JR.). 1914-2007. GARRETT, SUSAN M. Forever Knight: Intimations of Mortality. SC: Nick Knight GARRETT, WINIFRED SELINA. 1909-1978. GAYLE, B. Probably the pseudonym of Brenda Gayle Redmond (Harsey), 1948-1997. GELB, NORMAN. 1929- . Pseudonym: Amos Mallary, q.v. GERARD, MORICE. Add pseudonym: Charles Morice, q.v. GERSON, EVERETT WOLFE. 1927-1987. Pseudonym: Carson Wolfe, q.v. GERSTNER, NIKOLAE Dark Veil. [Edinburgh, Chicago] GIBSON, WALTER B(ROWN). See also: Helen Wells, 1910-1986. GIBSON-WATT, ANDREW (JAMES). 1925-2006. Admitted to practice as a barrister in 1952. GIGANTES, PHILIPPE DEANE.. 1923-2004. Birth name: Girassimos Theodoros Christodoulos Comninos-Svoronos-Gigantes. GILES, MERTON BARNETT. 1907-1953. A solicitor in New South Wales, Australia. GILMAN, JAMES. Joseph (Lee) Gilmore, 1929-2005. GILMORE, JOSEPH (LEE). 1929-2005. GINTY, E(LIZABETH) B(EALL). 1864-1949. Born in Wisconsin. GLASSMAN, MAXINE (H.). 1933- . GOLDIE, BERTHA (BARRE). Birth name: Bertha Hollis. GOLDIE, VALENTINE FRANCIS TAUBMAN. ca.1875- . Born in France. GOLDFLUSS, HOWARD E. 1924-2007. GOODCHILD, GEORGE The Square Deal. Show publication date as: 1933 GOODSPEED, DONALD. 1919-1990. GOODWIN, JOHN Helen of London. Add U.S. edition: Putnam, 1923, as by Sidney Gowing. (Deleting the dash.) GORDON, ETHEL (EDISON). 1915-2007. GORDON, GRANVILLE ARMYNE. 1856-1907. Warned Off. White, 1898 GOWING, SIDNEY -Held to Ransom. [England] (Adding the dash.) GRANDOWER, ELISSA. Hillary (Baldwin) Waugh, 1920-2008. GRANT, MAXWELL. See also: Helen Wells, 1910-1986. GRAVES, HILDAGARD BARMETTLER BUCKETTE. 1926- . Pseudonym: Mara Rostov, q.v. GRAY, DOROTHEA (JESSIE). 1921-2005. GRAY, HILARY. Dorothea (Jessie) Gray, 1921-2005. GRAYSON, RICHARD The Tartan Conspiracy. Delete here (moving to Richard Grindal entry). GREENE, E(LIZABETH FRANCES RUSSELL) PLUNKET. 1899-ca.1986. GREENHAM, G(EORGE) H(EPBURN). ca.1836-1910. Born in Austria of British parents; police officer who rose to chief inspector. GREENHOW, SURGEON-MAJOR H(ENRY) M(ARTINEAU). ca.1830-1912. Born in Newcastle upon Tyne; a surgeon in the Bengal Army. GREENWOOD, (THEODORE) EDWIN. 1895-1939. GREET, MRS. (DORA VICTOIRE). ca.1859- . Born Dora Victoire Graves in India; married theatrical manager William Greet in 1876. GREGORY, SEAN The Fifth Spy. Pearson pb, ca.1963 (Probable retitled reprint.) Spies Die at Dawn. Pearson pb, ca.1963 (Retitled reprint.) GRETTON, MARY STURGE. 1871-1961, Born May Gertrude Sturge in Gloucester. GRIBBLE, LEONARD (REGINALD). Byline also frequently: Leonard R. Gribble. Double Spy. Pearson pb, 1963 (Probable retitled reprint.) GRIFFITHS, ELLA. 1926-1990. GRINDAL, RICHARD The Tartan Conspiracy. Macmillan (London), 1992; St. Martin’s, 1994 [Edinburgh] GRISMAN, ARNOLD (ELLIS). 1920-2008. GROVE, FRED(ERICK HERRIDGE) Flame of the Osage. Pyramid, 1958; Chivers, 1998 [Oklahoma, 1920s] GRUPPE, HENRY (EMIL). 1929-2008. GUENTER, C. H. Karl-Heinz Gunther, 1924-2005. GUIGO, ERNEST PHILIP. 1907- . Probably born on Jersey, Channel Islands. GUINEE, W. B. -1901. Born in County Cork, Ireland; journalist and eminent literateur who for many years was a correspondent for Irish and London papers at the House of Commons in London, and known as “Old Parliamentary Hand.” GUINNESS, K(ATHERINE) D(ORIS). 1902(?)- . Birth name: Katherine Doris Smith-Ryland. GULYASHKI, ANDREI. 1914-1995. GUNTHER, KARL-HEINZ. 1924-2005. GUSTAFSON, CHARLES F. 1923-2007. HAGMAN, BETTE (B.). 1922-2007. HAKE, A(LFRED) EGMONT. 1849-1916. Born in Bury St. Edmunds in Suffolk. HALL, JAMES BYRON. 1918-2008. HALL, STUART. Pseudonym of Robert L. Taylor. HAMILTON, PAMELA. Erica Isobel Dunkerley, 1890- . HAMMETT, (SAMUEL) DASHIELL The Dain Curse. Show first British edition as: Knopf (London), 1930 (Correction.) HAMMOND, GERALD (ARTHUR DOUGLAS) Adverse Report. Add SC: Simon Parbitter Stray Shot. Add SC: Simon Parbitter Thin Air. Add SC: Simon Parbitter HAMPSHIRE, A(RTHUR) C(ECIL). 1903-1983. HANNA, EDWARD B. 1935-2008. HANSHEW, HAZEL PHILLIPS [HAZEL PHILLIPS HANSHEW HACKNEY]. 1889-1966. HANSHEW, MARY E(LIZA). 1852-1927. Born Mary Eliza Burnett in Madrid Bend, Tennessee. HARDIE, D(AVID) W(ILLIAM) F(ERGUSON). 1906-2001(?). HARMAN, NEAL. 1907- . HARRAGAN, STEVE. SC: Steve Harragan in all titles except The Shayne Dame. The Bigamy Kiss. (British original title: Hedy–Like Wine.) Carney’s Burlesque. (Probably a rewrite of a novel published in England as by Ray Stahl.) (Correction.) Dope Doll. (Probable British original title: Champagne and Choppers.) Side-Show Girl. (Possible British original title: Ten Grand Story.) Smuggled Sin. (British original title: Phone for a Hearse.) HARRISON, CHIP Chip Harrison Scores Again. Delete reference to GM edition, and show first publication as by Lawrence Block in: Introducing Chip Harrison: Two Novels: No Score and Chip Harrison Scores Again. Foul Play, 1984 Make Out with Murder. Also published as by Lawrence Block: Signet, 1997 No Score. Delete reference to GM edition, and show first publication as by Lawrence Block in: Introducing Chip Harrison: Two Novels: No Score and Chip Harrison Scores Again. Foul Play, 1984 Topless Tulip Caper. Also published as by Lawrence Block: Signet, 1998 HART, FRANCES (NEWBOLD) NOYES The Bellamy Trial. Play version, with Frank E(llice) Carstarphen, 1897-1951. (Adding co-author middle name and dates.) HARTENFELS, JEROME. 1934-1973. HASSLER, JON (FRANCIS). 1933-2008. HATHAWAY-NAYNE, ANNE These Our Revels. SC: Nick Knight HATVARY, GEORGE EGON. 1921-2008. HAWKE, SIMON The Last Wizard. Add [New York City, Washington D.C., Southwest U.S.] The Wizard of 4th St. Add [New England] The Wizard of Lovecraft’s Café. Add [New York City] The Wizard of Rue Morgue. Add [France] HAWKER, MARY ELIZABETH. 1848-1908. Pseudonym: Lanoe Falconer, q.v. HAWKER, MORWENNA PAULINE. Delete entry (in Addenda). HAWTREY, (PHYLLIS) VALENTINA. 1877- . Born in Buckinghamshire. HEARD, ADRIAN (CHARLES). 1890- . Born in Essex. HECHT, BEN Stories from A Thousand and One Afternoons in New York. Avon, 1945 ss (taken from A Thousand and One Afternoons in New York, q.v.): Afternoon of an Author \ An Apple Blossom Falls \ Ballad of Dead Reporters \ The Bewitched Tailor \ Echoes from a Rubbish-Heap \ Evening in Ermine \ Feast of the Bums \ Four Rabbis Speak \ Go, Scholar-Gypsy! \ Good-by to an Old Man \ “Hand Me My Sword” \ Hitler’s Lost Cause \ How Do You Do? \ I Want to Go Home \ A Maverick from Movie Land \ Miracle on WHN \ Mishkin’s Soul of Man \ Murder in Broome Street \ My Tribe Is Called Israel \ No Casting \ Nude on Rocks \ Obit for Nobody \ Open Letter to Mr. Churchill \ A Paganini of the Gutter \ A Poet Out of Yesterday \ Poor People \ Tale of a Midget \ Three Without a Story \ Wreath for a Little Girl HECKSTALL-SMITH, ANTHONY. 1904-1983. HEDDLE, ETHEL F(ORSTER) [MRS. WILLIAM MARSHALL]. ca.1863-1942. Born in St. Andrews, Fifeshire, Scotland. HEILGERS, LOUISE (HELENE HENRIETTE). 1882- . HERBERT, ALBERT (EDWARD, JR.). 1928-2008. HEPPS, S(ANFORD) ALAN. 1931-2008. HERRING, PAUL (AUGUSTUS G.) 1870-1938. Author and journalist. HERVEY, MICHAEL. 1914-1978(?). (Correcting birth date.) The Case of the Missing Hand. [London] Correct title of additional story to: Initiation to Murder (set in Chicago). Correct publication date to: 1946 -Travel the Hard Way. [ship] (Adding the dash.) HICHENS, ROBERT (SMYTHE) The Paradine Case. TV movie: NBC, 1962 (scw: Bo Goldman; dir: Alex March) HILARY, RICHARD. Correct co-author Hilary Connors to: Hilary Connor. Correct other co-author Richard Bodino to: Richard H. Rodino, 1949-1990. HILL, HEADON The Jesmond Mystery. [England] HILL, PETER. Pseudonym of Peter Eyers-Hill, 1939- . Other pseudonym: John Eyers, q.v. HILLS, IDA. 1920- . (Correcting birth date.) HILTON, HOWARD (HOYT, JR.). 1926-2008. HODGES, (DR.) A(RTHUR) NOEL. 1884-1936. Studied medicine at Cambridge University and the London Hospital; house physician at the London Hospital and house surgeon at the East Suffolk Hospital, Ipswich. HOFFECKER, DOUGLAS MEADE. 1883- . Born in Wilmington, Delaware; graduated from Yale in 1905; attended University of Denver Law School. HOHL, JOAN (M.). 1935- . HOLDEN, ANNE (JACQUELINE). Born in New Zealand; qualified in law, then lived in Washington D.C. and London, teaching at various schools; apparently now living again in New Zealand. HOLDEN, JOANNE. Jane (Irenita) Corby, 1891-1970. HOLMES, NANCY. 1921-2007. HOLT, E. CARLTON. Ernest Philip Guigo, 1907- . HOLT, SAMUEL. Donald E(dwin) Westlake, 1933-2008. HOUCHEN, MRS. MARY A(NN) [MRS. ALBERT HOUCHEN]. 1867- . Born in Staffordshire. HOUGH, CHARLOTTE [HELEN CHARLOTTE WOODYADD HOUGH ACKROYD]. 1924-2008. HOUY, JULIE. 1917-2008. HOWE, RUSSELL WARREN. 1925-2008. HUDIBURG, EDWARD Killers’ Game. (Correction.) HUFFMAN, MARLYS (BRADLEY). 1930-2006. HUGHES, BEATRIX. 1887(?)-1943. Possibly Mrs. Constantine Trent Champion de Crespigny. HUGHES-HALLETT, FRANK VICTOR. 1872-1921. Captain in the British Army; descendant of one of the Bounty mutineers. HURD, FLORENCE (SCHNITZER). 1918-2008. HURRY, ALFRED. 1869- . Born in London; author and journalist. HURWOOD, BERNHARDT J(ACKSON). Pseudonym: Mallory T. Knight, q.v. HUTCHESON, J(OHN) C(ONROY). ca.1841-1897. Born on Jersey, Channel Islands. Author and journalist. HYMAN, ANN (D.). 1936-2008. INGRAM, GRACE. Pseudonym of Doris Sutcliffe Adams. INMAN, ROBERT (ANTHONY). 1931-2006. IRISH, WILLIAM I Wouldn’t Be in Your Shoes. Mercury pb, 1944 ss: I Wouldn’t Be in Your Shoes \ Last Night JACOBS, T(HOMAS) C(URTIS) H(ICKS) Espionage. Pearson pb, 1963 (Probable retitled reprint.) Tattoo Treachery; see The Tattooed Man The Tattooed Man. Also probably reprinted as: Tattoo Treachery. Pearson pb, ca.1963 JAMES, GERTIE DE S. WENTWORTH. 1874-1933. Born Gertrude Soilleux Webster in London; married Herbert Wentworth James, a journalist. JAMES, R. FRANCIS. James Francis Rabbitt, 1903-1955. JANEWAY, HARRIET. George Harold Bennett, 1930-2004. JANIFER, LAURENCE M. Impossible? Belmont pb, 1968 ss (at least that marked * is criminous): Charley De Milo \ \ *Elementary, with Michael Kurland \ Expatriate \ Fire Sale \ In the Bag \ Lost in Translation \ Love Story \ The Man Who Played to Lose \ Obey That Impulse \ The Question, with Donald E. Westlake \ Replace the Horse \ Sight Gag \ Sword of Flowers \ Wizard JELLEY, SYMMES M. 1855- . Born in Rising Sun, Indiana; later living in Chicago. JOERDEN, MARGA(RET E.). 1900- . (Correcting birth date.) JONES, GODFREY ARCHARD. 1902-1986. Pseudonym: Godfrey Archard, q.v. JOOS, LAWRENCE J. 1924-2007. JORDAN, F(RANK) DORMER. 1881- . Born in London. JOSEPH, MICHAEL. Robert (Gordon) Donaldson, 1919-1995. KAVALER, REBECCA. 1920-2008. KAYNOR, RICHARD (S.). 1919-2007. KEINZLEY, FRANCES. 1922-2006. KELLY, MARTHA MOTT. Richard Wilson Webb, 1901-1970. KELLY, WILLIAM A. 1925- . KEMAL, YASHAR. Born Kemal Sadik Gokceli; a leading Turkish writer and outspoken intellectual. KEMP, ROBERT. 1908-1967. KENNY, PAUL. Gaston Van den Panhuyse, 1913-1981. KENRICK, DOUGLS M(OORE). 1912-1998. (Correcting death date.) KING, R(ODERIC NOEL) RALEIGH. 1893- . Gilbert the Ghost. [England] KING, RUFUS (FREDERICK) Diagnosis: Murder. Note: Reprint by Century pb, n.d., omits The Case of the Radiant Refugee. KINGSLEY, MARY ST. LEGER. 1852-1931. Pseudonym: Lucas Malet, q.v. KIRCHHEIMER, GLORIA. Rebecca Kavaler, 1920-2008. KNIGHT, KATHRYN LASKY. SC: Calista Jacobs (spelling correction). KNIGHT, MALLORY. Pseudonym of Bernhardt J(ackson) Hurwood, 1926-1987, q.v. SC: Tim O’Shane (Man from T.O.M.C.A.T.), in all titles. -The Bra-Burner’s Brigade. Award pb, 1971 -The Dirty Rotten Depriving Ray. Award pb, 1967 -The Dozen Deadly Dragons of Joy. Award pb, 1967 -The Malignant Metaphysical Menace. Award pb, 1968 -The Million Missing Maidens. Award pb, 1967 -The Ominous Orgy. Award pb, 1969 -The Peking Pornographer. Award pb, 1969 -The Terrible Ten. Award pb, 1967 -Tsimmis in Tangier. Award pb, 1968 KUMMANN, WILLIAM. 1924-2008. LADOUX, (MAJOR) GEORGES (EMILE) The Kaiser’s Blonde Spy. [Europe, WWI] LANDER, HARRY (LONGLEY). ca.1837-1908. An artist. LANGLOIS, DORA.1865- . Born Dora Emily Fanny Knight; married Hippolyte Arthur Langlois, an actor. LANSING, ELIZABETH CARLETON HUBBARD. 1911-2002. LARTEGUY, JEAN. Jean Pierre Lucien Osty, 1920- . (Correction of real name.) LASHER, H(ENRY) L. 1924-1992. Was a lieutenant in the San Francisco Police Department. Cop Out. Belmont pb, 1978 LAUREN, BILL -Blonde Danger. Show as pb [California] LAZARUS, LEON. 1917-2008. LEA, G(EORGE) F(RANCIS) PERCIVALE. 1901- . (Correcting birth date.) LEA, HUGH The Mine of Ill Omen. [England] LE JEMLYS. Symmes M. Jelley, 1855- . LELOUCHE, ANTOINE. Delete entry (book not criminous). LENANTON, GERALD. 1896-1952. Pseudonym: John Collins, q.v. LENARD, LLOYD E(DGAR). 1922-2008. LEONARD, HUGH. John Keyes Byrne, 1926-2009. LEONARD, PHYLLIS G(RUBBS). 1924-2007. LETHBRIDGE, SYBIL CAMPBELL. 1873-1945. Birth name: Sybil MacGregor Campbell Allen. LEVINE, MURRAY. 1920- . (Correcting birth date.) LEVY, BARBARA. 1921-2005. LEWIS, (HARRY) SINCLAIR Seven Selected Short Stories. Avon, 1943 ss (taken from Selected Short Stories, q.v.): The Ghost Patrol \ Go East, Young Man \ The Hack Driver \ A Letter from the Queen \ Moths in the Arc Light \ The Widow Walk \ Young Man Axelrod LIBERT, JEAN. Gaston Van den Panhuyse, 1913-1981. LILLEY, AUNE ESTHER (KOSKENMAKI). 1909-1994. LINDSAY, H(AROLD) A(RTHUR). 1900-1969. Born in Adelaide, Australia. And Gifts Misspent. Hale, 1964 [Australia] LINDSAY, KATHLEEN. Add pseudonym: Elizabeth Fenton, q.v. LINKLETTER, EVE [EVE IRENE LINKLETTER MAKAGAN]. 1918-1999. LIVINGSTON, CAROLYN. Julie Houy, 1917-2008. LOBSENZ, IRVING LOUIS. Changed his name to R. Kent London, and later to Rusty Kent London; he is a millionaire financial consultant who maintains bank accounts in Switzerland and Liechtenstein; he earlier trained as a pediatrician and worked as an executive for a waterbed company. LOCKS, WALTER A(LEXANDER). 1867-1940. Born in Boston, Lincolnshire, England. LOGAN, CAROLYNNE (CHITWOOD). Malcolm (Roderick) Logan, 1901-1961. LOGAN, MALCOLM (RODERICK). 1901-1961. LONGSTAFF, W(ILLIAM) LUTHER. 1869- . Born in Sunderland, England; chemist and author. LORAC, E. C. R. Shroud of Darkness. [London] LORIMER, GRAEME. Sarah (Moss) Lorimer, 1906-2000. LORIMER, SARAH (MOSS). 1906-2000. Born in a suburb of Philadelphia. LOURIE, DONOLD KING. 1926-2008. LOVESEY, PETER (HARMER) On the Edge. TV movie: ITV, 2002, as Dead Gorgeous (scw: Andrew Payne; dir: Sarah Harding) LUNGE, FRED(ERICK) G(EORGE). 1873-1952. Born in South Shields, England; died in Los Angeles. LYNER, PETER EDWARD. 1942- . Pseudonym: Peter Warden, q.v. McALLISTER, AMANDA. Dorothy (Florence) Karns Dowdell, 1910-2007. McCARTY, EDWARD CLAYTON. 1901-1985(?). McDONALD, ALICE (J.). 1927-1997. MacDONALD, RONALD. 1861-1933. (Correcting birth date.) Born in Middlesex, England. McDOWELL, EDWIN (STEWART). 1935-2007. McFATHER, (ERMA WY)NELLE. 1935-2008. MACKENZIE, NIGEL. Add pseudonym: Elizabeth Fenton, q.v. McKINLEY, F(RANCES) BURKS. 1907-1983(?). McKNIGHT, BOB Running Scared. [St. Petersburg, Florida] Delete SC Nathan Hawk McNAB, ALLAN. Delete entry. MacPHERSON, MALCOLM (COOK). 1943-2009. MacRAE, TRAVIS. Anita MacRae Feagles, 1925-2008. MADDEN, ANNE WAKEFIELD Edge of Danger. Hurst, 1976 [past] MALET, LUCAS. Pseudonym of Mary St. Leger Kingsley (Harrison), 1852-1931. The Score. Murray, 1909; Dutton, 1909 Novelets (criminous = *): *Miserere Nobis \ Out in the Open MALLANDAINE, CATHERINE E(MMA SMITH). 1859-1925. MALLARY, AMOS. Pseudonym of Norman Gelb, 1929- . Ref: CA. MALOY, RICHARD EDSON New Sand for the Hourglass. (Title correction: deleting the “A”) MANNING, ARTHUR Tainted Money. [New Zealand] MARCUS, JERRY. 1940- . (Correcting birth date.) MARINER-SCARRITT, ELIZABETH. 1857-1942. MARK, GEOFFREY The Veils of Fear. [Middle East] MARR-JOHNSON, DIANA. 1908-2007. MARRIOTT, H(ERBERT) P(HILIP) FITZGERALD. 1866- . MARSHALL, MARGARET MOOERS Murder Without Morals. [New Hampshire] (Setting correction.) Mystery of the Brampton Road. (Actually published?) MARTEL, AIMEE. Joint pseudonym of Aimee (Salsedo) Thurlo, 1951- , q.v., and (Harry) David Thurlo, 1949- . Secrets Not Shared. Leisure, 1981 MARTIN, (MRS.) ARMALA (ARTER). ca.1837- . Born in Illinois. MARTIN, H(ECTOR) P(AULIN). ca.1906- . Probably born in British East Africa. MARTIN, LENA PRATHER. ca.1873- . Born in Kentucky. MARTYN, DON. Barbara Martyn Borbolla (Barbara Martyn Rodriguez de la Borbolla), 1917-1989. MASEL, PHILIP -In a Glass Prison. [Australia] MASON, A(LFRED) E(DWARD) W(OODLEY) Miranda of the Balcony. Macmillan (London & New York), 1899 MATHISON, VOLNEY G. 1897-1965. Born in Paducah, Texas; died in Los Angeles; radio operator aboard various merchant vessels; author and inventor–invented what is known as an “electropsychometer “ or “e-meter”, later modified and used in scientology. MAUDUIT, FRANK. Probably Frank Rowley Metcalfe Chas de Rettich Mauduit, 1862- , who served in the Indian Army, 1880s-1912. MAUGHAM, W(ILLIAM) SOMERSET Ah King. Note: The Avon pb reprint, 1944, as Ah King and Other Romance Stories of the Tropics, omits ss Neil MacAdam. The Mixture As Before. Note: The Avon pb reprint, 1947, as (Great) Stories of Love and Intrigue, omits ss The Lotus Eaters \ The Three Fat Women of Antibes \ The Voice of the Turtle. MEARS, A(MELIA) GARLAND. ca.1843- . Born in County Kilkenny, Ireland. MENKES, JOHN (HANS). 1928-2008. METCALFE, ROBERT. 1920-2002(?). METZ, FREDA VIRGINIA. 1891- . Born in Illinois. MEYNELL, MARY Week-End at Green Trees. [England] MICHELSON, HELGI. 1921-2008. MILES, DORIEN KLEIN. 1915-2008. MILES, SYLVIA. Dorien Klein Miles, 1915-2008. MILLER, BEULAH MONTGOMERY. 1902-1988. MILLER, HUGH. SC: Mike Graham and Sabrina Carver = G&C (see also Alistair MacNeill and John Denis). UNACO: Borrowed Time. Correct to: Borrowed Time. G&C UNACO: Prime Target. Correct to: Prime Target. G&C [London, Berlin, Morocco] MILLS, HUGH (MORTIMORE TRAVERS). 1907- . Born in Manchester. MILLS, ROBERT SCOURFIELD. 1863-1919. Pseudonym: Owen Rhoscomyl, q.v. MITCHELL, ADRIAN (CHRISTOPHER). 1932-2008. MITCHELL, CHARLES (SAMUEL). 1906-1990. MITCHELL, GLADYS (MAUDE WINIFRED) Death and the Maiden. Add U.S. edition: Rue Morgue pb, 2009 The Longer Bodies. Add U.S. edition: Rue Morgue pb, 2009 MITTON (SCOTT), G(ERALDINE) E(DITH). 1868-1955. Born in Auckland, Durham, England. MOCKLER, GRETCHEN (TRAVIS). Anita MacRae Feagles, 1927-2008. MOEN, JAN. 1933-1995. MONMOUTH, JACK. William Leonard Pember, 1895- . MOORE, CHRISTOPHER G(EORGE). 1952- . (Correcting birth date.) Cut Out. Alaso published as: Zero Hour at Phnom Penh. Heaven Lake pb (Bangkok), 2008 Spirit House. Add U.S. edition: Grove pb, 2008 Zero Hour at Phnom Penh; see Cut Out MOREAU, DAVID (MERLIN). 1927-2004. Ref: CA. MOREHOUSE, KATHLEEN (SALISBURY) MOORE. 1904-2002. MORGAN, MARYBETH. Peter Ronal, 1927- . MORICE, CHARLES. Pseudonym of John Jessop Teague, 1856-1929. Other pseudonym: Morice Gerard, q.v. Murray Murgatroyd, Journalist. Lawrence (London), 1898 MORRIS, PETER. Former British Army officer; an anesthetist. Leather. Book Guild, 1992 MORTIMER, JOHN (CLIFFORD). 1923-2009. MORTON, WILLIAM The Case of Caspar Gault. SC: Police Commissioner Kirker Cameron and Insp. Daniel “Biff” Corrigan [New York] MOUNCE, DAVID R. The Luger’s Eye, as by David Mounce. Operation Watchdog, as by David Mounce. MULARCHYK, SYLVA. (Correcting the first name.) Dorien Klein Miles, 1915-2008. MUNSLOW, BRUCE (JAMES). 1915-2006. MURPHY, JOHN The Gunrunners. Show British title as: The Gun-Runners NATHENSON, JOSEPH R(UTH). 1925-2006. NEVILLE, DEREK. 1911-1976. NEWTON, JOSEPH EMERSON. 1903-1974. Born in Dixon, Illinois; died in St. Petersburg, Florida. NICHOLAS, JEROME Deirdre. [Scotland] NICHOLSON, JOHN. Norman Howe Parcell, 1885- . NOY, JOHN The Vulture. [ship] OLDSEY, BERNARD (STANLEY). 1923-2008. OLLIVANT, ALFRED. 1874-1927. -The Gentleman. Murray, 1908 [ship] -One Woman. Allen & Unwin, 1912 ONIONS, OLIVER. Show that he changed his name legally to George Oliver Onions in 1918. OPENSHAW, G(EORGE?) H. Pseudonym: Dick Shaw, q.v. OSTY, LUCIEN PIERRE JEAN. Correct to: OSTY, JEAN PIERRE LUCIEN, 1920- . O’SULLIVAN, J(AMES) B(RENDAN) The Long Spoon. [U.S.] OXENHAM, JOHN God’s Prisoner. Hurst, 1898; Holt, 1899 PALLISER, IRIS ELAINE. 1894-1969. Born Iris Elaine Bickford in the Transvaal, South Africa; married Wray Frederick Cecil Bury Palliser in 1915; subsequently divorced; died in Cornwall. PANTING, J(AMES) HARWOOD. 1854- . Born in London. PAPICH, MARGERY W(ILDING). 1918-2008. Attended Northwestern University; later editor of Fawcett Publications in New York; widow of a retired FBI agent; came to Albuquerque, New Mexico, in 1972 and died there. PARCELL, NORMAN HOWE. 1885- . Born in Pembrokeshire. PARKER, BARBARA (J.). 1947-2009. PARMER, CHARLES (BROWER). 1897-1958. Born in Nashville, Tennessee. PATRICK, Q. Richard Wilson Webb, 1901-1970. PEDERSEN, LLOYD (RAYMOND). 1908-2007. PEMBER, WILLIAM LEONARD. 1895- . Born in Monmouthshire. PEMBERTON, MAX JOSEPH. 1885- . Born in London. PERRAULT, GILLES. Pseudonym of Jacques Peyroles, 1931- . PERRY, V(ERONICA) M(ARGARET). 1913-2008. PETERSEN, HERMAN. 1893-1973. Born in Utica, N.Y.; writer for the pulps; worked for Utica newspapers, was a postmaster in Poolville, N.Y. PETERSON, MARGARET Moonflowers. [Uganda] PEVERETT, ALLAN (DOUGLAS). ca.1904- . A colonial civil servant. PEYROLES, JACQUES. 1931- . Pseudonym: Gilles Perrault, q.v. PINK, HAL. 1880- . Birth name: Percival Pink. (Corrections.) PINTER, HAROLD. 1930-2008. PLATT, DAVID. 1930- . Graduate of Colgate; retired advertising executive. PORTER, DOROTHY (FEATHERSTONE). 1954-2008. POTTER, CHERYL. 1953- . Born in Leicester, England; teacher of mathematics and physics. POTTER, DAN(IEL SCOTT). 1932-2006. POWELL, JOHN D(AVID). 1923- . Born in New Zealand. POWELL, TALMAGE Man-Killer. [North Carolina] PURDY, JAMES (AMOS). 1923 (or 1914)-2009. QUENTIN, PATRICK. Richard Wilson Webb, 1901-1970. RABBITT, JAMES FRANCIS. 1903-1955. RACINA, THOM. Pseudonym of Thomas Frank Raucina, 1946- . Ref: CA. RAMSAY, R(INA). ca.1890- . Born in Scotland. RANDALL, ANTHONY A(SHETON). 1923-2006. RAUCINA, THOMAS FRANK. 1946- . Pseudonym: Thom Racina, q.v. RAWSON, (ALICE) MAUD (FIFE) STEPNEY. 1865- . Lived in Berkshire after 1891. RAY, RENE. Irene Creese, 1912-1993. RAYMOND, DIANA (JOAN). 1916-2009. RECKITT, B(ASIL) N(ORMAN). 1905-2005. REDMOND, BRENDA GAYLE [BRENDA GAYLE REDMOND HARSEY]. 1948-1997. Probable pseudonym: B. Gayle, q.v. REYNOLDS, MRS. BAILLIE A Doubtful Character. [Europe] REZVANI, (SERGE). Painter and writer, born in Iran; living in Paris. RHOSCOMYL, OWEN. Pseudonym of Robert Scourfield Mills, 1863-1919. The Shrouded Face. Pearson (London), 1898 [Wales, ca.1500] RICE, SUZANNE. Pseudonym: Kathleen Shepard, q.v. RICHMOND, MARY. Add pseudonym: Elizabeth Fenton, q.v. RICKETT, FRANCES. 1921-2008. RIDGWAY, ATHELSTAN. 1879- . RIDGWAY, J(OHN) ROBERT. 1921-1997. RITCHIE, BARBARA (JEAN B.) LOGIE. Born in Ireland, ca.1861. ROBERTS, (WILLIAM) SWITHIN. 1884- . -Peroo, and Spots. Macmillan (New Story Readers), 1939 (Two ss from Aly the Philosopher and other stories, q.v.) ROBSON, NORMAN (WINSTON?). 1917-1999(?). RODINO, RICHARD H. 1949-1990. Joint pseudonym with Hilary Connor: Richard Hilary, q.v. ROHDE, ROBERT H. 1889- . A reporter for the New York Tribune. ROHRBACH, PETER THOMAS. 1926-2004. ROMAN, NEVILLE H(ENRY). 1917-2007. RONAL, PETER. 1927- . ROOKSBY, DENIS (ARTHUR). 1908-1968. ROSE-SOLEY, AGNES. 1847-1938. -Manoupa. Digby, 1897 [Samoa] ROSS, CAMERON Villa Plot, Counterplot. [Spain] ROSS, MAJOR-GENERAL CHARLES The Fly-by-Nights. [England, future] ROSS, HELEN HALYBURTON The Silence of Jeremy Langton. [England] ROSSO, MARGUERITE -In the Coils of the Serpent. Drane (London), 1899 ROSTOV, MARA. Pseudonym of Hildagard Barmettler Buckette Graves, 1926- . (Correction.) ROUGVIE, CAMERON. ca.1923- . Born in Ottawa, Canada; has been “a sailor, soldier, journalist and salesman in several countries.” ROYAL, D. Nightstick. [New York City] RUNYON, (ALFRED) DAMON Ten Stories. Avon pb, 1945. Also published (with a story deleted) as: Three Wise Guys, q.v. ss (assembled from earlier collections): Broadway Complex \ Dark Dolores \ For a Pal \ It Comes Up Mud \ The Lemon Drop Kid \ Money from Home \ Pick the Winner \ Social Error \ The Three Wise Guys \ What, No Butler? RUSHTON, CHARLES Death and Dr. Deo. Pearson pb , ca.1963 (Probable retitled reprint.) RYAN, JAMES H(ERBERT). Delete death date. SABATINI, RAFAEL Stories of Love and Adventure. Avon pb, 1947 ss (from The Historical Nights’ Entertainment, q.v.): The Night of Hate \ The Night of Escape \ The Night of Kirk o’Field \ The Night of Masquerade \ The Night of Nuptials \ The Night of Stranglers \ The Night of Witchcraft ST. JOHN-LOE, GLADYS. 1892-1977. Born Gladys Evelyn Camp in Paddington, London. SALT, JONATHAN. Derek Neville, 1911-1976. SANDFORD, GEORGE Death Shot. Pearson pb, 1963 SC: Tim Royal Dope & Danger. Pearson pb, n.d. SC: Tim Royal Fear and Fury. Add publication date: 1964 Formula for Fear. Pearson pb, n.d. SC: Tim Royal The Hot Room. Pearson pb, 1963 SC: Tim Royal Island of Death. Pearson pb, 1964 SC: Tim Royal Master Plan. Add publication date: 1964 Men of the Shadows. Pearson pb, n.d. SC: Tim Royal The Past Comes Back. Pearson pb, 1963 SC: Tim Royal [Mediterranean Island] Sea Secret. Pearson pb, 1963 SC: Tim Royal Tim Royal Meets Big Boss Santazza. Pearson pb, 1963 SC: Tim Royal The Vanishing Men. Pearson pb, n.d. SC: Tim Royal SANG, BOB [ROBERT H. SANG]. 1925-2006. SANG, DUSTY. Bob Sang, 1925-2006. SAVA, GEORGE -Happiness Is Blind. Hale, 1987 The Killer Microbes. Hale, 1982 Punishment Deferred. Hale, 1966 -Sheilah of Buckleigh Manor. Hale, 1974 SAYERS, DOROTHY L(EIGH) Hangman’s Holiday. (Note: Bestseller pb, 1943, reprint omits ss Murder in the Morning and Sleuths on the Scent.) In the Teeth of the Evidence. Show the Bestseller reprint as published 1941. Lord Peter Views the Body. (Note: Bestseller pb, 1941, omits ss The Abominable Man with the Copper Fingers \ The Adventurous Exploit of the Cave of Ali Baba \ The Entertaining Episode of the Article in Question \ The Fascinating Problem of Uncle Meleager’s Will \ The Learned Adventure of the Dragon’s Head.) SCHACK, HOWARD H. 1926- . SCHIELE, PAUL E. 1924-2006. (Correcting the dates.) SCHONBERG, LEONARD. 1935-2008. SCHULTZ, LEONARD T. 1934- . SCOTT-CHARD, TREVOR EDWIN. 1912- . Born in Glamorgan, Wales. SECOR, WILLIAM (ROBERT). 1937-2008. SENTJURC, IGOR. 1927-1996. Pseudonym: Igor Von Percha.. Prayer for an Assassin. Show the Doubleday edition published as by Igor Von Percha. SEYMER, GERTRUDE CLAY KER [GERTRUDE CLAY KER-SEYMER]. 1842-1921. SHANAHAN, WARREN J. 1926-1997. SHANN, B(ASIL) V(INCENT). 1882- . SHARP, (WILLIAM) WILLOUGHBY. 1900-1956. Succeeded his father as a member of the New York Stock Exchange; lived in Bermuda 1931-1935; partner in publishing firm of Kendall & Sharp beginning in 1935; account executive of the Research Institute beginning in 1943. SHARPE, TOM -Blott on the Landscape. Secker, 1975; Vintage pb, 1984 Indecent Exposure. Secker, 1973; Atlantic Monthly, 1987 Riotous Assembly. Secker, 1971; Viking, 1971 -The Throwback. Secker, 1978; Vintage pb, 1984 SHAW, DICK. Pseudonym of G(eorge?) H. Openshaw. SHELTON, TONY. Pseudonym: E. L. Sloane, q.v. SHEPARD, KATHLEEN. Pseudonym of Suzanne Rice. SHOLL, ANNA McCLURE. 1868-1956. Born in Pennsylvania; died in New York City. SHUMSKY, ZENA FELDMAN. Delete. SIMMEL, JOHANNES MARIO. 1924-2009. SIMMONS, HERBERT (ALFRED). 1930-2008. SIMMONS, JOHN (GALBRAITH) Cried the Piper. [New York City] Lamplighter. Add [Mississippi, Memphis] Midnight Walking. [New York City] SIMMONS, MARGARET IRWIN. Elizabeth Carleton Hubbard Lansing, 1911-2002. The Disappearing Dolls. (Intended for younger readers.) SIMON, S. J. Simon Jasha Skidelsky, 1903-1948. (Correcting death date.) SIMPSON, BARBARA The Blue Cloak. Add [1760-1765] The Handyman. Show as pb [London, 1962-3] SIZEMORE, SUSAN Forever Knight: A Stirring Dust. SC: Nick Knight SKEDGELL, MARIAN (JAY). 1921-2007. SKIDELSKY, SIMON JASHA. 1903-1948. (Correcting death date.) SLOANE, E. L. Pseudonym of Tony Shelton. SMIFF, O. P. G. PHILANDER. Aglen A. Dowty, 1846-1906. SMITH, LAURENCE DWIGHT. -1952. SNOW, DOROTHEA J(OHNSTON). 1909-2007. SPEIGHT, BERNICE. 1918-2008. SPENCER, GEOFFREY. Alexander (Douglas Chesney) Wilson, 1893-1963. Add pseudonym: Gregory Wilson, q.v. SPERDUTI, DOMINICK ROCKE. 1918-2007. SPINNER, ALICE. Augusta Zelia Webb Fraser, 1858-1925. STACPOOLE, MARGARET (ANN ROBSON). 1870-1934. Wife of H(enry) DeVere Stacpoole, 1863-1951, q.v. STAGGE, JONATHAN. Richard Wilson Webb, 1901-1970. STARK, RICHARD. Donald E(dwin) Westlake, 1933-2008. STERNBERG, IRVING M. 1928- . STEVENSON, (JANET) TRAILL. 1889-1988. STITT, MILAN. 1941-2009. STORM, LESLEY Parting at Morning. Correct publication date to: 1939 STRUAN, FRANK Killer’s Gold. Pearson pb, 1963 (Retitled reprint of ?) STURROCK, (JAMES) DUDLEY. 1882- . Scriptwriter and playwright. SUTCLIFFE, HALLIWELL Shameless Wayne. Unwin (London), 1900 TATHAM, JULIE (CAMPBELL). See also: Helen Wells, 1910-1986. TAUNTON, W(INEFREDE) TRAFFORD. 1866- . See also: Winefrede Trafford-Taunton. Born Emily Winifred Hetherington in Hampshire. TAYLOR, FRED(ERICK). Pseudonym: Leslie Ford, q.v. TAYLOR, FREDERICK. Pseudonym: Leslie Ford, q.v. TAYLOR, H. BALDWIN. Hillary (Baldwin) Waugh, 1920-2008. TAYLOR, ROBERT L. Pseudonym: Stuart Hall, q.v. TEAGUE, JOHN JESSOP. Add pseudonym: Charles Morice, q.v. TEEPLE, DORI [DOROTHY B. TEEPLE]. 1923- . THORNHILL, GERALD H. The Golden Sceptre. [London] THORNTON, BETSY. Ref: CA. THURLO, AIMEE (SALSEDO). Joint pseudonym with (Harry) David Thurlo, 1949- : Aimee Martel, q.v. THURLO, (HARRY) DAVID. Joint pseudonym with Aimee (Salsedo) Thurlo, 1951- : Aimee Martel, q.v. TIGGES, JOHN (THOMAS). 1932-2008. TRAFFORD-TAUNTON, WINEFREDE. 1866- . See also: W(inefrede) Trafford Taunton. Born Emily Winifred Hetherington in Hampshire. TRAVERS, HUGH. Hugh (Mortimore Travers) Mills, 1907- . TRONSON, ROBERT (DU COUDRE). 1924-2008. TROUTMAN, JACQUELYN (ELIZABETH). 1928-2006. TRUAX, CARLTON W. 1924-2008. TUCKER, TERRY. Born on the Isle of Wight; married a Bermudian and made the island her home; author of books about Bermuda. UPDIKE, JOHN. 1932-2009. Ref: CA. Bech at Bay. Knopf, 1998; H. Hamilton, 1999 ss (criminous = *): Bech and the Bounty of Sweden \ Bech in Czech \ *Bech Noir \ Bech Pleads Guilty \ Bech Presides UPFIELD, ARTHUR W(ILLIAM) An Author Bites the Dust. Show the Angus edition as Angus (Sydney & London) The Beach of Atonement. Add U.S. edition: Wombat (Albany, N.Y.), 2007 The Bone Is Pointed. Show the Angus edition as Angus (Sydney); add British edition: Hamilton, 1939 Breakaway House. Show the Angus edition as Angus (Sydney), and date it 1987 Bushranger of the Skies. Show the Angus edition as Angus (Sydney); add British edition: Penguin pb, 1949, as No Footprints in the Bush Mr. Jelly’s Business. Show the Angus edition as Angus (Sydney); add British edition: Hamilton, 1938 The Mystery of Swordfish Reef. Show the Angus edition as Angus (Sydney); add British edition: Heinemann, 1960 Winds of Evil. Show the Angus edition as Angus (Sydney); add British edition: Hamilton, 1939 Wings Above the Diamantina. Show the Angus edition as Angus (Sydney) VANDENPANHUISE, GASTON. Correct to: VAN DEN PANHUYSE, GASTON. 1913-1981. VANE, DEREK. Blanche C. E. Eaton-Back, ca.1856-1939. VERRON, ROBERT. V(eronica) M(argaret) Perry, 1913-2008. VERY, PIERRE In What Strange Land...? (Show title thus.) [France, 1920] (Translation of “Le Pays sans Etoiles”, Paris, 1945.) VON PERCHA, IGOR. Pseudonym of Igor Sentjurc, 1927-1996, q.v. (Correction.) WADDELL, C. C. You’re My Man! Move to Waddell, C(harles) C(arey) entry and delete this entry. WAGNER, GEOFFREY (ATHELING). 1920-2006. WAKE, EDITH Death and Mrs. Lovely. Show as pb [England, WWII] WALKER, HARRY. Hillary (Baldwin) Waugh, 1920-2008. WALLACE, (RICHARD HORATIO) EDGAR Flat 2. Show film title as: Flat Two Forty-Eight Short Stories. Film (based on ss “The Undisclosed Client”): Merton Park, 1964, as Who Was Maddox? (scw: Roger Marshall; dir: Geoffrey Nethercott) The Man at the Carlton. Show film title as: The Man at the Carlton Tower When the Gangs Came to London. Film: Merton Park, 1964, as The Verdict (scw: Arthur La Bern; dir: David Eady) WALLACE, MICHAEL. Michael Hervey, 1914-1978(?). (Correcting birth date.) WALLACE, ROBERT To Catch a Forger. SC: Essington Holt WALLER, LESLIE The Banker. Doubleday, 1963; Cassell, 1964 The Family. Putnam, 1968; Allen, 1969 [New York City] WARDEN, PETER. Pseudonym of Peter Edward Lyner, 1942- . WAUGH, HILLARY (BALDWIN). 1920-2008. WEATHERS, WINSTON. 1926-2007. WEBB, JACK. 1916-2008. WEBB, RICHARD WILSON. 1901-1970. (Corrections.) WEBER, F. STANLEY. Correct to: WEBBER, F. STANLEY WEBLING, PEGGY [MARGARET]. 1871-1947. WEIR, DONALD The Hot Seat. [U.S., U.K.] (Deleting the dash.) WELLS, HELEN The Brass Idol Mystery. (Actually written by Walter B. Gibson, 1897-1985, q.v.) The Secret of Magnolia Manor. (Actually written by Julie Tatham, 1908-1999, q.v.) WESTLAKE, DONALD E(DWIN). 1933-2008. Why Me. Show title thus, without question mark (film was Why Me?, with the question mark) WESTRIDGE, HAROLD. Pseudonym of Harold Avery, 1903-1972. WHARTON, MICHAEL. Birth name: Michael Bernhard Nathan. WHEELER, HUGH CALLINGHAM. Richard Wilson Webb, 1901-1970. WHITE, ETHEL LINA Some Must Watch. TV movie: NBC, 1961, as The Spiral Staircase (scw: Mel Dinelli; dir: Boris Sagal) WHITECHURCH, VICTOR L(ORENZO) The Dean and His Double; see The Dean and Jecinora The Dean and Jecinora. Also published as: The Dean and His Double. University of Chichester pb, 2007 WHITFIELD, RAOUL The Green Ice Murders. (Note: Derived from ss: Outside \ Red Smoke \ Green Ice \ Oval Face \ Killers’ Show.) WIGRAM, EIRENE. 1870-1928. WILCOX, HARRY PERCEVAL GEORGE ALBERT. ca.1910- . WILES, FRANK (J.). A doctor, living in South Africa, Director of the Medical Bureau for Occupational Diseases in Johannesburg. Hell of Make Believe. [Johannesburg] WILLIAMS, ALTA (MAE FUGATE). 1920-2007. WILLIAMS, MONA (GOODWYN). 1906-1991. WILLOCK, A(NDREW) DEWAR. ca.1889- . A seaman, both in Scotland. WILSON, ALEXANDER (DOUGLAS CHESNEY). 1893-1963. Add pseudonym: Gregory Wilson, q.v. WILSON, G(ERTRUDE) M(ARY) My Cousin Gary. No series character WILSON, GREGORY. Pseudonym of Alexander (Douglas Chesney) Wilson, 1893-1963, q.v. Other pseudonym: Geoffrey Spencer, q.v. WILSON, GUTHRIE (EDWARD MELVILLE). Educated at Victoria University College and Wellington Teachers’ College in New Zealand; taught at Marlborough College in Blenheim, New Zealand, Newington College, Sydney, Australia, and Scots College, Sydney; served as an officer in the New Zealand Division infantry in the Middle East and Italy during WWII. WINSTON, DAOMA -The Other Stranger. (Adding the dash.) [South] WOLFE, CARSON. Pseudonym of Everett Wolfe Gerson, 1927-1987. WOLFORD, SHIRLEY K. 1914-2008. WOODS, STOCKTON. Richard (Stockton) Forrest, 1932-2005. WOOLF, MARION W. Margery W(ilding) Papich, 1918-2008. WRAY, G. W. Delete (listed book is not criminous) WRAY, I. Pseudonym of Iris Elaine Bickford Palliser, 1894-1969. WRAY, J(AMES) JACKSON Will It Lift? The Story of a London Fog. Nisbet, 1888 [London] WRIGHT, JOHN. 1933-2008. WRIGHT, WADE. John Wright, 1933-2008. WYDRA, FRANK T(HOMAS). 1939-2008. YAMAMURA, MISA. 1934-1996. ZEIGER, (HENRY) ANTHONY. 1930-2006. ZIPPERLIN, MARIAN COE. 1921-2007. ZUROY, MICHAEL. 1918-2008. YOUR COMMENTS ARE WELCOME: Copyright © 2009 by
Allen J. Hubin.