ADAMS, LETA ZOE. 1900-1953. Correction of both dates. Author of a number of stories for the romance and western pulp magazines in the 1930s and 40s. Of five novels to her credit, two for Young Adults, one is a mystery included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. See below. The Mirror Murder. Phoenix Press, hc, 1937. Setting: Washington state. Leading characters: Elsa Kent and Sheriff Alex Boone. ![]() -Kane and Abel. TV movie [mini-series]: CBS, 1985 (scw: Robert W. Lenski; dir: Buzz Kulik) Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less. TV movie: USA, 1990 (scw: Sherman Yellen; dir: Clive Donner). [Archer’s first novel, said to have been inspired by his real-life experience of near-bankruptcy.] ![]() Alter Ego. Add TV movie: CBS, 1987, as Murder by the Book (scw: Michael Norell; dir; Mel Damski). Leading character: D. H. ‘Hank’ Mercer/Biff Deegan (Robert Hays). [A writer’s private eye creation appears to him as being real.] AUERBACH, JESSICA (LYNN) (née SCHWARTZ). 1947- . Born in New Jersey; married Joshua Auerback, 1969. Author of four novels, two of which are included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. See below. Catch Your Breath. Putnam, hc, 1996. Headline, UK, 1996. [A young mother is accused of abusing her chronically ill two-year-old son.] Sleep, Baby, Sleep. Putnam, hc, 1994. Headline, UK, 1994. Setting: Connecticut. Add TV movie: ABC, 1995 (scw: John Gray; dir: Armand Mastroianni). [A woman leaves her six-week-old baby girl unattended for five minutes.] Shown is the US paperback edition from Fawcett Crest. ![]() Blood-Red Death. [Midwest] The Case of the Advertised Murder. [Midwest] BARNS, GLENN M(ILLER) Lawyers Don’t Hang. [Northwest] BATTIN, B(RINTON) W(ARNER) Smithereens. TV movie: NBC, 1991, as Hell Hath No Fury (scw: Beau Bensink; dir; Thomas J. Wright) BAYER, WILLIAM Switch. TV movie: CBS, 1985, as Doubletake (scw: John Gay; dir: Jud Taylor) Wallflower. TV movie: CBS, 1994, as The Forget-Me-Not Murders (scw: Gerald DiPego; dir: Robert Iscove) BECK, K. K. Unwanted Attentions. TV movie: NBC, 1994, as Shadow of Obsession (scw: Ellen Weston; dir: Kevin Connor) BENFORD, TIMOTHY B(ARTHOLOMEW) Hitler’s Daughter. TV movie: USA, 1990 (scw: Sherman Gray, Christopher Canaan; dir: James A. Contner) BILLINGS, PATRICK. Pseudonym of Earl (Patrick) Murray, 1950-2003, q.v. Byline also: E. Patrick Murray, q.v. BISCHOFF, DAVID (FREDERICK) Alien Island. [future] BLANKENSHIP, WILLIAM D(OUGLAS) Brotherly Love. TV movie: CBS, 1985 (scw: Ernest Tidyman; dir: Jeff Bleckner) BOWMAN, JEANNE. Pseudonym of Peggy O’More Blocklinger, 1895-1970. Other pseudonym: Peggy O’More, q. v. (Correction of author real name.) BOWNE, ALAN. 1945-1989. -Beirut. Broadway Publishing, 1988 (Play.) TV movie: HOB, 1993, as Daybreak; also released as Bloodstream (scw & dir: Stephen Tolkin) BRADFORD, BARBARA TAYLOR Remember. TV movie: NBC, 1993 (scw: Mart Crowley, Shelley List, Jonathan Estrin, John Herzfeld; dir: Herzfeld) BRAGG, ROBERT CAMPBELL. 1918-1955. Pseudonym: N. R. De Mexico, q.v. BRANDNER, GARY -Walkers. TV movie: NBC, 1989, as From the Dead of Night (scw: Bill Bleich; dir: Paul Wendkos) BROWN, RITA MAE Rest in Pieces. TV movie: ABC, 1998, as Murder She Purred (scw: Jim Cox, Ann Lewis Hamilton; dir: Simon Wincer) BROWN, SANDRA French Silk. TV movie: ABC, 1994 (scw: Carol Monpere; dir: Noel Nosseck) BUCHANAN, EDNA Nobody Lives Forever. TV movie: ABC, 1998 (scw: Camilla Carr; dir: Paul Wendkos) BUCHANAN, JAMES DAVID The Prince of Malta. Show listed film as a TV movie: Showtime, 1993, as Curacao (same credits) BURKE, JONATHAN Four Stars for Danger. [Wales] (No SC) BURN, JOYCE The Rich Crimson Silk. [England] BUTLER, WILLIAM VIVIAN. SC: Howard & Wendy Barclay = B. Clampdown. B The Lie Witnesses. B Scare Power. B BYRNE, ROBERT Thrill. TV movie: NBC, 1996 (scw: Betty Goldberg; dir: Sam Pillsbury) CAIDIN, MARTIN Cyborg. TV movie (perhaps distantly based on the novel): NBC, 1989, as Bionic Showdown: The Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman (scw: Michael Sloan, Brock Choy; dir: Alan J. Levi) CALLAGHAN, MARY ROSE Emigrant Dreams. Poolbeg (Dublin), 1996. U.S. title: I Met a Man Who Wasn’t There CARR, JOHN DICKSON The Door to Doom and Other Detections. TV movie (based on play “Cabin B-13"): USA, 1992, as Treacherous Crossing (scw: Elisa Bell; dir: Tony Wharmby) CARTLAND, BARBARA -A Duel of Hearts. Rich, 1949; Pyramid, 1970. TV movie: TNT, 1992 (scw: Terence Feely; dir: John Hough) CARY, MORLAND. Hugh Edward Cary Nevill, 1907- . CAUNITZ, WILLIAM J. One Police Plaza. TV movie: CBS, 1986 (scw: Paul King; dir: Jerry Jameson) CHANCE, JOHN NEWTON The Man Behind Me. (No SC) CHANDLER, RAYMOND Poodle Springs. TV movie: HBO, 1998 (scw: Tom Stoppard; dir: Bob Rafelson) CHESHAM, HENRY Long Range Deserter. Hale, 1986 Saboteurs from the Sea. Hale, 1985 [Italy, 1940s] A Tide of Chariots. Hale, 1983 CHILD, NELLISE [NELLISE CHILD ROSENFELD]. ca.1911-1981. CLARK, MARY HIGGINS Remember Me. TV movie: CBS, 1995 (scw: Robert W. Lenski, Michael Norell; dir: Michael Switzer) CLARKE, WILLIAM JAMES. 1872-1910. COFFEY, BRIAN The Face of Fear. TV movie: CBS, 1990 (scw: Dean R. Koontz, Alan Jay Glueckman; dir: Farhad Mann) COLLIER, JANE. Pseudonym of Jane Jackson (Pollard), 1944- . (adding married name) COLLINS, LARRY Fall from Grace. TV movie: CBS, 1994 (scw: David Ambrose; dir: Waris Hussein) COLLISON, WILSON One Night with Nancy. Macaulay, 1933 COLTER, ELI(ZABETH) Rehearsal for the Funeral. [California] CONDE, NICHOLAS In the Deep Woods. Show film as TV movie: NBC, 1992 (same credits) CONWAY, PETER Nut Case. Add SC Insp. Cathy Weston COOK, THOMAS H. Evidence of Blood. TV movie: TMC, 1998 (scw: Dalene Young; dir: Andrew Mondsheim) COONEY, CAROLINE B. Rear-View Mirror. TV movie: NBC, 1984 (scw: Lorenzo Semple, Jr.; dir: Lou Antonio) COUGHLIN, PATRICIA -The Awakening. Silhouette (U.S. & U.K.), 1993. TV movie: CBS, 1995 (scw: Maria Taylor; dir: George Bloomfield) CRAWFORD, OLIVER The Execution. TV movie: NBC, 1985 (scw: William Wood, Oliver Crawford; dir: Paul Wendkos) CRAWFORD, R(OBERT) H(ERODATUS) E(UGENE). 1929- . SC: Harold J. Hudson and Betty Ruth Jordan, in both titles. Fifty/Fifty: The Misadventures of the Judge, the Jaguar and the Jordan Girl. Dobo, 1995 The Misadventures of the Witches Three. Green Jaguar, 1997 [Oregon] CROMARTY, NOEL The Blind Side. [London] DAHL, ROALD -Over to You. TV movie (based on ss “Beware of the Dog”): TNT, 1989, as Breaking Point (scw: Stanley R. Greenberg; dir: Peter Markle) DALEY, ROBERT (BLAKE) Hands of a Stranger. TV movie: NBC, 1987 (scw: Arthur Kopit; dir: Larr Elikann) DANIELS, NORMAN (A.) “The Magnetic Man.” SC: John Steed, Tara King (and add the quotation marks) “Moon Express.” SC: John Steed, Tara King (and add the quotation marks) [England] DAVIDSON, ANDREA Out of the Shadows. TV movie: Showtime, 1988 (scw: Michael J. Bird; dir: Willi Patterson) DAVIS, DOROTHY SALISBURY Where the Dark Streets Go. Correction: show the film as a TV movie: CBS, 1987 DAVY, COLIN (KAYSER). 1896-1971. DELLAR, H. J. Incident Closed. [England, WWII] DE MEXICO, N. R. Pseudonym of Robert Campbell Bragg, 1918-1955. (Correction.) Marijuana Girl. British title: Ravished Youth. Softcover Library, 1975 DENKER, HENRY Outrage. TV movie: CBS, 1986 (scw: Henry Denker; dir: Walter Grauman) DERSHOWITZ, ALAN The Advocate’s Devil. TV movie: ABC, 1997 (scw: Cyrus Nowrasteh, James Steven Sadwith; dir: Jeff Bleckner) DILLMAN, JOHN Unholy Matrimony. TV movie: CBS, 1988 (scw: John McGreevey; dir: Jerrold Freedman) DiPEGO, GERALD F(RANCIS) Keeper of the City. TV movie: Showtime, 1992 (scw: Gerald DiPego; dir: Bobby Roth) DONAVAN, JOHN The Case of the Plastic Man. [London] DORNER, MARJORIE Nightmare. Show film as TV movie: NBC, 1991, as Don’t Touch My Daughter (same credits) DOSTOEVSKI, FEDOR MIKHAILOVOCH Crime and Punishment. TV movie: NBC, 1998 (scw: David Stevens; dir: Joseph Sargent) DUNCAN, LOIS -Don’t Look Behind You. Delacorte, 1989; H. Hamilton, 1989. TV movie: Family, 1999 (scw: Tony Morphett, Bart Baker; dir: Davi d Winning) DUNNE, DOMINICK -An Inconvenient Woman. TV movie: ABC, 1991 (scw: John Pielmeier; dir: Larry Elikann) -The Two Mrs. Grenvilles. TV movie: NBC, 1987 (scw: Derek Marlowe; dir: John Erman) EARLY, JACK Donato and Daughter. Show film as TV movie: CBS, 1993 (same credits) ELLSWORTH, C. W. Pseudonym of J(ohn) W(inton) Heming, 1900-1953, q.v. Other pseudonyms: Wal King, Val Winton, qq.v. Blood. Wilkie (Australia), 1941 The Painted Web. Associated General (Australia), 1945 ELMAN, RICHARD (MARTIN) Taxi Driver. Bantam, 1976; Corgi, 1976 (Novelization of film: Columbia, 1976 (scw: Paul Schrader; dir: Martin Scorsese) ERNST, PAUL (FREDERICK) Short of Murder. [Midwest] ESSTMAN, BARBARA (née CULBERTSON). 1947- . Ref: CA. Add as a new author entry. Writing instructor at various institutions; author of two works of fiction, one of which appears below. The Other Anna. Harcourt, hc, 1993. Secker, UK, pb, 1993. TV movie: ABC, 1995, as Secrets (scw: Jerome Kass; dir: Jud Taylor) FERGUSON, MARGARET (ARIEL). 1904-1979. FIELDING, JOY (TEPPERMAN) See Jane Run. TV movie: ABC, 1995 (scw: Ellen Weston; dir: John Patterson) Tell Me No Secrets. TV movie: ABC, 1997 (scw: Warren Taylor; dir: Bobby Roth) FISH, ROBERT L(LOYD) Pursuit. TV movie: NBC, 1989, as Twist of Fate (scw: William Bast, Paul Huson; dir: Ian Sharp) FISHER, ALAN E(RNEST). Retired teacher. FLAHERTY, JOE Tin Wife. Simon, 1983 [NYC] TV movie: USA, 1998, as My Husband’s Secret Life (scw: Georgia Jeffries; dir: Graeme Clifford) FLANAGAN, JIM -The Crossing. Ballantine, 1983. TV movie: USA, 1989, as The Haunting of Sarah Hardy (scw: Thomas Baum; dir: Jerry London) FLETCHER, LUCILLE Sorry, Wrong Number. TV movie: USA, 1989 (scw: Ann Louise Bardach; dir: Tony Wharmby) FOOTE, SHELBY September September. TV movie: TNT, 1992, as Memphis (scw: Larry McMurtry, Cybill Shepherd, Susan Rhinehart; dir: Yves Simoneau) FORBES, BRYAN The Endless Game. TV movie: Showtime, 1990 (scw & dir: Bryan Forbes) FRIEDMAN, MICHAEL JAN Batman and Robin. SC: Batman FROEST, FRANK The Crime Club. Delete ss “A Detective’s Club” GADDIS, PEGGY Dr. Talbot. Arcadia, 1961; Linford pb, 1996. Also published as: Young Dr. Talbot. Berkley, 1963 [North Carolina] GAINES, ERNEST J. -A Lesson Before Dying. Knopf, 1993; Serpent’s Tail, 1998 [La., 1940s] TV movie: HBO, 1999 (scw: Ann Peacock; dir: Joseph Sargent) GARBO, NORMAN Spy. TV movie: USA, 1989 (scw & dir: Philip F. Messina) GARFORTH JOHN “The Floating Game.” (Adding quotation marks.) “Heil Harris.” (Adding quotation marks.) “The Laugh Was on Lazarus.” (Adding quotation marks.) “The Passing of Gloria Monday.” (Adding quotation marks.) GELLER, ELI Window Episode. [New York City] GILMAN, DOROTHY The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax. TV movie: CBS, 1999 (scw: Robert T. Megginson; dir: Anthony Shaw) GIOVANNI, PAUL The Crucifer of Blood. TV movie: TNT, 1991 (scw & dir: Fraser C. Heston) GOTTLIEB, SHERRY (MAUREEN GERSHON) Love Bite. TV movie: Lifetime, 1995, as Deadly Love (scw: Rob Gilmer; dir: Jorge Montesi) GOULD, NAT The Three Wagers. [Australia] GRAHAM, PEGGY Stone Walls. Linford pb, 2000 GRAHAM, WINSTON Greek Fire. [Greece] GREEN, GERALD. 1922-2006. Birth name: Gerald Greenberg. GREENBURG, DAN Love Kills. TV movie: ABC, 1997, as A Deadly Vision (scw: Dan Greenburg; dir: Bill L. Norton) GREENE, (HENRY) GRAHAM The Tenth Man. TV movie: CBS, 1988 (scw: Lee Langley; dir: Jack Gold) GREENFIELD, IRVING A. Tagget. TV movie: USA, 1991 (scw: Peter S. Fischer, Richard T. Heffron, Janis Diamond; dir: Heffron) GRIERSON, JANE. Pseudonym of Edward (Emberlin) Woodward, q.v. Windrack. Wright, 1936 HAASE, JOHN. 1923-2006. HARRIS, ROBERT (DENNIS) Fatherland. Correction: TV movie: HBO, 1994 (scw: Stanley Weiser, Ron Hutchinson; dir: Christopher Menaul) HARRIS, TIMOTHY (HYDE) Goodnight and Goodbye. TV movie: CBS, 1988, as Street of Dreams (scw: Bill Stratton; dir: William A. Graham) HARRIS-BURLAND, J. B. The Broken Law. Delete (not criminous) HART, CAROLYN G. Dead Man’s Island. TV movie: CBS, 1996 (scw: Peter S. Fischer; dir: Peter Hunt) HART, DIANA. Joint pseudonym of Diane L. Kirkle, 1944- , and Pamela Hart, 1949- , qq.v. Add as a new author entry. Bad Medicine. Linford, pb, 2000. Setting: Wyoming. [A female ranger at Yellowstone assists Reno Blackwolf, a full-blooded Shoshoni, when strange happenings end in murder.] ![]() HARVESTER, SIMON Lucifer at Sunset. [Turkey, Yugoslavia, Greece] Man About Town. [London] HEADLEY, A(LFRED) C(HARLES). 1909-1991. HEMING, J(OHN) W(INTON). Add pseudonym: C. W. Ellsworth, q.v. HEMINGWAY, ERNEST To Have and Have Not. TV movie: ABC, 1987, as Desperate (scw: Michael Braverman; dir: Peter Markle) HENRY, O. Heart of the West. TV movie (based on ss “The Caballero’s Way”): TNT, 1994, as The Cisco Kid (scw: Michael Kane, Luis Valdez; dir: Valdez) HENRY, SUE Murder on the Iditarod Trail. TV movie: CBS, 1996, as The Cold Heart of a Killer (scw: Mimi Rothman Shapiro, Bill Wells, Colley Cibber; dir: Paul Schneider) HIGHSMITH, PATRICIA Strangers on a Train. TV movie: CBS, 1996, as Once You Meet a Stranger (scw: Raymond Chandler, Czenzi Ormonde, Tommy Lee Wallace; dir: Wallace) HINXMAN, MARGARET The Corpse Now Arriving. [England] HITCHCOCK, JANE STANTON Trick of the Eye. TV movie: CBS, 1994 (scw: John Gay, Jim Wheat, Ken Wheat; dir: Ed Kaplan) HITCHCOCK, LYDIA. Pseudonym of Penny Halsall, 1946- . HOTCHNER, A(ARON) E(DWARD) The Man Who Lived at the Ritz. TV movie: Syndicated, 1988 (scw: Gordon Cotler; dir: Desmond Davis) INGALLS, RACHEL (HOLMES) The End of Tragedy. TV movie (based on title ss): TNT, 1991, as Dead on the Money (scw: Gavin Lambert; dir: Mark Cullingham) IRVING, CLIFFORD Trial. TV movie: NBC, 1992 (scw: John Gay; dir: Paul Wendkos) IZZI, EUGENE The Take. TV movie: USA, 1990 (scw: Edward Anhalt, Handel Glassberg; dir: Leon Ichaso) JACKSON, SHIRLEY (HARDIE) The Lottery. TV movie (based on ss “The Lottery”): NBC, 1996 (scw: Anthony Spinner; dir: Daniel Sackheim) JACOBS, CLAIRE RAINWATER Mother, May I Sleep with Danger? TV movie: NBC, 1996 (scw: Edmond Stevens; dir: Jorge Montesi) There Was a Little Boy. TV movie: CBS, 1993 (scw: Wesley Bishop; dir: Mimi Leder) JAFFE, RONA. 1932- . Ref: CA. -Mazes and Monsters. Delacorte, 1981; Hodder, 1982. TV movie: CBS, 1982 (scw: Tom Lazarus; dir: Steven Hilliard Stern) JAMES, PETER -Host. TV movie: ABC, 1998, as Virtual Obsession (scw: Preston Sturges, Jr., Mick Garris; dir: Garris) JOHNSON, ZOE Mourning After. Delete (not criminous) KAMINSKY, STUART M(ELVIN) When the Dark Man Calls. TV movie: USA, 1995 (scw: Pablo F. Fenjves; dir: Nathan Gutman) KATKOV, NORMAN Blood and Orchids. TV movie: CBS, 1986 (scw: Norman Katkov; dir: Jerry Thorpe) KATZ, WILLIAM (MICHAEL) Death Dreams. TV movie: Lifetime, 1991 (scw: Robert Glass; dir: Martin Donovan) KAYE, GILLIAN Heartbreak at Haversham. Hale, 1992 [England] Mystery at Melbeck. Linford pb, 1999 [England] KEELER, HARRY STEPHEN The Case of the Canny Killer. [Ohio] The Case of the Transposed Legs. [Midwest] The Case of the Two Strange Ladies. [Midwest] KELMAN, JUDITH Someone’s Watching. TV movie: NBC, 1993, as In the Shadows, Someone’s Watching (scw: Adam Greenman; dir: Richard Friedman) KING, WAL. Add pseudonym: C. W. Ellsworth, q.v. KINGSBURY, KAREN Deadly Pretender. TV movie: CBS, 1996, as Every Woman’s Dream (scw: Martin Davidson, Steven Schacter, William H. Macy; dir: Schacter) KIRKLE, DIANE L. 1944- . Joint pseudonym with Pamela Hart, 1949- : Diana Hart, q.v. Playwright, novelist, and medical writer; pioneer in electronic means of publishing. In the latter formats, she has also written mystery fiction as Diana Kirk. KNEBEL, FLETCHER Seven Days in May. Show 1995 film as a TV movie: HBO, 1994, as The Enemy Within (same credits) KONIGSBURG, E(LAINE) L(OBL). 1930- . Ref: CA. -Father’s Arcane Daughter. Atheneum, 1976; Macmillan (London), 1977 [Pittsburgh, 1952] TV movie: CBS, 1990, as Caroline? (scw: Michael de Guzman; dir: Joseph Sargent) KOONTZ, DEAN R(AY) Intensity. TV movie: Fox, 1997 (scw: Christopher Wickens; dir: Lawrence Gordon-Clark) KYTLE, RAY(MOND) Last Voyage. TV movie: CBS, 1980, as Desperate Voyage (scw: Alvin Sapinsky; dir: Michael O’Herlihy) LAING, PATRICK Murder from the Mind. [Pennsylvania] LAUMER, (JOHN) KEITH “The Afrit Affair.” SC: John Steed and Emma Peel (and add the quotation marks) “The Drowned Queen.” SC: John Steed and Tara King (and add the quotation marks) “The Gold Bomb.” SC: John Steed and Tara King (and add the quotation marks) LAURENSON, R(OBERT) M(ARK) The Case of the Six Bullets. [Illinois] LAWSON, JONELL -Roses Are for the Rich. Collins, 1985; Signet, 1986. TV movie: CBS, 1987 (scw: Judith Paige Mitchell; dir: Michael Miller) LEASOR, (THOMAS) JAMES Who Killed Sir Harry Oakes? TV movie: ABC, 1989, as Passion and Paradise (scw: Andrew Laskos; dir: Harvey Hart) LEONARD, ELMORE (JOHN, JR.) Pronto. Change film to TV movie and date to 1997 LEVINE, PAUL To Speak for the Dead. TV movie: Jake Lassiter: Justice on the Bayou (scw: David Israel; dir: Peter Markle) LINDQUIST, DONALD Berlin Tunnel 21. TV movie: CBS, 1981 (scw: John Gay; dir: Richard Michaels) LOCKE, D. M. Fatal Fragrance. [England] LORD, GABRIELLE (CRAIG) Fortress. TV movie: HBO, 1985 (scw: Everett De Roche; dir: Arch Nicholson) LUPICA, MIKE Dead Air. TV movie: CBS, 1989, as Money, Power, Murder (scw: Mike Lupica; dir: Lee Philips) LYMINGTON, JOHN -The Vale of Sad Banana. Hale, 1984 LYONS, ARTHUR Castles Burning. TV movie: Showtime, 1986, as Slow Burn (scw & dir: Matthew Chapman) MacARTHUR, D(AVID) WILSON. 1903-1981. McCLURE, JAMES (HOWE). 1939-2003. Four-and-Twenty Virgins. Add U.S. edition: Thorndike pb, 1990 [England] Imago. Delete (not criminous) McCONAUGHY, J. W. Madame X. The H. K. Fly Company, hc, 1910. Readers Library, UK, 1930. TV movie, based on the play by Alexandre Bisson which was never published in English and which McConaughy novelized: NBC, 1981 (scw: Edward Anhalt; dir: Robert Ellis Miller). Notes: The cover image shown is a Grosset & Dunlap photoplay edition issued in conjunction with a 1929 MGM film based on the play (previously included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV). The link in the title leads to an online version of the text. ![]() Mother’s Day. TV movie: ABC, 1997, as When Secrets Kill (scw: Ara Watson, Sam Blackwell; dir: Colin Bucksey) McFADDEN, G(ERTRUDE) V(IOLET). 1879- . McKEAG, ERNEST L(IONEL). 1896-1974. (Corrected death date) MacKNUTT, M. G. Death on the Cuff. [New York] MacNEILL, ALASTAIR (JOHN). SC: Mike Graham and Sabrina Carver = G&C (all titles based on stories/scenarios by Alistair MacLean, 1922-1987, q.v.) Code Breaker. G&C. Dead Halt. G&C Death Train. G&C TV movie: USA, 1993 (scw & dir: David S. Jackson) Night Watch. G&C TV movie: USA, 1995 (scw & dir: David S. Jackson) Red Alert. G&C Time of the Assassins. G&C MAHFUZ, NAJIB. 1911-2006. MAPPLE, (ADRIAN) NELSON (P.). 1896- . MARCH, WILLIAM The Bad Seed. TV movie: ABC, 1985 (scw: George Eckstein; dir: Paul Wendkos) MARGOLIN, PHILIP M(ICHAEL) The Last Innocent Man. TV movie: HBO, 1987 (scw: Dan Bronson; dir: Roger Spottiswoode) MARSHALL, BRUCE. British editions should be listed first (he was born in Scotland). MASKE, JOHN The Dinard Mystery. [France] MAUDE, F(REDERICK?) W(ILLIAM?). 1842(?)- . MERITT, PAUL. ca.1844-1895. METHLEY, ALICE A(UGUSTA). 1871- . MEYRICK, GORDON (HOLMES). 1909- . MEZRICH, BEN Reaper. Show TV movie (in Addenda #3) as titled Fatal Error MICHAELIS, ALAN (VICKERS). 1897-1953. MICHAELS, BARBARA The Crying Child. TV movie: USA, 1996 (scw: Rob Gilmer; dir: Robert Lewis) MILLAR, R(UBY) (ELLEN?). 1909(?)- . MINAHAN, JOHN The Great Diamond Robbery. TV movie: CBS, 1988, as The Diamond Trap (scw: David Peckinpah, John Minahan; dir: Don Taylor) MINCHIN, G(EORGE) R(OBERT) N(EVILLE). 1888- . MOLE, WILLIAM. Author W. A. Younger worked for MI5, so this pseudonym seems particularly apt. MONTESOLE, MAX. 1886- . MONKSHOOD, G. F. William James Clarke, 1872-1910. MORRELL, DAVID (BERNARD) The Brotherhood of the Rose. TV movie: NBC, 1989 (scw: Guy Waldron; dir: Marvin J. Chomsky) MORRIS, GWENDOLIN SUTHERLAND. 1895- . MORRISON, EMMELINE. 1878- . MORRISON, R(IDDELL) P(RESTON). 1883- . MORSE, L(ARRY) A(LAN) The Old Dick. TV movie: USA, 1989, as Jake Spanner, Private Eye (scw: Andrew J. Fenady; dir: Lee H. Katzin) MOUNMTENEY-JEPHSON, R(ICHARD). 1842-1906. MOWBRAY, JULIA. 1871- . MURPHY, GLORIA Simon Says. TV movie: CBS, 1996, as Summer of Fear (scw: John Gay; dir: Mike Robe) MURPHY, WARREN B(URTON) Dark Horse, with Richard Sapir. Pinnacle, 1992 SC: Remo Williams (The Destroyer) [California] (by Will Murray.) (This entry is in the print version of CFIV but not the CDROM version.) MURRAY, E(ARL) PATRICK. 1950-2003. Byline also: Earl Murray, q.v. Pseudonym: Patrick Billings, q.v. MURRAY, EARL (PATRICK). 1950-2003. Byline also: E. Patrick Murray. Pseudonym: Patrick Billings, q.v. MUSGROVE, CHARLES D(AVID). 1865- . NAISH, W(ILLIAM) PRIDEAUX. 1850- . NANCE, JOHN J. Medusa’s Child. TV movie: ABC, 1997 (scw: Ellen Weston; dir: Larry Shaw) NEALL, RICHARD. 1899(?)- . NEIDERMAN, ANDREW Perfect Little Angels. TV movie: Family, 1998 (scw: Bart Baker; dir: Timothy Bond) NEILD, TOM. 1905- . (Correction) NELSON, KENT. Pseudonym (but not that of Barry Gifford, q.v.). NEVILL, HUGH EDWARD CARY. 1907- . NEWILL, HENRY. 1847(?)- . NEWTON, JOANNA Jill’s Masquerade. Hale, 1971 NIXON, JOAN LOWERY -The Other Side of the Dark. Delacorte, 1986; Hodder, 1988. TV movie: NBC, 1995, as Awake to Danger (scw: April Campbell Jones; dir: Michael Tuchner) O’BRIEN, (WILLIAM) TIM(OTHY) In the Lake of the Woods. TV movie: Fox, 1996 (scw: Philip Rosenberg; dir: Carl Schenkel) O’DONNELL, LILLIAN No Business Being a Cop. TV movie: NBC, 1989, as Prime Target (scw & dir: Robert Collins) O’FARRELL, WILLIAM Repeat Performance. TV movie: NBC, 1989, as Turn Back the Clock (scw: Lee Hutson, Lindsay Harrison; dir: Larry Elikann) OLSEN, JACK Have You Seen My Son? TV movie: ABC, 1996 (scw: Vivienne Radkoff; dir: Paul Schneider) O’MORE, PEGGY. Pseudonym of Peggy O’More Blocklinger, 1895-1970. Otgher pseudonym: Jeanne Bowman, q.v. Dinah Mason, Reporter. Arcadia, 1957; Linford pb, 1996 O’ROURKE, BETTY The Icon of the Czar, Linford pb, 1998 Island of the Gods. Linford pb, 1996 PACE, LAUREL Broken Lullaby. TV movie: CBS, 1994 (scw: Jim Henshaw, Guy Mullally; dir: Michael Kennedy) PARKER, BARBARA Suspicion of Innocence. TV movie: CBS, 1997, as Sisters and Other Strangers (scw: Shelley Evans; dir: Roger Young) PARKER, ROBERT B(ROWN) Ceremony. TV movie: Lifetime, 1993 (scw: Robert B. Parker, Joan Parker; dir: Andrew Wild) The Judas Goat. TV movie: Lifetime, 1994 (scw: Nahum Tate, Carol Daley, Monte Stettin; dir: Joseph L. Scanlan) Pale Kings and Princes. TV movie: Lifetime, 1994 (scw: Robert B. Parker, Joan Parker; dir: Vic Sarin) A Savage Place. TV movie: Lifetime, 1995 (scw: Nahum Tate, Carol Daley, Donald Martin; dir; Joseph L. Scanlan) Small Vices. TV movie: A&E, 1999 (scw: Robert B. Parker; dir: Robert Markowitz) PARKER, T. JEFFERSON Laguna Heat. TV movie: HBO, 1987 (scw: Pete Hamill, D. Eyre, Jr., David Burton Morris; dir: Simon Langton) PATRICK, Q. Death in the Dovecot. (Title spelling correction.) PATTERSON, RICHARD NORTH Eyes of a Child. TV movie: NBC, 1995, as Degree of Guilt (scw: Cynthia Whitcomb; dir: Mike Robe) PAUL, BARBARA Kill Fee. TV movie: NBC, 1990, as Murder C.O.D. (scw: Andrew Peter Marin; dir: Alan Metzger) PERRY, REV. JEVON J(AMES) MUSCHAMP. 1842-1918. PETERS, STEPHEN The Park Is Mine. TV movie: HBO, 1985 (scw: Lyle Gorch; dir: Steven Hilliard Stern) PETTER, EVELYN B(RANSCOMBE). 1889- . PETTIT, PAUL (E.) PICKERING, EDGAR T(HOMAS). 1867- . PIKE, CHRISTOPHER -Fall Into Darkness. Archway pb, 1990; Hodder, pb, 1991. TV movie: NBC, 1996 (scw: J. B. White; dir: Mark Sobel) PINCHOT, ANN (KRAMER). 1905-1998. (Correcting the dates.) PONDER, ZITA INEZ The Bandaged Face. [London] PRESNELL, FRANK G. Send Another Coffin. Byline on book is F. G. Presnell PRONZINI, BILL Night Freight. TV movie (based on ss “Liar’s Dice”): USA, 1995, as Tails You Live, Heads You’re Dead (scw: Miguel Tejada-Flores; dir: Tim Matheson) QUILICI, FOLCO Danger Adrift. TV movie: CBS, 1990, as Only One Survived (scw: John Nation, Steven Elkins; dir: Folco Quilici) QUINDLEN, ANNA. 1953- . Ref: CA. -Black and Blue. Random, 1998 [Fla.] TV movie: CBS, 1999 (scw: April Smith; dir: Paul Shapiro) RANDALL, BOB The Last Man on the List. TV movie: USA, 1998, as Dead Husbands (scw: Lindsay Harrison; dir: Paul Shapiro) REYBURN, WALLACE MACDONALD. 1913-2001. Pseudonym: William Scott, q.v. REYNOLDS, ADRIAN The Leprechaun Murders. [Pennsylvania] The Round Table Murders. [Pennsylvania] RICHARDSON, CARL Effigy of a Spy. [Paris] RICHMOND, MARY Red Dawning. [Middle East] ROSTAND, ROBERT Cross Currents. TV movie: USA, 1996, as Lifeline (scw: Robert Hopkins; dir: Fred Gerber) SANDFORD, JOHN Mind Prey. TV movie: NBC, 1999 (scw: Adam Greenman; dir: D. J. Caruso) SCORTIA, THOMAS N(ICHOLAS) and FRANK M(ALCOLM) ROBINSON The Gold Crew. TV movie: NBC, 1986, as The Fifth Missile (scw: Eric Bercovici; dir: Larry Peerce) SCOTT, WILLIAM. Pseudonym of Wallace Macdonald Reyburn, 1913-2001. Born in New Zealand. SETON, GRAHAM Colonel Grant’s Tomorrow. U.S. edition is titled Colonel Grant’s To-Morrow SHEPPARD, STEPHEN. 1945- . Ref: CA. Born in England. Actor & painter; author of three novels included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV, including the one cited below. Monte Carlo. TV movie: CBS, 1986 (scw: Peter Lefcourt; dir: Anthony Page) ![]() Ladystinger. Crown, US, hc, 1992. Setting: New Orleans, Jamaica. (Add the latter.) TV movie: Showtime, 1993, as Scam (scw: Craig Smith; dir: John Flynn). Nominated for an Edgar in 1993 as Best First Novel. [A mistress of the scam may get herself double-looped by her own chicanery.] SMITH, CRAIG (S.) 1950- . Ref: CA. Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Southern Illinois; lives in Switzerland. Note: Separate this entry from the one preceding; they are two different authors. Silent She Sleeps. Heinemann, UK, hc, 1997. US title: The Whisper of Leaves. Setting: Illinois; academia. [Innocent man is framed by corrupt cop.] _The Whisper of Leaves. Southern Illinois University Press, pb, 2002. US title of Silent She Sleeps. ![]() Wild Justice. TV movie: Syndicated, 1993. Also released as Covert Assassin and as Dial. (scw: J. H. Carrington; dir: Tony Wharmby) SOHMER, STEVE Favorite Son. TV movie [mini-series]: NBC, 1988 (scw: Steve Sohmer; dir: Jeff Bleckner) SPECHT, ROBERT. 1928-1997. Ref: CA. Editor; free-lance TV writer and story editor. Of two novels written, one is included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. See below. This constitutes the author’s complete entry. The Soul of Betty Fairchild. St. Martin’s, hc, 1991. Setting: South Carolina. Add TV movie: NBC, 1997, as NightScream (scw: Eugenia Bostwick-Singer, Raymond Singer, Gary Tieche; dir: Noel Nosseck). [Twenty-four years after Betty Fairchild is murdered, a young woman shows up who is identical to her in appearance and behavior, and seems to suffer from multiple personalities.] SPEIGHT, RICHARD (DOBBS). 1940- . Trial lawyer living in Nashville, TN. His son, Richard Speight Jr., is an actor currently [2007] in a recurring role on the TV show Jericho. Author of two books listed in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV, one of which is cited below. Desperate Justice. TV movie: ABC, 1993, as A Mother’s Revenge; also released as Desperate Justice (scw: John Robert Bensink; dir: Armand Mastroianni) ![]() ![]() ![]() The Tinder-Box. Hale, 1989 STEWART, GARY The Tenth Virgin. TV movie: TNT, 1995, as The Avenging Angel (scw: Dennis Nemec; dir: Craig R. Baxley) STOUT, DAVID The Dog Hermit. TV movie: CBS, 1995, as A Child Is Missing (scw: Wesley Bishop; dir: John Power) SUTHERLAND, MORRIS. Gwendolen Sutherland Morris, 1895- . TABOR, MARGARET Unity Penfold. TV movie: ABC, 1998, as Nightmare Street (scw: Rama Laurie Stagner, Dan Witt; dir; Colin Bucksey) THACKREY, TED, JR. Preacher. TV movie: USA, 1992, as Wild Card (scw: Scobie Richardson; dir: Mel Damski) THORPE, RODERICK (MAYNE, JR.) Rainbow Drive. TV movie: Showtime, 1990 (scw: Bill Phillips, Bennett Cohen; dir: Bobby Roth) TRENHAILE, JOHN Kyril. TV movie: Showtime, 1988, as Codename: Kyril (scw: John Hopkins; dir: Ian Sharp) TRIMBLE, LOUIS Fit to Kill. [California] (setting correction) TRUSCOTT, LUCIAN K(ING), IV Dress Gray. TV movie: NBC, 1986 (scw: Gore Vidal; dir: Glenn Jordan) TUROW, SCOTT The Burden of Proof. TV movie: ABC, 1992 (scw: John Gay; dir: Mike Rabe) UPFIELD, ARTHUR W(ILLIAM). 1890-1964. (Correcting birth year.) Birth name: William Arthur Upfield. VALIN, JONATHAN (LOUIS) Final Notice. TV movie: USA, 1989 (scw: John Gay; dir: Steven Hilliard Stern) VARNEL, MICHAEL Blind Bondage. [ship] WALL, JUDITH HENRY Mother Love. TV movie: NBC, 1995, as A Family Divided (scw: Philip Rosenberg; dir: Donald Wrye) WELDON, FAY The President’s Child. TV movie: CBS, 1992 (scw: Edmond Stevens; dir: Sam Pillsbury) WELLES, (GEORGE) ORSON Mr. Arkadin. (Apparently ghost-written by Maurice Bessy, 1910-1993.) WESTBROOK, PERRY D(ICKIE) Happy Deathday. [Maine] WHITE, IRENE The Modest Blackmailer. Hazelwood pb, 1994 WHITEMORE, HUGH Pack of Lies. TV movie: CBS, 1987 (scw: Ralph Gallup; dir: Anthony Page) WHITTINGTON, HARRY Web of Murder. TV movie: USA, 1991, as Dead in the Water (scw: Eleanor A. Carver, Robert Seidenberg, Walter Klenhard; dir: Bill Condon) WILKIE, LESLIE The Kokoda Connection. Linford pb, 2000 WILSON, ALEXANDER (DOUGLAS CHESNEY) The Devil’s Cocktail. Add SC: Sir Leonard Wallace WILSON, DAVID. D(avid) Wilson MacArthur, 1903-1981. WINNINGTON, ALAN Catseyes. [England] WINTON, VAL. Add pseudonym: C. W. Ellsworth, q.v. WOLCOTT, JANN ARRINGTON. 1943- . -Brujo: Seduced by Evil. Route 66 pb (Albuquerque), 1995 [New Mexico] TV movie: NBC, 1995, as Seduced by Evil (scw: Bill Svanoe; dir: Tony Wharmby) WOOD, MRS. HENRY East Lynne. Correct spelling of director’s name for 1930 film to Victor Halperin. WOODS, STUART (CHEVALIER) Grass Roots. TV movie: NBC, 1992 (scw: Derek Marlowe; dir: Jerry London) WOODWARD, EDWARD (EMBERLIN). Pseudonym: Jane Grierson, q.v. -Dear Delusion. Delete Tiger Tooth. Delete the dash WOOLRICH, CORNELL The Black Curtain. TV movie: CBS, 1989, as The Lady Forgets (scw: Darrell Royce Crays; dir: Bradford May) ZLOTNIK, DONALD E. List all 4 Survivor of Nam series books with a dash (they are, at most, marginally criminous). Return to the Main Page.
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Allen J. Hubin.