ADAMS, FRANCIS (WILLIAM LAUDERDALE) Madeline Brown’s Murderer. (Title correction.) ADDY, CATHERINE GREAVES. 1892- . ALLEN, A(LFRED) WHATOFF. See: Operator 1384. AMOS, RUSSELL BOOTH. 1928-1998. ANDERSON, J(OHN) R(ICHARD) L(ANE) The Nine-Spoked Wheel. No SC (correction) Redundancy Pay. No SC (correction) ANDREAS (AL)FRED (KURT REINHOLD). (Showing full name.) ANNESLEY, MAUDE [MAUDE GERTRUDE ANNESLEY BROWNLOW]. 1871-1930. ARBUTHNOT, KATHLEEN PHYLLIS. 1904-1982. ARMSTRONG, CAMPBELL Concert of Ghosts. [San Francisco] ARVAY, HARRY The Moscow Intercept. (Ghost-written by Gil Brewer, 1921-1983, q.v.) ASHBY, R(UBY) C(ONSTANCE ANNIE). 1899-1966. Byline also: Ruby (Constance Annie) Ferguson, 1899-1966, q.v. (Ashby was her maiden name.) AUDEMARS, PIERRE (EUGENE NOEL). Adding middle names. BAER, HOWARD -O Huge Angel. [San Francisco] BALLINGER, W. A. A Corpse for Christmas. [London] BARCLAY, TESSA. Pseudonym of Jean Bowden, 1925- . Other pseudonyms: Jennifer Bland, Avon Curry, qq.v. BARKER, WADE Borderland of Hell. [San Francisco] Death’s Door. [San Francisco] Mountain of Fear. [San Francisco] Vengeance Is His. [San Francisco] BARRINGTON, PAMELA 43 Candles for Mr. Beamish. No SC. BATES, BARCLAY. ca.1937- . The Last of the White Guys. Bloomsbury (San Francisco), 1999 [San Francisco] BAYLDON, ARTHUR ALBERT (DAWSON) The Tragedy Behind the Curtain. ss (at least the story marked * is criminous): Benson’s Flutter for a Fortune \ Dr. Grahame’s Great Experiments \ *Document Found in a Mirror \ An Experience of Old Yorkie’s \ His Invisible Enemy \ Jennie \ Little Paul \ Ned’s Return \ A Pawn of Fate’s \ The Philosopher’s Dream \ The Poet’s Vision \ The Romance of a Moth \ A Study in White and Yellow \ Thirst! \ The Tragedy Behind the Curtain \ The Triumph of Faith \ Waiting BEARE, GEORGE Chain of Infamy. [Argentina] Night of the Savage. [France] Prey! SC: Vincent Stallard [Lebanon, Libya] BECK, L(ILY MORESBY) ADAMS. Pseudonym: Louis Moresby, q.v. BECKE, (GEORGE) LOUIS. 1855-1913. Most sources suggest that his name at birth was George Lewis Becke. Australian author of many novels and stories about the South Pacific. To the 15 novels and collections included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV, add the following: -The Mystery of the Laughlin Islands. With Walter (James) Jeffery, 1861-1922, q.v. Unwin, UK, hc, 1896. Setting: Ship. BENNETT, DOROTHY Come and Be Killed. [San Francisco] BIRMINGHAM, GEORGE A. Insheeny. (Title correction.) BLANCHARD, RICHARD (J.). 1929- . Mounted in the City by the Bay. Forever Fine Art pb (San Francisco), 1998 [San Francisco] BLAND, JENNIFER. Add Jean Bowden pseudonym: Tessa Barclay, q.v. BOOTON, KAGE Lady in Darkness. (Delete; doesn’t exist by this author.) BOWDEN, JEAN. Add pseudonym: Tessa Barclay, q.v. BOWEN-JUDD, SARA LANNA. 1916-1985. Formerly Eileen Mary Bowen-Judd, nee Hutton. Pseudonym: Sara Woods, q.v. BOYD, DOUGLAS. 1938- . Worked for Rank Film organization and then the BBC; retired and living in France. BOYLE, JOSEPHINE. 1935- . BRADBERRY, JAMES. 1946- . (Date correction.) BRASSE, WILLIAM The Sound of Sirens. [San Francisco] BRIDGES, HILDA Chinese Lacquer. Hodder, 1926 [Australia] The Lady of the Cavern. N.S.W. Bookstall (Sydney), 1925 [Australia] -The Squatter’s Daughter. N.S.W. Bookstall (Sydney), 1922 [Australia] (Novelization of the play by Bert Bailey and Edmund Duggan.) BROOKS, CLIVE. 1960- . BROOKS, MRS. F. [FRANCES BROOKS]. ca.1899-1968. (Correcting birth year.) BROWN, CARNABY. Pseudonym of Nat Easton, q.v. BURLEY, W(ILLIAM) J(OHN) Death in Stanley Street. Also published as: Wycliffe and Death in Stanley Street. Corgi, 1990 Wycliffe and Death in Stanley Street; see Death in Stanley Street Wycliffe and the School Bullies; see Wycliffe and the Schoolgirls Wycliffe and the Schoolgirls. Also published as: Wycliffe and the School Bullies. Orion pb, 2006 BURNETT, GEORGE (STANLEY) The Finsbury Lot. [London] BURT, GEORGE MATTOCK BROOKMAN. 1900-1967. Pseudonym: Michael Burt, q.v. BURT, MICHAEL. Pseudonym of George Mattock Brookman Burt, 1900-1967. BYRNE, ROBERT Thrill. [California] CADELL, JAMES. Pseudonym of Ronald Wills Thomas, 1910-1955(?). Other pseudonym: Ronald Wills, q.v. CAMERON, LINDY. SC: Kit O’Malley, in title below and subsequent novel(s). Blood Guilt. U.S. edition: Bywater, 2006 CAMPBELL, BEBE MOORE. 1950-2006. CAMPBELL, DONALD. SC: Leslie Vane = LV. The Golden Snake. Federation, 1924 Novelets (both with LV): The Golden Snake \ The Necromancer [Paris] CARR, GLYN. Frank Showell Styles, 1908-2005. CARSON, ROBERT The Revels Are Ended. Doubleday, 1936. Also published as: I Take All. Popular Library, 1954 [California] CARSTAIRS, ROD. Correct to: CARSTAIRS, RAY (delete real name and other pseudonym) CASTIEAU, J(OHN) B(UCKLEY). 1868- . CAYWOOD, MARK Virginia’s Quest. Add UK edition: Ellis, ca.1930 (Delete the dash.) CHANCE, JOHN NEWTON Coven Gibbet. [England] CLARKE, PERCY The Valley Council; or, Leaves from the Journal of Thomas Bateman of Canbelego Station, N.S.W. Low, 1891 [Australia] CLARKE, T(HOMAS) E(RNEST) B(ENNETT) The Man Who Seduced a Bank. [Italy, Switzerland] CLAY, MICHAEL JOHN. 1934-2000. COGAN, MIKE The Presidio. [San Francisco] COLE, ALONZO DEEN. 1897-1971. The Witch’s Tale. Book Hunter pb, 1998 Radio scripts: The Alchemist \ The Altar \ Devil Hands \ From Dawn to Sunset \ Hangman’s Roost \ The Image \ Le Mannequine \ Lord of the Jungle \ The Mirror \ Mrs. Hawkin’s Will \ The Roll Call \ The Snake House \ The Tenant COUSINS, E(DMUND) G(EORGE) Any Kind of Danger. [Europe] -To Comfort the Signora. [North Africa] COWEN, FRANCES [FRANCES GERTRUDE MINTO-COWEN]. 1901-1992. (Corrected full name and dates.) CURRY, AVON. Add Jean Bowden pseudonym: Tessa Barclay, q.v. CURTIS, ROBERT Invitation to Murder. [England] DALTON, GILBERT LAWFORD. Delete pseudonym Rod Carstairs. DAVIS, HOWARD CHARLES The Tortured Boy. [England] Trouble in the Bank. [England] The Waxwork Spies. [England] DE CAUNES, ANTOINE Good–But Hot. The date of the original French edition should be 1986. DE CHABRILLAN, (ELISABETH) CELESTE (VENARD). (Correction of last name spelling.) DEDINA, MICHEL The Mink Steal. (Title correction.) DELFT, JAPHET. Pseudonym of Frank Ford. DE MEYER, JOHN. 1909- . -Bailey’s Daughters. Smith, 1935 [Maine] D’ERIGNY, SIMONE The Mysterious Madame S. (Translation of “L’Etrange Volonte du Professeur Lorrain.”) (Correction of original French title.) DIEHL, WILLIAM (FRANCIS, JR.). 1924-2006. DOSTOEVSKII, FEDOR MIKHAILOVICH The Brothers Karamazov. (Translation of “Brat’ya Karamazovy.”) (Correction of original Russian title.) Crime and Punishment. (Translation of “Prestupleniye I Nakazaniye.”) (Correction of original Russian title.) DUDENEY, ALICE. Birth name: Alice Louisa Whiffin. EASTON, NAT. Pseudonym: Carnaby Brown, q.v. EDMONDS, HARRY (MORETON SOUTHEY) Red Invader. [ship] Wind in the East. [England] EVANS, GWYN The Crook of Fleet Street. [England] FARJEON, B(ENJAMIN) L(EOPOLD) Great Porter Square. [London] FARRELL, HENRY. Charles Henry Myers, 1920-2006. FAVENC, ERNEST. 1845-1908. (Correcting birth year.) -The Last of Six. Bulletin (Sydney), 1893 [Australia] ss: A Cup of Cold Water \ A Haunt of the Jinkarras \ The Last of Six \ A Lucky Meeting \ Malchook’s Doom \ The Missing Super \ The Mystery of Baines’ Dog \ The Parson’s Blackboy \ Pompey \ The Rumford Plains Tragedy \ Sandy Macpherson’s Christmas Ride \ The Spell of the Mas-Hantoo \ Spirit-Led \ The Story of the Big Pearl \ That Other Fellow \ The Track of the Dead \ Trantor’s Shot FERGUSON, RUBY (CONSTANCE ANNIE). 1899-1966. Byline also: R(uby) C(onstance Annie) Ashby, q.v. (Ashby was her maiden name.) FIELDING, A. E. Deep Currents. [Asia] FINN, EDMUND. -1922. (Date correction.) FLEISCHER, RICHARD. 1916-2006. FORD, FRANK. Pseudonym: Japhet Delft, q.v. FRANCIS, C. D. E. Patrick John Fielding Howarth, 1916-2004. FREEDGOOD, MORTON. 1912-2006. FREESTONE, BASIL (CHARLES). 1910-1995. FRENCH, FERGUS. Peter Friedlander, 1915(?)-1997(?). FRIEDLANDER, PETER. 1915(?)-1997(?). FULLER, PETER (JOHN?). 1943-1997(?). FULLERTON, MARY ELIZA. 1868-1946. (Correcting death date.) FURLONG, NICOLA The Nervous Nephew. Guideposts, 2000 SC: Gracie Parks (also in books by Eileen M. Berger, Sandy Dengler, and Roberta Updegraff, qq.v.) GALLIE, MENNA (PATRICIA HUMPHREYS). 1920-1990. GALWEY, G(EOFFREY) V(ALENTINE). 1912-1996. GAMMON, DAVID J(OHN?). 1904(?)-1996(?). GANNOLD, JOHN. John (Franklin Coasten) Langdon, 1913-1980. GARGANTINI, IRENE A. 1934- . Pseudonym: Rene Natan, q.v. GARRATT, MARIE. 1914(?)-1992(?). GARRETT, ALBERT EDWARD. 1917-1992. GARSTON, GUY. Bernard John Hurren, 1906-1986. GAY, MYRA -Little Jade Lady. Arcadia, 1948 [California] GAY, THOMAS (EDWARD S.?). 1905-1996(?). GEORGE, S(IDNEY) C(HARLES). 1898-1985. GIDDENS, THOMAS Tried and Acquitted. (Delete the dash.) [Melbourne] GIGGAL, KENNETH. 1928-2004. GILBERT, ANNA. Marguerite Jackson Lazarus, 1917-2004. GILBERT, JOHN. John Gilbert Harrison, 1912-2003. GILES, NORMAN -Keersboskloof. [South Africa] The Whips of Time. [Zambia] (Delete the dash.) GILES, PETER (DAVID?). 1939-1999(?). GILLER, NORMAN (GRANTHAM?). 1921(?)-1984(?). GLAZNER, JOSEPH MARK. Pseudonym: Joseph Louis, q.v. GLEN-WITHY, (REV.) E. A Woman’s Mistake. Fleetway, n.d. [England] GLUCK, SINCLAIR Death Comes to Dinner. [New York] GODEY, JOHN. Morton Freedgood, 1912-2006. The Clay Assassin. Add U.S. edition: Berkley, 1973 A Thrill a Minute with Jack Albany. British title: The Reluctant Assassin GODWIN, JOHN. 1929- . GOODHART, HONOR (MAHON). 1889-1989. GORDON, PATRICIA (BETTY). 1909-1995. GOULD, NAT(HANIEL) A Dead Certainty. [Wales] GRAE, CAMARIN Wednesday Nights. [California] GRAFFY, JOSEPH (SEBASTIAN?). 1906(?)-1984(?). GRAHAM, BURTON (HOOD?). 1906(?)-1992(?). GRAHAM, PETER. Kenneth (Joseph Robb) Langmaid, 1902-1985. GRAHAM, ROSS (WORKMAN?). 1914(?)-2000(?). GRAINGER, ROBIN The Mystery Bridegroom. Amalgamated, n.d. GRAYSON, RUPERT (STANLEY HARRINGTON). 1897-1991. GRAYSON, RUTH (KING). 1926-1996. GRAYSTONE, JOHN (ALBERT?). 1909(?)-1999(?). GREENAWAY, GLADYS (IVY MINNIE) (née MARSHALL). 1901-1991. Add middle names and maiden name plus year of death. Also add the titles below; all are marginal in terms of crime content, except for one. The author also wrote romance novels under the pseudonym of Julia Manners; the crime content of these books is unknown. For a brief discussion of her career, see the Mystery*File blog. -Cousin
Alison. Hurst, 1969
-Girl on a
Ladder. Hurst, 1972
Girl on the
Heights. Hurst, 1968. Leading character: Inspector Henry Mason
![]() -The Late Summer
of Christine Hargreave. Hurst, 1970
-My Mother's
Daughter. Hale, 1983
-No Looking
Back. Correct publication date to: 1960
-The Past Is the
Prelude. Hurst, 1971
-The Small
Circle. Hale, 1979
-Trial Run.
Hale, 1982
-View of the
Mountains. (title correction)
-Where the Wind
Whistles. Hurst, 1964
GREENLAND, FRANCIS (LAFFAN). 1924-2001. GREENWOOD, DUNCAN. 1919-1992. GREG, PERCY ALBERT. Delete dates. GREY, PATRICIA Cutter’s Wharf. Delete the dash Good Hope Station. SC: Sgt. Sarah McNeil, Insp. Jack Stamford GRIBBEN, JAMES. 1915-1984. GRIFFIN, JOHN. Michael John Clay, 1934-2000. GRIMSHAW, NIGEL (GILROY). 1925-1999. GWYNNE, A(GNES) M. 1862-1935. The Mystery of Lakeside House. Robertson (Melbourne), 1925 [Australia] HACKFORTH-JONES, (FRANK) GILBERT. SC: Earl of Millington (Cecil Magnus Millington = EM. Submarine Flotilla. Delete series character EM HALDANE, EMMA (JANE?). 1907(?)-1991(?). HALES, A(LFRED ARTHUR) G(REENWOOD) McGlusky the Mormon. Long, 1929 HALIL, LOLA. 1928-2001. HALL, ADAM The Pekin Target. The first U.S. edition (as The Peking Target, in 1982) was a hardcover. HALL, LOUISE D(RAKARD?). 1920-2004(?). HALL, STEPHANIE Whisperer in the Dark. (Title correction.) HALL, UNITY (TANSIER). 1928-1992. HALLATT, WILLIAM (HENRY?). 1904(?)-1984(?). HALLERAN, THOMAS A. ca.1935-1986. Pseudonym: Tucker Halleran, q.v. HALLERAN, TUCKER. Pseudonym of Thomas A. Halleran, ca.1935-1986. HAMBLING, H(ERBERT?) LAWRENCE. 1903(?)-2000(?). HAMILTON, ALEX(ANDER JOHN). 1939- . (Date correction.) HAMILTON, HENRIETTA. 1920-1999. HAMMERTON, TOM [THOMAS?]. 1911(?)-1986(?). HAMMOND, LAWRENCE (VICTOR F.). 1925-2002. HAMPSHIRE, BASIL C(LIFFORD?). 1911(?)-1998(?). HAMPTON, MARION. 1909(?)-1997(?). HANDLEY, ALFRED (THOMAS?). 1921(?)-1996(?). HANSON, V. J. Death and the Little Girl Blue. [London] HARBORD, GORDON (ALEXANDER). 1908-2000. HARCOURT, PALMA. 1917-1999. HARDINGE, REX The Voyage of Fear. [ship] HARDY, RONALD (HAROLD). 1919-1991. HARE, ARNOLD. 1921-1999. The Man Who Never Laughed. [London, Austria, Saudi Arabia] HARPER, LYNETTE. 1905(?)-2000(?). HARPER, OLIVE The Chinatown Trunk Mystery. Ogilvie, 1909, pb. Add setting: New York City. ![]() HARRIS, CHARLES. 1913-1984(?). HARRIS, HERBERT (EDWIN). 1911-1995. HARRISON, JOHN GILBERT. 1912-2003. HART, GEORGE (THOMAS?). 1921-1986(?). HART, ROY. 1930-1999(?). HART-DAVIS, ADRIENNE. 1944-2005. Pseudonym: Jo Heys, q.v. HARTMAN, DANE Blood of the Strangers. [San Francisco] The Dealer in Death. [San Francisco] The Killing Connection. [San Francisco] The Long Death. [San Francisco] HASTINGS, CHARLOTTE. 1909-2003. HASTINGS, PHYLLIS (DORA HODGE). 1904-1994. HAYLES, KENNETH (ROY). 1923-2002. HAYNES, BRIAN (GEOFFREY?). 1939-1998(?). HEAL, ANTHONY (STANDWICK?). 1907(?)-1995(?). HEALEY, BEN(JAMIN JAMES). 1908-1988. Add year of death. Pseudonyms: J. G. Jeffreys, Jeremy Sturrock, qq.v. Artist and designer in British film industry. Under his own name, the author of 12 mystery novels listed in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV published in the UK between 1965 and 1981. Series characters: (1) artist Paul Hedley and(2) art thief Harcourt d’Espinal, who generally worked separately but appeared together in Last Ferry from the Lido (Robert Hale, 1981) aka Midnight Ferry to Venice (Walker, 1982). Four of the books were published in the US. ![]() HEAVEN, CONSTANCE (CHRISTINA FECHER). 1911-1995. HECTOR, BARBARA. 1902(?)-1985(?). HELM, PETER (JAMES).1916-2001. HEMINGWAY, KENNETH. 1926(?)-1988(?). HENRY, CHARLES. Charles Henry Myers, 1920-2006. HEYS, JO. Pseudonym of Adrienne Hart-Davis, nee Alpin, 1944-2005. Grew up in West Yorkshire; had degrees from Oxford and a Ph.D. from York University; variously employed in computer technology; copy editor of a mathematics journal from the Maths Institute at Oxford toward the end of her life. HIGGINS, CHARLOTTE -Blue Monday. Sky Ladder pb (California), 1996 [California] HIGHSMITH, DOMINI. 1942-2003. HILL, BRIAN MERRIKIN. 1896-1979. HILL, DOROTHY (ELIZABETH). 1899(?)-1985(?). HINDSLEY, THOMAS GRIEVE. 1909-2002. HISCOCK, LESLIE (ROBERT?). 1902-1996(?). HOBSON, FRANCIS. Francis Deryck Winterton, 1913-1990. HOBSON, HANK. Harry Hobson, 1908-1998. HOBSON, HARRY. 1908-1998. HOCKING, ANNE Poison in Paradise. [London] HODGES, DORIS MARJORIE. 1915-1997. HOILE, EDWARD (VICTOR). 1892-1984. HOLLAND, EDITH. 1898-1984. HOLLAND, RUTH. Edith Holland, 1898-1984. HOLT, HENRY. ca.1878-1962. (Corrected dates.) HOLT, RICHARD. Walter H(arold?) Holton, 1909(?)-1988(?). HOLTON, WALTER H(AROLD?). 1909(?)-1988(?). HOOD, EVELYN (DORIS?). 1936-1991(?). HOOPER, DAVID (FRANCIS?). 1913-2004(?). HORLER, (HARRY) SYDNEY The Man Who Walked with Death. Hodder, 1941 (date correction; no SC; not the same book as the U.S. book with the same title) The Spy. U.S. title: The Man Who Walked with Death (correction; no SC) HORSEFIELD, L(ESLIE) G(RAHAM). 1907-1987. HOSEGOOD, LEWIS (WILLIAM). 1919-1995. (Date corrections.) HOUGH, S(TANLEY) B(ENNETT). 1917-1998. HOWARD, (LADY) ANKARET (CECILIA CAROLINE). 1900-1945. HOWARD, VERNON LINWOOD. 1918-1992. HOWARTH, PATRICK JOHN FIELDING. 1916-2004. HOWIS, ELAINE (VERE?). 1900(?)-2001(?). HUDSON, LILLIAN (ROW). 1860- . -Governor Thurmond’s Bird House. Newbegin (San Francisco), 1915 [California] HUME, FERGUS(ON) Miss Mephistopheles. [Melbourne] HUNT, CHARLOTTE. Doris Marjorie Hodges, 1915-1997. HURLEY, T(IMOTHY) P(ATRICK?). 1923(?)-1997(?). HURREN, BERNARD JOHN. 1906-1986. HURT, FREDA (MARY ELIZABETH). 1911-1999. HUTTON, ANN Search for Simon. [England] HUTTON, W(ILLIAM?) RICHARD. 1913(?)-1998(?). HYLAND, (HENRY) STANLEY. 1914-1997. INGOLDBY, GRACE. 1949-2005. Candles and Dark Night. Heinemann, 1992 [Ireland] IRONSIDE, ELIZABETH The Accomplice. Add U.S. edition: Felony & Mayhem pb, 2006 Death in the Garden. Add U.S. edition: Felony & Mayhem pb, 2005 JAMES, VINCENT. James Gribben, 1915-1984. JANSON, HANK. Harry Hobson, 1908-1998. JEFFERY, WALTER (JAMES). 1861-1922. Add as a new author entry. Born in England; noted Australian writer & journalist. Co-author of one marginally crime-related title: -The Mystery of the Laughlin Islands, with (George) Louis Becke, 1855-1913, q.v. Unwin, UK, hc, 1896. Setting: Ship. JEFFREYS, J. G. Pseudonym of Ben(jamin James) Healey, 1908-1988, q.v. Add year of death. Other pseudonym: Jeremy Sturrock, q.v. The first seven adventures of Jeremy Sturrock of the Bow Street Runners, a series set in Regency times, were first published in the UK as by Sturrock; then in the US under the Jeffreys byline. One of these is shown below; an additional title, The Thistlewood Plot (Walker, 1987) appeared only in the US. ![]() -Sitting in the Club Car Drinking Rum and Karma-Kola. Polestar, Canada, pb, 1986. Setting: Canada, train. A novella (104 pages) subtitled: A Manual of Etiquette for Ladies Crossing Canada by Train. Described as “a parody of the 1940s detective novels of Raymond Chandler and Dashiell Hammett, [the story] follows its heroine as she avoids the payment of $50,000 in overdue bills by fleeing across country.” Illustrated with the Dome Car floor plan. ![]() Thief of Clubs. [London] JOHNSON, RUDOLPH, JR. 1923-2004(?). Opium. Mona, 1980 [California] KELLAM, KAY. 1952- . KENNINGTON, (GILBERT) ALAN The Velvet Curtain. Melrose, 1951 [Vienna] KENT, GRAEME Nelson’s Blood. [England] KENT, STAN. SC: Violetta Cutrero, in both titles. -Shoe Leather. Blue Moon (NYC), 1999 [San Francisco] -Shoes Your Weapon. Blue Moon (NYC), 2000 KERR, JEAN Her Sacrifice. Red Heart (Sydney), 1920s [Australia] KING, KATHARINE Lost for Gold. Hurst, 1873 [Australia] KING, R. RALEIGH Joan in Jeopardy. [France] KIRST, HANS HELLMUT Officer Factory. Show British edition thus (without “The”) KLEIN, CHARLES The Third Degree. [NYC] KNIGHT, J. WALLACE. Pseudonym of John Gilmour Swan, 186?-1956. The Ritualist. Edgerton (Melbourne), 1900 [England] KNOTT, JAMES. 1865-1919. The Mystery of Poplar Walk; and, A Sensational Snapshot. (Title correction; contains 2 ss.) LANG, JOHN (GEORGE). 1816-1964. (Correcting birth year.) LANGDON, JOHN (FRANKLIN COASTEN). 1913-1980. LANGMAID, KENNETH (JOSEPH ROBB). 1902-1985. LA PLANTE, LYNDA Civvies. Show British first edition as Mandarin pb, 1992 Framed. Show British first edition as Mandarin pb, 1992 The Governor No. 2. Show British first edition as Pan pb, 1996 Prime Suspect #2. (Novelization of the TV movie by Trevor Hoyle.) Widows. (Title correction) Widows II. (Title correction) LATHAM, MURRAY Even from the Law. [England] LAUBEN, PHILIP Boogie Was a Gent. SC: Homer Clay LAZARUS, MARGUERITE JACKSON. 1917-2004. LEM, STANISLAW. 1921-2006. LETHBRIDGE, SYBIL CAMPBELL Old Hillersley’s Heiress. Amalgamated, n.d. LINCOLN, MAURICE Nothing Ever Happens. [England] LONDON, JACK The Assassination Bureau. [California] LONG, E(RNEST) LAURIE The Strong Room of the “Sutro”. [ship] LORD, W(ILLIAM) F(ISHER). 1844-1921. The Mysterious Disappearance of Ralph Forrester. (Author) (Australia), 1902 LOTT, S(TANLEY) MAKEPEACE. 1920-1991. LOUIS, JOSEPH. Pseudonym of Joseph Mark Glazner, 1945- , q.v. LYNCH, JACK The Missing and the Dead. [California] LYON, RAYMOND KAY. SC: Christopher Sherlock Webster = CW. The Sherlock Effect. ss (all with CW): The Balcony Scene \ The Fur Trade \ Gardener’s Questions \ The Persistent Admirer \ The Warminster Assignment McCORD, DAVID WILSON Shadow Lies. Caffeine Machine (Berkeley), 1992 [California] McCUTCHEON, HUGH (DAVIE-MARTEN) Cover Her Face. [England] MACDONALD, ALEXANDER. 1878-1939. The Mystery of Diamond Creek. Blackie, 1927 [Australia] (Intended for younger readers.) MacDONALD, JANICE. ca.1959- . SC: Randy Craig, in title below and subsequent novels. The Next Margaret. Mosaic (Canada), 1994 [Edmonton, Canada; academia] MacDONALD, ROBERT M(ACLAUGHLIN). 1874- . Chillagoe Charlie. Unwin, 1909; Brentano’s, 1909 [Australia] (Intended for younger readers.) MacGILL, MRS. PATRICK Her Undying Past. Jenkins, 1924 [England] MAGILL, MARCUS. Brian Merrikin Hill, 1896-1979. MAKEPEACE, ANNE Mistaken Marriage. Hale, 1958 [France] MALEY, LEWESE. 1870- . Born in Australia;
birth name Louisa Charlotte Nielson.
Extremes. Alexander-Ouseley (London), 1927
(3-act play.)MANNERS, GORDON. Mary Eliza Fullerton, 1868-1946. (Correcting death date.) MANSFIELD, ERNEST Ralph Raymond. [Australia] MARSDEN, ANTONY The Mycroft Murder Case. SC: Inspector Buck MARTIN, (WILLIAM) THORNTON. 1901-1980. Hell on Wheels. Penn, 1939 [Midwest] MERLIN, CHRISTINA. Constance (Christina Fecher) Heaven, 1911-1995. MERRICK, GORDON The Strumpet Wind. Morrow, 1947; Davies, 1947. Also published as: The Night and the Naked. Popular Library, 1952 [France, WWII] MEYNELL, LAURENCE (WALTER) Strange Landing. [Greece] MILLS, ARTHUR -The Gold Coast. Hutchinson, 1934 [Africa] MITCHELL, ISABEL MARY. 1894-1973. (Correcting birth year.) MOORE, CHRISTOPHER (G.) The Big Weird. SC: Vincent Calvino MORESBY, LOUIS. Pseudonym of L(ily Moresby ) Adams Beck, ca.1962-1931, q.v. Rubies. Doran, 1927; Harrap, 1927. Setting: England, Burma. MORRISON, EMMELINE The Glittering Serpent. [London, France, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires] MOUNTJOY, HENRY The Minister of Police. (Title correction.) MUIR, DOUGLAS. 1932-2002. MULRY, MARY EGAN. 1863-1934. The Mystery of Thornfield Station. (Author) (Australia), 1927 [Australia] MURRAY, DAVID CHRISTIE -The Martyred Fool. [Australia, Russia] MYERS, CHARLES HENRY. 1920-2006. NATAN, RENE. Pseudonym of Irene Gargantini, 1934- . q.v. Mountains of Dawn. Third Eye (London, Ontario), 1999. Setting : Canada. NEILSON, MARGUERITE The Bride of Alderburn. [Scotland, ca.1919] The Dark Path. [England, ca.1905] NORTON, VICTOR. Delete pseudonym Rod Carstairs. OPERATOR 1384 The Catacombs of Death. (Ghost-written by A. Whatoff Allen, 1888- , q.v.) ORMEROD, (WILLIAM) ROGER. 1920-2005. SC: George Coe = GC; David Mallin = DM; Elsa Mallin = EM. The Bright Face of Danger. Add SC: GC Cart Before the Hearse. Add SC: GC A Dip Into Murder. Add SC: EM (DM in very minor role) Double Take. No SC (thus delete DM) Full Fury. Add SC: EM More Dead Than Alive. Add SC: GC The Silence of the Night. Add SC: EM Time to Kill. Add SC: EM Too Late for the Funeral. Add SC: GC,EM The Weight of Evidence. Add SC: GC OXFORD, JANE Die for Love. [England] PARKS, GORDON (ALEXANDER BUCHANAN). 1912-2006. PATRICK, ROSLYNN Princess Royale. Change [England] to [London] PATTEN, (WILLIAM) GILBERT. 1866-1945. Mr. Frank Merriwell. Alliance, 1941 PEARCE, CHARLES E. The Eyes of Alicia. [London] PETERSON, MARGARET Death in Goblin Waters. SC: Inspector Weild, also in all titles under Peterson’s pseudonym, Glint Green, q.v. PETTUS, KEN. A prolific screenplay writer for both TV and the movies; also the author of a one-shot PI novel with Tug Cash as the detective. Say Goodbye to April. [Los Angeles] ![]() PHILIPS, AUSTIN The Man in the Night Mail Train. [England] PLAIN, JOSEPHINE. Isabel Mary Mitchell, 1894-1973. (Correcting birth year.) The Secret of the Sandbanks. (Title correction.) POLLARD, CAPTAIN A(LFRED) O(LIVER) The Death Squadron. [Russia] PREEDY, GEORGE The Fair Young Widow. [England, 1683] PROFFITT, NICHOLAS (CHARLES). 1943-2006. PURSER, PHILIP. SC: Michael Pickup, in title below and subsequent title(s). Night of Glass. QUEST, RODNEY. Pseudonym of John Scott-Taggart, 1897-1979. QUINCE, JAMES. Pseudonym of James Reginald Spittal, 1875-1951. REID, WALLACE Q. Saskatoon Patrol. ss: An Astonishing Coup \ The Bully of Swallow Falls \ The Carton Case \ The Fugitive \ The Haunted Farm \ Last Post Saloon \ The Man with the Scarred Face \ Saskatoon Patrol \ Trouble at Beaver Lake \ Yellow Jack ROBERTS, DESMOND -Love Was Her Alibi. Gresham, 1971 -Mystery for the Nurse. Gresham, 1969 The Tide of Love; see While Others Played While Others Played. Amalgamated, n.d. Also published as: The Tide of Love. Gresham, 1970 ROBINSON, PETER. SC: Constable Frank Bascombe = FB. Not Safe After Dark and other stories. British title: Not Safe After Dark and other works. Macmillan (London), 2004. British edition contains these additional stories: April in Paris \ The Duke’s Wife \ Going Back (SC: Insp. Alan Banks) \ Gone to the Dawgs \ Memory Lane \ Murder in Action (FB, also in “In Flanders Fields”) \ Murder in Utopia RODDA, CHARLES South Sea Gold. [San Francisco, South Pacific] ROE, C(HARLES) F(RANCIS). Byline also: Francis Roe, q.v. ROE, (CHARLES) FRANCIS. 1932- . Byline also: C(harles) F(rancis) Roe, q.v. [Correction; the books listed as by Francis Roe were wrongly attributed to Francis (John Caldwell) Roe.] ROFFMAN, JAN. Margaret (Ethel) Summerton, 1910-1979. Likely to Die. No SC ROGER, NOËLLE. Pseudonym of Helen Dufour Pittard, 1874-1953. -He Who Sees. Harrap, 1935 (Translation.) ![]() ROSS, MANDER The Sorting Van Murder. [England] SANDERS, BRUCE Feminine for Spy. [Switzerland] Tawny Menace. [London] SAVORY, GERALD. 1909-1996. Hughie Roddis. Alliance, 1942. (This was turned by Savory into an unpublished play, “Hand in Glove”, which in turn was filmed as Urge to Kill: Merton Park, 1960; scw: James Freeman; dir: Vernon Sewell.) SCOTT-TAGGART, JOHN. 1897-1979. Pseudonym: Rodney Quest, q.v. SHEARING, JOSEPH Within the Bubble. [Italy, ca.1867] SIMPSON, HELEN The Female Felon. Lovat Dickson, 1935 (54 pp.) SNAITH, J(OHN) C(OLLIS) -But Even So. [London] SPARK, MURIEL. 1918-2006. SPITTAL, JAMES REGINALD. 1875-1951. Pseudonym: James Quince, q.v. STADLEY, PAT(RICIA A.). 1917-2003. STANLEY, BENNETT. S(tanley) B(ennett) Hough, 1917-1998. STOLZ, MARY (SLATTERY). SC: Eileen O’Kelly (the cat) = EO. Casebook of a Private (Cat’s) Eye. Add [1912] ss (all with EO) are scattered across the chapters (Intended for younger readers.) STONE, SCOTT C. S. 1932-2006. STONE, SIMON Bookmaker’s Body. [England] STURROCK, JEREMY. Pseudonym: Ben(jamin James) Healey, 1908-1988, q.v.. Add year of death. Other pseudonym: J. G. Jeffreys, q.v. The primary character in each of the books under this pen name was the same as the author’s, Jeremy Sturrock of the Bow Street Runners. A series set in Regency times, it displayed, says one online source, “a nice raunchy low-life vulgarity.” Seven books were published in the UK between 1972 and 1983; one of these is shown below. When published in the US the byline was given as J. G. Jeffreys. A final book appeared in 1987 only in the US. ![]() SUMMERTON, MARGARET (ETHEL). 1910-1979. SWAN, JOHN GILMOUR. 186?-1956. Pseudonym: J. Wallace Knight, q.v. THOMAS, RONALD WILLS. Add pseudonym: James Cadell, q.v. THORNTON, JANE. 1961- . TRENT, PAUL Gold Poison. Delete (not criminous) TREVOR, RALPH Murder in the Fifth Column. SC: Insp. Curtis Burke TROLLOPE, FANNY [FRANCES MILTON TROLLOPE]. 1780-1863. Hargrave; or, The Adventures of a Man of Fashion. Colburn, 1843 TURNER, BILL. 1927-1998. TURNER, CHARLES Unlawful. [England] TURNER, JAMES (ERNEST) Mass of Death. Fortune, 1937 SC: Rampion Savage TURNER, WILLIAM PRICE. 1927-1998. VAN HASSEN, AMY. Domini Highsmith, 1942-2003. WALDRON, ROBERT. Pseudonym of Ethel Joyce Roberts. Pearl Shell. N.S.W. Bookstall, 1934 [Singapore, Australia] WALSH, J(AMES) M(ORGAN) The Black Ghost. [England] Lady Incognito. [London] -The Lost Valley. [Australia] -Tap-Tap Island. [South Pacific] The White Mask. [London] WARE, CIJI. [CIJI WARE COOK]. 1942- . WELLS, ANGUS. 1943-2006. WESTRUP, WILLIAM Shadows in the Water. Long, 1929 [South Africa] WILES, DOMINI. Domini Highsmith, 1942-2003. WILKINSON, LAURENCE Turn In, My Lord. [England] WILLIAMSON, (BEATRICE) GLYNN Dangerous Drug. [hospital] WILLS, RONALD. Add pseudonym: James Cadell, q.v. WINTERTON, FRANCIS DERYCK. 1913-1990. WOODS, SARA. Pseudonym of Sara Lanna Bowen-Judd, formerly Eileen Mary Bowen-Judd, nee Hutton, 1916-1985. WRIGHT, MARGOT The Golden Flame. Gramol, 1933 [England] WYKES, ALAN The Penfriend. [London] Return to the Main Page.
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