Arizona Feud. Doubleday Doran, US, hc, 1941. Harrap, UK, 1944. “The homecoming of a young Arizonian revives a blood feud three generations old.” ![]() Stanhope of Chester. Smith Elder, UK, hc, 1894. Rand McNally, US, pb, 1896. The Bookman (Vol. III, No. 1, March 1896): “The most notable ghost story that has appeared for many years.” The Vanished Emperor. Ward Lock, UK, hc, 1896. Rand McNally, US, 1896. Alternate history novel set in Europe. “Sir John Templeton solves the case of the missing German emperor.” ANDREWS, CAROLYN. Pseudonym of Carolyn Hanlon, 1940- , q.v. Add real name and year of birth. Under this pen name, a writer of romance fiction, with one title included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. See below. [Other pen name: Cara Summers; not used for criminous fiction before the year 2000.] The Marriage Curse. Harlequin, pb, 1996. [A lovely innkeeper determined to solve the mystery surrounding her resident ghost clashes with her overly solicitous landlord.] ARCHER, (GERTRUDE) MARGARET. 1913-2001. Add first name and both dates. Daughter of author/journalist Michael Temple; educated at Tonbridge, Lausanne and University College, London; worked in a publishing house and for the BBC during WWII; married to a schoolmaster, Royal H. C. Archer, and lived in Chelsea. Author of six crime novels listed in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV, including the two below. Published in the UK between 1945 and 1953, none appeared in the US. Gull Yard. Jarrolds, UK, hc, 1947. [Nellie Greene, the new governess to the Rev. Arthur Cagg’s household, arrives in London’s Gull Yard during early Victorian times.] ![]() ARMSTRONG, RAYMOND. Pseudonym of Norman (Harold) Lee, 1898-1964, q.v. Under this pen name, the author of 13 mystery novels included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV, all published only in the UK between 1947. The series characters who appeared in these books include J. Rockingham Stone, Inspector Dick Mason, and Laura Scudamore, sometimes individually and on occasion, all three in the same books. It must be Laura Scudamore who is known as “The Sinister Widow,” as the phrase is part of the title in all seven books in which she appears. ARNOLD, JUDITH. Pseudonym of Barbara J. Keiler, 1953- , q. v. Add real name and year of birth. Lives in a small town near Boston. Under this pen name, a writer of romance fiction with two titles in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV, one marginally. See below. [Other pen names: Ariel Berk, Thea Frederick; neither was used for criminous fiction through the year 2000.] -Legacy of Secrets. Harlequin, pb, 1998. Setting: Louisiana. [Book 11 in the Delta Justice series.] ![]() BATTYE, GLADYS STARKEY. 1915-1975. Add year of death. Pseudonym: Margaret Lynn, q.v. BEARDSLEY, CHARLES (NOEL). 1914-1994. Date of death confirmed. Pseudonym: Jocelyn Radcliffe, q.v. Born in California; held many jobs around the world, including those of port representative in the Philippines and engineering reports writer in Khuzestan. He became a full-time writer in 1968. Under his own name, the author of many novels, most often as US paperback originals; two early thrillers are included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. See below. Baksheesh and Roses. Mayflower, UK, pb, 1968. A Raging Wind. Davies, UK, hc, 1961. Setting: Morocco. ![]() A Head for Poisoning. St. Martin’s, hc, 1999. Setting: England, 1101 AD. Murder in the Holy City. St. Martin’s, hc, 1998. Setting: Jerusalem, 1100 AD. ![]() BISHOP, JOHN (D.). 1929-2006. BOOTH, CHRISTOPHER B(ELVARD) Mr. Clackworthy. The ss, untitled here, include these (stretched across the chapters) from their original magazine publication titles: Blasted Reputations \ The Comeback \ The Million Dollar Air Bag \ Mr. Clackworthy Digs a Hole \ Mr. Clackworthy Stakes a Friend \ Mr. Clackworthy Tells the Truth \ A Modern Lazarus \ Painful Extraction Mr. Clackworthy, Con Man. The ss, untitled here, include these (probably stretched across the chapters) from their original magazine publication titles: Clackworthy Coddles a Contract \ Mr. Clackworthy and the Auto Rim \ Mr. Clackworthy Forgets His Tonic \ Mr. Clackworthy Pays His Income Tax \ Mr. Clackworthy Sells a Gold Brick \ Mr. Clackworthy Takes a Dip in Rye \ Mr. Clackworthy Tips a Teapot \ When Mr. Clackworthy Needed a Bracer BOUNDS, SYDNEY JAMES. 1920-2006. Add year of death. Pseudonyms: Max Storm, George Sydney, qq.v. Other pseudonyms: Maxwell Chance, V. L. Scott. Born in Brighton, England. An early science fiction fan and writer, he later branched out into other fields: crime novels, westerns, war stories and others. Much of his mystery fiction was written under house names; included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV are nine such novels, the bylines being Brett Diamond, Earl Ellison, Rick Madison, Rex Marlowe, Desmond Reid & Peter Saxon. One of these is shown below: White Mercenary [as by Peter Saxon], Amalgamated Press, UK, pb, 1962. SC: Sexton Blake. [Rewritten by W. Howard Baker.] ![]() Humour in Our Town. [England] BOYLE, C(ONSTANCE ANTO)NINA. Novelist, essayist, suffragette and founder of the Women’s Police Service in 1914. BRISCO, PATTY. Pseudonym of Patricia (Anne Klein) Matthews, 1927-2006, q.v. Add death date. Under this pen name, the author of four gothic romantic suspense novels included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV, all in unstated collaboration with her husband, writer Clayton Matthews. One of these is shown below (Avon, pb, 1973). ![]() Mist of Evil [with Clayton Matthews]. Manor, pb, 1976. Severn House, hc, 1990, as by Patricia Matthews. Add setting: Los Angeles. Inquiries to the Yard. Correct to: Inquiries by the Yard BUCHANAN, CARL. Pseudonym of James Robert Peery, 1900-1954, q.v. Born in Mississippi; served in U.S. Army’s Signal and Intelligence Divisions in WWI; worked in banking and cotton before settling into journalism; published two mainstream novels under his real name. Under this pen name, the author of a number of short stories for the US detective pulp magazines and three crime novels published in the UK, included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. See below. For more on the author, see also the Mystery*File blog. The Black Cloak Murders. Pearson, UK, hc, 1936. Setting: North Carolina. ![]() The Red Scorpion. Mellifont, UK, pb, 1939. BUCKINGHAM, NANCY. Nancy Buckingham Sawyer, 1924-1994(?). BURFORD, PAMELA. 1954- . Add date of birth and married name: Pamela Burford Loeser, q.v. Twin sister of Patricia Ryan, q.v. Under her maiden name, the author of many romance novel, primarily for Harlequin and its various imprints. Two of them are included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. See below. His Secret Side. Harlequin, pb, 1996. Silhouette, UK, pb, 1998. [Investigating her best friend’s murder in Vermont, the last thing a woman expects is to be both attracted to and fearful of the small town’s doctor.] Twice Burned. Harlequin, pb, 1997. Silhouette, UK, pb, 1998. Setting: New York. [A young woman determined is forced to accept help from an FBI agent who wants to keep her locked away and safe.] ![]() Fell Purpose. Timmins (South Africa), 1945 [South Africa] CHAMPNEYS, AMIAN LISTER. 1879- . CORRIGAN, MARK. Pseudonym of Norman (Harold) Lee, 1898-1964, q.v. Under this pen name, described online as the author of “30 mystery/detective novels with series character Mark Corrigan of US Intelligence who, with sidekick Tucker Maclean, has first-person romantic adventure thriller experiences in exotic locations.” Two of these are shown below. ![]() ![]() DANE, DONALD; pseudonym of Dugald Matheson Cumming-Skinner, (1902- ) The Mystery of the Tattooed Tec ![]() The Naked Villainy. [London, 1937] DEANE, DONALD. Pseudonym of Mary Cicely Fair, 1874-1955. Trained in medicine, traveled widely, had radio engineer’s certificate; photographer, had practical skills in archeology; lecturer on history. ![]() The House on Washington Place (Curtis, 1974, pb) [New York City, NY; 1860s] What Happened on the Melisande? Curtis, 1972; Cassell, 1971 [ship] DICK, T. Eric Richard Osler, 1900-1986. DOE, EDWARD C. 1916-1971. DOUGLAS, GAVIN. Pseudonym of Douglas Vallance, q.v., for “Last Night on Masada,” Hale, 1979. DOYLE, MONTE Signpost to Murder. For novelization of the movie based on his play, see: Doria Folliott. DUNN, J(OSEPH) ALLAN (ELPHINSTONE) Gold Fever. Sharman Ellis pb, 1930s [Australia] DUNN, SUSAN WARD. (Adding middle name.) FAIR, MARY CICELY. 1874-1955. Pseudonym: Donald Deane, q.v. FERGUSON, JOHN The Grouse Moor Mystery. [Scotland] FLINT, JEREMY. 1928-1989. FORBES, DIANA. Pseudonym of Celia Levetus Nicholson, 1874-1936. Born in Montreal of English parents; came to England in 1878 with her parents; lived in London and then Birmingham, where she attended the School of Art; a leading artist and illustrator until her marriage to Eric Pearson Nicholson in 1902. GARRISON, PAUL Fire and Ice. (A sequel to “The Shipkiller”, as by Justin Scott, set 10 years later, with the same main characters though their names are different.) GEORGE, S(IDNEY) C(HARLES) -The Reluctant Infidel. [Turkey, 1500s] The Shadow of the Guillotine. Arnold, 1965 [France, England, late 1700s] Strange Courtship. [England, Egypt] -The Witch-Doctor. [Zanzibar, early 1800s] GREENWOOD, D(IANE) M. Born in Norfolk; has degree in Classics from Oxford University and another in Theology from London University; taught at a number of schools; retired as Diocesan Director of Education for the diocese of Rochester in 2004. GREAVES, JIMMY. Add: also a famous soccer star. GREENSTED, RICHARD. Management consultant in the financial services industry. GREENWOOD, EDWIN. 1895- . HACKFORTH-JONES, (FRANK) GILBERT Fish Out of Water. [England, 1941] no SC (delete Commander Wally Phipps-Mangot) HAMILTON, PETER F. Setting (all 3 books): England. HANLON, CAROLYN. 1940- . Pseudonym: Carolyn Andrews, q.v. Add this entry with the author’s real name and year of birth. [Other pen name: Cara Summers; not used for any criminous fiction before the year 2000.] HEWITT, E(STELLE) L(OUISE) Dangerous Edge. [South] HOBART, ROBERTSON. Pseudonym of Norman (Harold) Lee, 1898-1964, q.v. Under this pen name, the author of four mystery novels included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. Series character Inspector Grant Vickary appears in two of them; the setting for each is Australia. One of these is shown below: ![]() INCHBALD, PETER (BINGHAM). 1919-2004. INCHBALD, RALPH (MORDAUNT ELLIOT). 1902-1991. INMAN, ERIC. 1906(?)-1994(?). IRVINE, PATRICIA McCUNE. ca.1918- . IRVING, PETER HENRY (HOWY). 1914-1991. JACKMAN, STUART (BROOKE). 1922-2002. JAMES, S(AMUEL) T(HOMAS). 1897(?)-1990(?). JEFKINS, FRANK (WILLIAM). 1920-1994. JENKINS, (MARGARET) ELIZABETH (HEALD). 1905-1984. JEWELL, DEREK (RICHARD). (Adding middle name.) JOHN, (LEONARD?) OWEN. 1919-1995(?). JOHNSON, HAROLD NELS. 1899-1986. JOHNSON, GRACE (CECELIA TRACY). 1902-1986. JOHNSON, LEE. Lillian Beatrice Johnson, 1903(?)-1987(?). JOHNSON, LILLIAN BEATRICE. (Correcting first name spelling.) 1903(?)-1987(?). JOHNSTON, TAFFY Straight Goers. Show publication date as ca.1947. Change [England] to [Australia] JOHNSTON, JOAN (MERTENS). 1948- . JONES, GWYN. 1907-1999. JONES, HOWARD. 1906-1997(?). JONES, MARK (AIDEN?). 1947-2003(?). JONES, (CHARLES) VICTOR. 1919-2001. JOPSON, MARION (PATERSON). 1913-1994. JORDAN, JENNIFER. 1949(?)-2003(?). JORDISON, FRED. 1918-1991. JOYCE, CYRIL. 1930-1992. JUDE, CHRISTOPHER (ARTHUR?). 1915(?)-2003(?). KEEGAN, ALEX(ANDER?). 1947-2003(?). KEEGAN, MARY CONSTANCE HEATHCOTT. 1914-1994. KEILER, BARBARA J. 1953- . Pseudonym: Judith Arnold, q.v. Add this entry with the author’s real name and year of birth. [Other pen names: Ariel Berk, Thea Frederick; neither was used for criminous fiction through the year 2000.] KENRICK, DOUGLAS M(OORE?). 1912(?)- . KENSDALE, WILLIAM ELLIOTT NORWOOD. 1906-1988. KENYON, JAMES W(ILLIAM). 1910(?)-1991(?). KERR, J(ACK) W(ALTER?). ca.1930(?)- . KERSHAW, JOHN (HUGH D’ALLENGER). 1931-1993. KERSHAW, VALERIE. 1916-2001. KEY, L. J. Pseudonym of Daniel Tamkus, 1934- . Add confirmed year of birth. Under this pen name, the author of one marginal crime-horror novel included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. See below. -The Spawn. Dell, pb, 1983. [The Royces – a special family, a privileged clan living in a closely guarded enclave, a paradise of wealth and tradition no stranger could penetrate. They thought themselves safe...] KEYWORTH, HENRY. 1911(?)-1994(?). KILPATRICK, SARAH. Mavis Eileen Underwood, 1916-1987. KILVINGTON, EDWIN. 1901-1990. KINSLEY, PETER. 1934- . KNIGHT FRANK [FRANCIS EDGAR KNIGHT]. 1905-1998. KORAN, AL. Edward C. Doe, 1916-1971. KUDIAN, MISCHA. 1918-1997. KUTAK, ROSEMARY. 1905(?)-1999(?). LA BERN, ARTHUR (JOSEPH). 1909-1990. LACEY, PETER. 1941-2000(?). LADLINE, ROBERT. SC: J(ohn) A(ugust) Remington = JR. When the Police Failed. JR LAING, KENNETH. Kenneth (Joseph Robb) Langmaid, 1902-1985. LAIT, ROBERT (FREDERICK). 1921-1993. LAJEUNESSE, C(ARL FARRINGTON) R. 1930-2003. LAKE, DAVID (ROGER?). 1946(?)-1996(?). LAKE, JAMES (THOMAS). 1920-2000(?). LAMBERT, DUDLEY (DAVIS). 1880- . LANGDON, GEE A Clue from the Past. [England] LANGHORN, FRANCES (MARGARET?). 1935(?)-2001(?). LANGMAID, KENNETH (JOSEPH ROBB). 1902-1985. LARBALESTIER, P(HILIP) G(EORGE). 1901-1984. Composer and author who lived on Jersey, with seven titles to his credit in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. Three of the mystery novels are cases for Inspector Michael Farrant. Add dates and correct spelling of last name [from Larbarlestier]. LARNER, CELIA. 1918-1999. LATHAM, ALISON M(ARY). 1903- LATHAM, ESTHER M(URRAY). 1911-2000. LATHAM, MURRAY. Alison M(ary) Latham, 1903- . Esther M(urray) Latham, 1911-2000. LATTA, GORDON (CUTHBERTSON). 1904-1990. LAUBEN, PHILIP (S.). 1899-1996. LAWRENCE, H(ENRY) L(IONEL). 1908-1990. LEA, HUGH. 1908-1986. LEACH, CHRISTOPHER (JOSEPH?). 1925-2004(?). LEADERMAN, GEORGE. Richard Blundell Robinson, 1905-1988. LEAVITT, ALAN J. ca.1936- . LE BAS, MARY (ETHEL?). 1901(?)-1986(?). LEDIG, GERT. 1921-1999. LEE, HERBERT PATRICK Hell’s Harbour. [Canada] LEE, NORMAN (HAROLD). 1898-1964. Correction of dates & addition of middle name. Add as pseudonyms: Raymond Armstrong, Mark Corrigan, Robertson Hobart, qq.v. Also add the titles indicated with a (*) below. The following is now the complete entry in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV for the author under his own name. (Others novels appear to be adventure or sea stories only.) -Deputy Wife. Mitre, UK, pb, 1946. The “Four Winds” Mystery. Mitre, UK, pb, 1946. Peril at Journey’s End. Foster, UK, pb, 1947. (*) Ship of Adventure. Skilton, UK, 1948. Setting: Ship. (*) The Terrified Village. Lutterworth, UK, hc, 1947. Setting: England, 1800s. Subtitle: A Tale of the Kent and Sussex Smugglers. [Historical tale based on the exploits of the Zack o’Lantern gang, in which the son of a London lawyer falls in with smugglers.] LEE, NORMAN.
1905-1962. Delete this entry. This eliminates an apparent
second Norman Lee whose
presumed pseudonyms are now correctly attributed in the entry above.
LEE, THORNE. Pseudonym of Thornton T. Shively, 1913-1980, q.v. Based on the discovery of a signed copy of one of his mysteries offered recently on eBay, correct spelling of last name, add middle initial & both dates. Born in Nebraska; in 1950s living in California and instructing in English and speech at a junior college; actor. Under this pen name, the author of two mystery novels included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. See below. Also the author of short fiction appearing in the SF and detective pulps; for a long profile of Thorne Lee by Bill Pronzini, see the Mystery*File blog. The Monster of Lazy Hook. Duell Sloane & Pearce, hc, 1949. Setting: California. “A mystery involving three missing men, an eccentric millionaire (dead), a hermit butler, a dilapidated estate ... a classic California whodunit...” LEES, HAROLD P(ERCY). 1912-2003. LENEHAN, J(OHN) C(HRISTOPHER). 1890-1943. LEONARD, TINA (ELAINE SITES). 1962- . LETT, GORDON. 1910-1989. LEWIS, (C.) JACK. 1924- . LEWIS, ROY HARLEY. 1930-2001. LEY, ALICE CHETWYND. 1913-2004. LEYTON, PATRICK. Add: pseudonym of Brenda Cecilia Hopwood, 1878-1959, q.v. Under this name, the author of 20 crime thrillers published in England between 1925 and 1948. Two were reprinted in the US; one is shown below. Note: This discovery was made by John Herrington, who has also found evidence that around 1919 the author legally changed the family name from Gregge-Hopwood to Hopwood only. ![]() Rain on the Roof. Dial Press, hc, 1931. Methuen, UK, hc, 1932. Setting: California. ![]() _Arms of Vengeance [as by Nick Carter]. Co-authored by Dennis Lynds. Jove, pb, 1989. [#255] _Law of the Lion [as by Nick Carter]. Co-authored by Dennis Lynds. Jove, pb, 1989. [#252] LOESER, PAMELA BURFORD. 1954- . Add date of birth and married name of Pamela Burford, q.v. LONG, FREDA MARGARET. 1927-2001. LONG, HARMAN. Eric Inman, 1906(?)-1994(?). LORD, GARLAND. Mindret Lord, 1903-1955. LORD, MINDRET. 1903-1955. LORRIMER, CLAIRE. Ref: CA. LOW, ONA (IRIS). 1916-2002. LOWE, MARJORIE (GRIFFITHS). 1909-1984. LUDERS-KNEGTMANS, ANNEKE. 1918- . LUKENS, JOHN (MICHAEL?). 1921-1998(?). LUMSDEN, JEAN BARBARA. 1916-1998. Add year of death. Pseudonym: Rachelle Swift, q.v. LUNN-ROCKLIFFE, (WILLIAM?) PAUL. 1917(?)-1994(?). LYNN, GRAHAM (MITCHELL?). 1955(?)-1996(?). LYNN, MARGARET. Pseudonym of Gladys Starkey Battye, 1915-1975, q.v. Add year of death. Under this pen name, the author of six novels included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. First published in the UK, all six were reprinted in the US, five in hardcover. When published in the US in paperback editions, the books were generally considered to be a gothic romantic suspense novels. McARDLE, BRIAN. 1911(?)-2002(?). McBAIN, SCOTT. 1960- . Pseudonym of an author born in Scotland, educated in law, and living in Panama. MACDONALD, MALCOLM [JOHN MALCOLM ROSS-MACDONALD]. (Giving full name.) MacDONNELL, JULIA. Add full name: Julia MacDonnell Chang. 1947- . Add year of birth. Head of creative writing program at Rowan University in NJ. Author of one novel marginally included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. See below. -A Year of Favor. Morrow, hc, 1994. Setting: Central America. Add the dash, correct setting. [New York City reporter Elizabeth Guerrara searches for truth in a dangerous Central American country.] McFALL, MICHAEL. SC: Ernest and Jessica Heppelthwaite = H. The Heppelthwaite Mysteries. Book Guild (England), 1989 ss (all with H): Ancient Lights \ Bats in the Belfry \ Double Trouble \ Red Letter Days McGRAW, HUGH (PATRICK). 1906(?)-1984(?). MacILWRAITH, BILL [WILLIAM RONALD MacILWRAITH?]. 1908(?)-2001(?). MacKAY, JOHN. 1910-1999(?). MacKENZIE, ANDREW (CARR). 1911-2001. MacKENZIE, (ALEXANDER MacKAY) SCOBIE. 1906-1988. MacKINTOSH, MAY. 1922-1998. McLEAN, ALLAN CAMPBELL. 1922-1989(?). -Ribbon of Fire. Collins, 1962; Harcourt, 1962 [Skye, 1884] (Intended for younger readers.) McNAMARA, EDWARD T(HOMAS?). 1915-1987(?). McQUADE, MIKE [MICHAEL?]. 1915(?)-1995(?). MALACHY, FRANK Hot Town. Delete title (a western) and entire entry. MANS, ADRIENNE. Anneke Luders-Knegtmans, 1918- . MARCH, JERMYN. Dorothy Anna Maria Webb, 1900(?)-1985(?). MARR-JOHNSON, DIANA (MAUGHAM). (Adding maiden name.) MARRINER, BRIAN. 1937-1999. MARSHALL, WILL(IAM?). 1901(?)-1984(?). MARTIN, DESMOND. 1926(?)-1993(?). MARTINS, JOYCE F(LORENCE). 1928-1988. MASON, HOWARD. Jennifer Ramage, 1928- . Radio actress. MASON, STANLEY (ARTHUR?). 1917-2004(?). MASTERS, SIMON (JAMES?). 1948-2003(?). MATHEWSON, JOHN. 1921(?)-2003(?). MATHIESON, THEODORE. 1913-1994(?). MATTHEWS, PATRICIA (ANNE KLEIN) (née ERNST). 1927-2006. Add year of death. Pseudonyms: Patty Brisco, Laura Wylie, qq.v. Married Marvin Owen Brisco, 1946, divorced 1961; married writer Clayton Matthews, with whom she often collaborated, 1972. Best known for her historical romance novels, with titles such as Love’s Avenging Heart, beginning in the late 1970s; also a prolific writer of Gothic and romantic suspense novels, with over 15 included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV under her own name and two pen names. Series character Casey Farrel was in at least in one book was a female member of the Governor of Arizona’s task force on crime; she appeared in four books, each in collaboration with Clayton Matthews. The cover image of one is shown below (London & New York: Severn House, 1994). ![]() MEAGHER, JOSEPH (WILLIAM). 1911(?)-1992(?). MEISSNER, HANS (OTTO). 1909-1992. MELVILLE-ROSS, ANTONY (STUART). 1920-1993. MERCER, JUNE. 1933(?)-1997(?). MERRETT, CHARLES H(ENRY). 1898-1991. MESSITER, IAN (CASSAN?). 1920(?)-1999(?). METHLEY, VIOLET (MARY). 1904(?)-1986(?). MILES, STELLA. 1920(?)-1994(?). MILLAR, FLORENCE N(ORAH). 1920-2000? Add tentative year of death. Author of two detective novels and one work marginally criminous, all three included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. Chief Inspector Douglas Grant (DG) is the series detective in two of them. See below. Fishing Is Dangerous. Gifford, UK, hc, 1946. DG Grant’s Overture. Gifford, UK, hc, 1956. DG -The Lone Kiwi. Dawson, UK, hc, 1948. Setting: Italy, World War II. MILLAR, J(OHN) HALKET. 1899-1978. Born in New Zealand. Add as a new author entry. Death Round the Bend. R. W. Stiles & Co., New Zealand, hc, 1954. [A novel about the bushranging Burgess gang that terrorized the New Zealand goldfields in 1866.] MILLAR, PETER. British journalist and author of one thriller novel included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. See below. Bleak Midwinter (Bloomsbury, 2002) is about an outbreak of bubonic plague set in modern Oxford. Stealing Thunder. London & NYC: Bloomsbury, hc, 1999. Add setting: 1945. [Alternative history thriller involving Klaus Fuchs, the German born Los Alamos physicist who passed on critical pieces of information about the atomic bomb.] ![]() The Medallion. Salt Lake City: Northwest, pb, 1992. Setting: Wyoming. “This tale of courage and triumph follows Calvin Taft as he battles to regain his past with the help of a special medallion.” ![]() Top Knocker. Dublin, Ireland: Wolfhound, pb, 1990. Wolfhound, US, pb, 1990. Setting: Dublin. [Novel about intrigue in the antiques trade, by an insider.] MILLS, MAX. 1910?-2001? Add both dates, both tentative. Author of one novel included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. See below. Bedtime at Eleven. Quality Press, UK, hc, 1949. MITCHELL, (WILLIAM) HUTTON. 1870-1934. Artist and illustrator, born in Scotland, died in Essex. MOORE, DONALD. 1923-2000. MOREAU, DAVID (MERLIN?). 1927(?)-2004(?). MOREL, DIGHTON. Pseudonym of Kenneth Louis Warner, 1915-1990, q.v. Under this pen name, the author of one title in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV perhaps more science-fictional than crime related. See below. -Moonlight Red. Secker & Warburg, UK, hc, 1960. Add the dash. Ned Brooks provided the following description of the book, based on the author’s entry in The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy, by Donald H. Tuck: “An apocalyptic disaster novel in which an epidemic drives everyone mad.” MORETON, C(ONSTANCE) A(NNE). 1909(?)-1993(?). MORGAN, GEOFFREY. 1916-1995. MORGAN, MICHAEL HAMILTON. ca.1954- . MORGAN, STANLEY. SC: Michael Morgan = MM. Mission to Katuma. Mayflower, 1973 MM [Africa] Octopus Hill. Mayflower, 1970 MM [Africa] Sky-Jacked. Delete (not criminous) MORGAN, THOMAS CHRISTOPHER. 1914-2004. MORRIS, IRA (VICTOR). 1903-1972. MORRIS, MARGARET JEAN. 1924-1996. MORRIS, NORVAL. 1923-2004. MORRIS, R(ONALD) A(RTHUR) VENNER. 1877- . MORRIS, T(HOMAS) B(ADEN). 1900-1986. MORRISON, JAMES W(ILLIAM?) R. 1921(?)-1991(?). MORRISON, T(HOMAS) J(AMES). 1906-1993. MORRIST, EDWARD. 1921-1999. MORTIMER, KATHARINE The Sting of the Wasp. Delete: the book apparently was never published. MORTLOCK, BILL. Frederick Evelyn Mostyn, 1919-1999. MOSS, BARON. 1923(?)-1998(?). MOSS, PETER. 1935-1998(?). MOSTYN, FREDERICK EVELYN. 1919-1999. MOYZISCH, L(UDWIG) C(ARL). 1905- . Born in Vienna; at one time military attache in the German embassy in Ankara Turkey. MUIR, ALAN. T(homas) J(ames) Morrison, 1906-1993. MUIR, JOHN. Thomas Christopher Morgan, 1914-2004. MURPHY, ROBERTA. 1934(?)-2002(?). MUSSON, JEAN (MAVIS?). 1928(?)-2003(?). NASH, PADDER. Pseudonym of Alan Sewart, 1928-1998, q.v. Under this pen name, the author of eight detective novels included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. Published between 1982 and 1986 by Robert Hale in the UK, all eight feature Sgt. Boggis as the primary series character, but that each of them has the word “Grass” in the title indicates the stories are told through the eyes of a professional informer. One of these is shown below (Hale, 1982). ![]() NEILAN, SARAH. 1918(?)-1998(?). NEILD, MARY (RODEN). 1914-1999. NEILD, TOM [THOMAS DAWSON NEILD]. 1905- . (Date correction.) NEILSON, MARGUERITE. 1909-1992. NELSON, MICHAEL HARRINGTON. 1921-1990. NETTELL, RICHARD (GEOFFREY). 1907-1984. NEVIN, JACK. 1926(?)-1997(?). NEVITT, BRIAN. 1936(?)-1995(?). NICHOLSON, CELIA LEVETUS. 1874-1936. Pseudonym: Diana Forbes, q.v. NIXON, WILLIAM (HOLLADAY). 1958- .q NORFOLK, WILLIAM (FREDERICK?). 1927-1994(?). NORTH, ELIZABETH (STEWART). 1932-1992(?). NOTLEY, JOHN (FRANKE). 1911-1998. NORSWORTHY, GEORGE Murder at Mulberry Cottage. Correct to: Murder at Mulberry Tree Cottage NORWOOD, ELLIOTT. William Elliott Norwood Kensdale, 1906-1988. O’CALLAGHAN, SEAN. 1925(?)-1999(?). O’DONNELL, MARGARET (JANE). 1899-1991. O’HARA, KENNETH. Margaret Jean Morris, 1924-1996. O’HARA, PATRICK. 1933-2004(?). OLDE, NICHOLAS. Amian Lister Champneys, 1879- . ORAM, JOHN. John Oram Thomas, 1906-1992. OSBORNE, BERESFORD (GEORGE?). 1941(?)-1986(?). O’SHEA, SEAN What a Way to Go! (Delete the dash.) [Bahamas, Florida] OSLER, ERIC RICHARD. 1900-1986. OUGHTON, FREDERICK (JAMES). 1923-1990. The Siege of Sidney Street. Pan, 1960 [London, 1911] (Novelization of film: Mid-Century, 1960; also released as The Siege of Hell Street; scw: Jimmy Sangster, Alexander Baron; dir: Robert S. Baker, Monty Berman.) OULTON, L. Exceeding Pleasant. Lynwood, 1913 [Ireland] ss (criminous = *): Anticipations \ As It Fell Upon a Day \ Aunt Louisa \ The Black Dread \ The Brook of the Willows \ Exceeding Pleasant \ Lady Nancy Bell \ *A Light Railway Act \ *Old Crown Derby \ An Old Garden \ Paradisus Terrestris \ A Scatter’d Smile \ Ses Yeux de Pervenche \ The Terrace - Mr. Turner of No. 3 \ The Terrace - Next Door Neighbours \ When Shadows Lengthen \ Willie PADDON, (WILLIAM) WREFORD. 1917-2001. PAICE, ERIC. 1926-1989. Ref: CA. PALMER, JOHN. Pseudonym of Edgar John Palmer Watts, 1904-1988, q.v. Add year of death. [Note: This is not the John Palmer who with Hilary St. George Saunders wrote under the joint pen name of Francis Beeding.] Under this byline Watts wrote four crime adventure novels included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. See below. Series characters Guy Plant and Freya Matthews (P/M) appeared together in two of them. Above and Below. Hodder & Stoughton, UK, hc, 1967. Setting: Ship. (P/M) The Caves of Claro. Hodder & Stoughton, UK, hc, 1964. Cretan Cipher. Hodder & Stoughton, UK, hc, 1965. Setting: Crete. ![]() PALMER, TONY. 1943- . Delete CA reference. (Corrections.) PANSKI, WACLAW JAN. 1897-1990. Pseudonym: Waclaw Solski, q.v. PARKER, WINSTON (LLOYD?). 1909(?)-2000(?). PARKMAN, SYDNEY MULLER. 1895-1995. PARSONS, ANTHONY Death by the Nile. SC: Rushton Carr (misspelled Ruston Carr throughout) PATTINSON, JAMES. 1915- . Prolific British author of approximately 100 mystery thrillers included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV, plus five published after 2000, including one scheduled for 2008. One of his earlier novels (Hale, 1968) is shown immediately below: ![]() Enemy No. 19. Edinburgh, Scotland: The Pentland Press, hc, 1997. Setting: Far East. “One is apt to forget there was also a Holocaust in the ![]() Held Open for Death. Arcadia House, hc, 1958. Add setting: El Paso TX. Leading character: fledgling real estate agent Tillie Latimer. [For a review of this book, see the Mystery*File blog.] ![]() Delete: Dragon’s Play. [Stoddart, Canada, hc, 1987.] This book does not appear to exist. Add: Gone to Timbuctoo. Collins, UK, hc, 1962. Setting: Africa. James Bond: The Authorized Biography of 007. Sidgwick & Jackson, UK, hc, 1973. Wm. Morrow, US, hc, 1973. SC: James Bond. ![]() ![]() PENDLETON, DON(ALD EUGENE). 1927-1995. As the creator of Mack Bolan, or “The Executioner” series, generally perceived as the father of the modern action-adventure novel. The first Bolan book was in 1969; after 1980 other authors took over the writing, but the books still appeared under Pendleton’s name. Death Squad. Vivid Comics, 1996. Graphic novel, with scripting by Pendleton’s widow, Linda Pendleton, 1942- , q.v. Art by Sandi Florea. [Note: Death Squad is the second “Executioner” novel; the first, War Against the Mafia, appeared earlier in a serialized comic book format: Parts One, Two and Three were adapted and scripted by Don Pendleton & Linda Pendleton, with art by Sandu Florea: Innovation Comics, 1993. Part Four did not appear after the publisher went out of business.] ![]() PENROSE, MARGARET. Delete CA reference. PERRIN, ROBERT. 1939-1994(?). PERRING, DOUGLAS. David Andrew Michael Pring, 1922-1991. PERRY, PATRICIA (ANN?). 1934-1997(?). PESKITT, S(IDNEY) JOHN. 1906-1991. PETTIT, PAUL (EATON?). 1911-1994(?). PIPER, PETER Margot Leck. Add [1888] PLAYFAIR, JOCELYN (NOEL C.). 1904-1997. PLOMLEY, (FRANCIS) ROY. (Adding first name.) POLK, JAMES K. The Camelia Caper. [Rhode Island] POLLARD, GEORGE. 1921-2004(?). POPPLEWELL, JACK. 1909-1996. (Correcting birth year.) PORTEOUS, (THOMAS) CLARK. 1910-1997. South Wind Blows. [Mississippi] PORTER, HENRY. 1953- . POTTER, MARGARET. 1916-1997(?). POWELL, LESTER (EDWIN). 1912-1993. PRATT, CORNELIA ATWOOD. 1886-1929. PRATT, GRACE TYLER. ca.1870- . PRING, DAVID ANDREW MICHAEL. 1922-1991. QUARTERMAIN, H(ILDA?) J(OYCE?). 1921(?)-1995(?). QUEST, ERICA. Nancy Buckingham Sawyer, 1924-1994(?). QUINAIN, LOUIS (FROUD). 1915-2003. QUINLAN, JIM. Newspaperman, screenwriter and teacher. RABE, SHEILA -Miss Plympton’s Peril. Jove, 1994 [England, 1800s] RADCLIFFE, JOCELYN. Pseudonym of Charles Beardsley, 1914-1994, q.v. Confirm date of death. Under the pen name, the author of one gothic romantic suspense novel included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. See below. Blackwood. Curtis, pb, 1974. Setting: California. “Blood ties turned into a stranglehold of horror in a place where a kiss could kill.” ![]() RAGG, THOMAS MURRAY. 1897-1953. RAMAGE, JENNIFER. 1928- . RAMSDALE, FRED. 1910(?)-1984(?). RANDALL, ANTHONY A(SHETON). Born in Sussex; educated at King’s School, Canterbury; served in the Indian Army 1942-1947; qualified as a solicitor in 1949; spent 35 years in a solicitor’s practice in St. Albanss, Hertfordshire, retiring in 1987; living in Dorset. RAY, MARY (EVA?). 1932-2003(?). RAYMAN, SYLVIA (JOAN?). 1923(?)-1986(?). RAYMOND, MARY. Mary Constance Heathcott Keegan, 1914-1994. READY, STUART. 1899(?)-1984(?). REDKNAP, E(LLEN) E(DITH HANNAH). 1906-1991. REED, MARY. Ref: CA. REES, LAURENCE (MARK). (Adding middle name.) REES, ROSEMARY (FRANCIS). 1876-1963. New Zealand actress turned romance novelist. April’s Sowing. Jenkins, 1924; Arcadia, 1936 [New Zealand, England] Dear Acquaintance. Chapman, 1929; Farrar, 1930 [England, Switzerland] Heather of the South. Jenkins, 1924 [New Zealand] -“Life’s What You Make It!” Jenkins, 1927 [New Zealand] She Who Loves. Chapman, 1952 [England] You’ll Never Fail Me. Chapman, 1939 [London, New Zealand] REEVE, CHRISTOPHER. Pseudonym of Dorothy Anna Maria Webb, 1900?-1985?, q.v. Add full name of author and tentative dates. She wrote seven mystery novels between 1929 to 1948 under this pen name, five of them eventually published in the US. All are included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. The jacket for one of them is shown below (Morrow, US, 1930). A review of The Ginger Cat, touted on the cover, was reviewed in The Harvard Crimson, November 9, 1929. ![]() Cruel Sanctuary. Avon, pb, 1999. Setting: Washington state. Deadly Harvest. Avon, pb, 1999. Setting: Washington state. A Ritual Death. Avon, pb, 1997. Setting: Washington state. ![]() RICE, ROBERT. 1926-2000? Add tentative year of death. Author of one novel included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. See below. Mongrel Sabbath. Excalibur Press, UK, pb, 1995. RICH, NICHOLAS. 1916?-1984? Add tentative dates. Author of three espionage thrillers included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. See below. Series character in each: Adam Hood. The Blane Document. Robert Hale, UK, hc, 1972. Setting: Australia. The Seajet Spies. Robert Hale, UK, hc, 1973. Setting: Australia. Spy Now, Pay Later. Robert Hale, UK, hc, 1972. RICHARDS, C(ECIL) J(OHN). 1894?-1989? Add tentative dates. Author of one short story collection included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. See below. No Buses Running. Warren, UK, hc, 1956. Story collection, some criminous. Setting: Burma. RICHARDSON, GEOFFREY. 1929-2003. Add year of death. His ‘second career’ was as an author of books about Richard III and the War of the Roses; one of these novels is included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. See below. The Deceivers. Baildon Books, UK, hc, 1997. Setting: London, 1480s. [A radical solution for the puzzle of who killed the Princes in the Tower.] ![]() The Rock of Justice. Hutchinson, UK, hc, 1928. The Temple Murder. Hutchinson, UK, hc, 1926. RIDGEWAY, PHILIP. 1920- . RIDLER, WILLIAM (ROBERT?). 1911(?)-1996(?). RIDYARD, RICHARD D(ALTON). 1914-2003. RIFFENBURGH, BEAU. 1955- . Add year of birth. Joint pseudonym with Elizabeth Elizabeth Cruwys, 1958- : Simon Beaufort, q.v. He is not only a mystery writer, but both a historian specializing in polar exploration and a noted expert on American football, with many publications to his credit. RIPLEY, JACK. John (William) Wainwright, 1921-1995. RITCHIE, PAUL (FRASER). 1923-1996. RIVERS, ANNE. 1920(?)-2003(?). ROBB, JOHN. Norman (Winston?) Robson, 1917-1999(?). ROBBINS, DAVID (LAWRENCE) Proof of Life. Onyx, 2000 (Novelization of film: Castle Rock, 2000; scw: Tony Gilroy; dir: Taylor Hackford.) ROBERTS, JANE. Ref: CA. ROBERTS, PATRICIA (FLORA CLEMENTINA). Tender Prey. [1935] ROBINSON, CHARLES KNOX. 1909-1980. ROBINSON, GIOVANNA Murder for Rent. [NYC] ROBINSON, LILLIAN S(ARA). Ref: CA. ROBINSON, PATRICK. Ref: CA. ROBINSON, PHILIP (BEDFORD). 1926-1986. ROBINSON, RICHARD BLUNDELL. 1905-1988. ROBSON, NORMAN (WINSTON?). 1917-1999(?). ROFFMAN, JAN. Margaret (Ethel) Summerton, 1910-1979. ROSENBERG, JOHN (RUPERT). (Adding middle name.) ROSS, CHARLES (DEREK). 1924(?)-1986(?). ROSS, GEORGE. Pseudonym of Isaac Ross, 1907- . ROSS, ISAAC. 1907- . Pseudonym: George Ross, q.v. ROSS, SHEILA (MURIEL). Ref: CA. ROSS, SUTHERLAND. Ref: CA. ROSSETTI, MINERVA. Ref: CA. ROTHENBERG, MICHAEL. Ref: CA. ROTHENBERG, REBECCA. Ref: CA. ROUDYBUSH, ALEXANDRA (BROWN). 1911-2005. ROWAN, EVELYN (GLADYS?). 1904(?)-1998(?). ROWELL, GEORGE (RIGNALL). 1923-2001. ROWE, ROSEMARY. 1942- . Ref: CA. RUBINSTEIN, STANLEY (JACK). 1890-1975. Ref: CA. RUCKA, GREG. Ref: CA. RUFF, MATT. Ref: CA. RUSSO, JOHN (A.). Ref: CA. RUTLEDGE, ARTHUR. 1922(?)-2000(?). RYAN, PATRICIA (née BURFORD). 1954- . Add date of birth and maiden name. Twin sister of romantic fiction writer Paula Burford, q.v. Also a writer of romances, two of them included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. See below. Later, as P. B. Ryan, the author of a series of post-Civil War historical mysteries featuring Boston governess Nell Sweeney, the first being Still Life with Murder (Berkley, pb, 2003). A Burning Touch. Harlequin, pb, 1996. Mills, UK, pb, 1996. Setting: New Jersey. [India Cook offers her services to the police department; detective Jamie Keegan knows all about con artists.] Silken Threads. Topaz, hc, 1999. Setting: London, 1100s. [Graeham Fox is on a secret mission: rescuing his lord’s illegitimate daughter from the clutches of her abusive husband.] ![]() The Unvarnished Truth. London: French, pb, 1978. [3-act play, a comedy-farce: A row between a married couple leaves the woman dead.] SANCTON, THOMAS [SR.]. 1915- . Add as a new author entry. Born in the Panama Canal Zone. Managing editor of The New Republic in 1943; wrote extensively on race and the South while with the magazine and later as Washington editor of The Nation. Currently at work in New Orleans on a memoir of his early involvement in civil rights movement. Father of Thomas A. Sancton, jazz clarinetist & former Paris bureau chief for Time magazine. -Count Roller Skates. Doubleday, 1956. Setting: New Orleans. Reprinted as The Magnificent Rascal, Crest, pb, 1958. From a Time magazine review: “... camera-eye reporting on jazz joints, brothels and the irrecoverable sights and sounds of New Orleans before World War I.” ![]() SANDERS, ELSIE H(ELEN?). 1919?-1994? Tentatively add middle name and both dates. Author of one novel included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. See below. Kenya Nights. Grayson & Grayson, UK, hc, 1944. Setting: Kenya. “... novel of romance, jealousy, attacks by leopards & mad natives ...” SARMIENTO, DOROTHY. 1908-1995. Add both dates. Author of one mystery novel included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. See below: Roles and Relations. Chapman & Hall, UK, hc, 1956. Setting: England. “... a murder story set in a country house where a group of psychiatrists are meeting.” SAVI, E(THEL) W(INIFRED) née BRYNING. 1865-1954. [Slightly revised biography.] Mother of Gerald B. Savi, q.v. Born in Calcutta; privately educated. Married John Savi in 1884 and lived in rural India until 1896. Settled in England, 1909, when she began to write. One of her many romantic novels is marginally criminous and is included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. See below. -The Devil Drives. Putnam, UK, hc, 1921. Putnam, US, hc, 1922. Setting: India. SAVI, GERALD B(ARTON). Son of novelist E(thel) W(inifred) Savi, q.v. Spent ten years in an official capacity in Burma and author of a number of novels set there; many are criminous, at least marginally. Five are included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV, including the first cited below; add the one indicated with an asterisk (*). -Alive or Dead. Hodder & Stoughton, UK, hc, 1938. Add setting: Burma. ![]() SAWYER, NANCY BUCKINGHAM. 1924-1994(?). SCARROW, SIMON. 1962- . Ref: CA. SCHOLEY, ERIC (GATE?). 1921(?)-2002(?). SCHOLEY, JEAN. 1917(?)-1986(?). SCOTTER, JOHN. 1915(?)-1998(?). SEATON, STUART (HENRY?). 1927-1987(?). SELWYN. Pseudonym of Selwyn Victor Watson, 1912-1989, q.v. Add both dates. Under this pen name, the author of one mystery novel included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. See below. Operation Ballerina. Hodder & Stoughton, UK, hc, 1953. A review in Punch begins: “The secret agent. The blonde. The gun. The coincidences. The brutality ... ” SEUFFERT, MUIR. Muriel Mary Seuffert, 1916-1996. SEUFFERT, MURIEL MARY. 1916-1996. SEWART, ALAN. 1928-1998. Add year of death. At one time Chief Inspector of police in Bolton, Lancashire, UK. Pseudonyms: Padder Nash, Alan Stewart Well, qq.v. Under his own name, the author of 24 detective and thriller mysteries included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. Published only in the UK by Robert Hale between 1978 and 1986, the starring character in five of them is Sgt. Harry Chamberlayne, while Chief Superintendent Evans appears in another four. (Neither appears in the novel shown below, Hale, 1979.) ![]() SHARD, JOHN (ROBERT?). 1915(?)-1987(?). SHERRING, A(LBERT) W(ILLIAM HENRY). 1922-2002. SHIPWAY, GEORGE. 1908-1982. SHIVELY, THORNTON T. 1913-1980. Based on the discovery of a signed copy of one of his mysteries recently offered on eBay, correct spelling of last name, add middle initial & both dates. Pseudonym: Thorne Lee, q.v. SHORE, VALERY Final Payment. [Los Angeles] SHORT, (CHARLES) CHRISTOPHER (DUDLEY). 1913-1978. SIBLEY, PATRICIA (HAYLES). 1928-2004. SILVERMAN, MARGUERITE R(UTH). 1914-2003. Add both dates, previously unknown. A short death notice for the author appears on the Mystery*File blog. SIMPSON, COLIN. 1908- . SIMPSON, DOROTHY (PREECE). Ref: CA. SIMPSON, GEORGE E(DWARD). Ref: CA. SIMPSON, THOMAS WILLIAM. Ref: CA. SIMS, GEORGE R(OBERT). Ref: CA. SINCLAIR, STEPHEN (KENNEDY). (Adding middle name.) SINGLETON, FRANK -A Change of Sky. [England] SIVERNS, RUTH. 1921(?)-1984(?). SMITH, CYNTHIA (S.). 1934- . Add confirmed year of birth & middle initial; delete previous reference to CA. Author of books on marriage and business, plus a five book series of adventures of Emma Rhodes, “private resolver” who traveled around the world solving problems of the rich and famous for a $20,000 fee. Results were guaranteed within two weeks or the fee was returned. Impolite Society. Berkley, pb, 1997. Setting: Portugal. ![]() Noblesse Oblige. Berkley, pb, 1997. Setting: Brussels. Royals and Rogues. Berkley, pb, 1998. Setting: Russia. ![]() SMITH, MARY-ANN TIRONE. 1944- . Ref: CA. Born in Hartford CT; married Jere Smith. Author of several novels, including one literary thriller included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. See below. An American Killing. Headline, UK, hc, 1998. Henry Holt, US, hc, 1998. Setting: Washington DC, Rhode Island. [True-crime writer Denise Burke’s research into a new book may be involved with the death of a US Congressman.] Note: FBI agent Penelope “Poppy” Rice, a minor character in this book, reappeared as the primary detective in Love Her Madly (Holt, 2002) and at least one other subsequent book. ![]() One of Us. Collins, UK, hc, 1998. Bantam, US, hc, 1998. Setting: Los Angeles, 2017. Publishers Weekly: “Smith's ear for the nuances of classic hard-boiled narrative is surpassed only by his skill at exceeding expectations for the conventional mystery/suspense tale.” Only Forward. Collins, UK, pb, 1994. Bantam, US, pb, 2000. “Futuristic work that features Stark, a tough loner who is hired to find and retrieve a kidnapping victim in his home metropolis.” ![]() SMITH, NAOMI GLADISH. 1935- . Add confirmed year of birth. Born in England to American parents, now lives in Illinois and Florida. Currently the author of Christian fiction; her first book was a gothic romance, a mystery novel included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. See below. Buried Remembrance. Ace, pb, 1976. “She fled the pain-filled memories of love, but Death would not let her forget ...” SMITH, NEVILLE (ROY?). 1940-1998? Add tentative middle name and year of death. British actor and TV screenwriter with one film to his credit; also the author of the novelized version. See below. Gumshoe. Fontana, UK, pb, 1971. Ballantine, US, pb, 1972. Setting: Liverpool. Novelization of film: Columbia, 1971 (scw: Neville Smith; dir: Stephen Frears). Leading character: amateur PI Eddie Ginley (Albert Finney). A Time magazine review of the film is available online. ![]() The Rushmoreland Rubies. Pageant, pb, 1988. Setting: England, 1800s. Published as Regency Romantic Intrigue Series, Book 1. [Lady seeking the rubies disguises herself as a housemaid in the home of the man who inherited them after the mysterious deaths of two heirs.] SOKOLOFF, BORIS. 1889-1979. (Correcting last name spelling and birth year, adding death year.) SOLSKI, WACLAW. Pseudonym of Waclaw Jan Panski, 1897-1990. SPECTOR, ROBERT DONALD. Delete entry (title listed is an anthology) SPENCE, EDWARD F(ORDHAM). 1860-1932. SPENCER, CLAIRE Gallows’ Orchard. [Scotland] -The Island. Rich, 1935; Smith & Haas, 1935 [Scotland} STAMP, GEOFFREY. 1931(?)-2001(?). STAND, MARGUERITE L for Murder. SC: Police Constable Thea Robins STANDISH, DERRICK (EDGAR?). 1941(?)-2002(?). STANLEY, MICHAEL. Ref: CA. STATHAM, WALLACE. 1903(?)-2002(?). STEAD, PHILIP JOHN. 1916-2005. STEIN, MEL. 1945- . STERNE, DUNCAN The Clue of the Seven-Clawed Dragon The Mystery of the Kidnapped Detectives. (Title correction.) Note: Both the Duncan Sterne titles will be in the Revised CFIV (and both feature series sleuth Norton Keen) ![]() ![]() STEVENSON, JANET. Ref: CA. STEWARD, HAL D(AVID). 1922- . Ref: CA. (Correcting birth year, adding reference.) STEWART, DONALD Wings of Wrath. Jarrolds, 1943 [England, Germany] STOKES, ARTHUR M.
Checkmate! Correct publisher and date to: Heywood
(Manchester), 1913.
STONE, AUSTIN. 1907(?)-1984(?). STONE, ELINORE COWAN. 1883-1974. (Birth year correction, adding death year.) STONE, GERALD EUGENE NATHAN. Born in Oklahoma; pastored churches in Arkansas; later obtained a degree in architecture and practice as such in Texas; living in California. STONE, JAMES F(LOYD). 1898-1969(?). STOOKEY, RICHARD. Ref: CA. STORM, MAX. Pseudonym of Sydney James Bounds, 1920-2006, q.v. Add year of death. Under this pen name, the author of one paperback original included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. See below. Murder Be My Mistress. Badger, UK, pb, 1959. Also published as: The Set-Up, as by J. K. Baxter (Badger, 1962). STRATTON, HENRY. Michael Harrington Nelson, 1921-1990. STRICKLAND, MARGARET. 1880-1940. STRINGER, DAVID (PETER?). 1930-2002(?). STRONG, MICHAEL. 1929-2000(?). STUART, GERALD VILLIERS. 1869-1951. STUART, ILIAN. Born in France; came to the U.S. after the fall of France in WWII; graduated from Barnard College; became a woman officer in the Free French Air Force; was a member of the French Air Mission in Washington after the war; later a correspondent for Le Monde; a U.S. citizen. STUBBINGTON, COLIN (ROBERT?). 1938(?)-1994(?). STUDER, PAUL. 1879-1927. SULLY, KATHLEEN (MAUDE). 1910-2001. SUMMERS, JUDITH (ANNE). 1953- . SUMNER, MARK (C.). Ref: CA. SUMMERTON, MARGARET (ETHEL). 1910-1979. SUNAGEL, LOIS A(NN). 1926-2005. SUTHERLAND DAN (WILLIAM?). 1910(?)-2002(?). SUTHERLAND, GRANT (JAMES?). 1944(?)-2004(?). SWARTWOUT, R(OBERT) E(GERTON). ca.1906- . SWIFT, FRANCINE MORRIS. 1938-2007. Add both dates. Described as a true Sherlockian, a long-time member of the Adventuresses of Sherlock Holmes (“Hatty Doran”); received her investiture in the Baker Street Irregulars in 1994. One short work is included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. See below. The Hound’s Tale. London: Sherlock Holmes Society, pb, 18 pages, 1992. SC: Sherlock Holmes. [A chapbook offering a “decidedly canine view of the events on Dartmoor.”] SWIFT, RACHELLE. Pseudonym of Jean Barbara Lumsden, 1916-1998, q.v. Add year of death. Under this pen name, author of a number of romance novels; two with mystery content are included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. See below. The House at Green Bay. Robert Hale, UK, hc, 1969. Setting: New Zealand. A Taunt from the Past. Robert Hale, UK, hc, 1970. Setting: Wellington, NZ. SYDNEY, GEORGE. Pseudonym of Sydney James Bounds, 1920-2006, q.v. Under this pen name, the author of one Sexton Blake novel included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. See below. Countdown for Murder. Amalgamated Press, UK, pb, 1962. SC: Sexton Blake. Note: According to a website devoted to the character, the book was revised by W. Howard Baker & George Paul Mann. ![]() ![]() It Is the Law. Allen & Unwin, UK, hc, 1923. Silent film: Fox, 1924 (scw: Curtis Benton; dir: J. Gordon Edwards). A play by Elmer Rice was earlier based on Talbot’s original story (1922). (The link leads to a full synopsis and review.) TAMKUS, DANIEL. 1934- . Add confirmed year of birth. Pseudonym: L. J. Key, q.v. Under his own name, author of story or screenwriter for two Hollywood films. TANNER, JANET. 1941- . Ref: CA. TASSIE, A. C. 1925- . Canadian author. SC: Anthus, in listed title and subsequent novel(s). TAUB, HARALD J(AY). 1918- . TAYLOR, (FRANK HERBERT) GRIFFIN. 1917-2006. TEMPLE, PAUL East of Algiers. (Novelization of the 1947 BBC radio serial “Paul Temple and the Sullivan Mystery.”) TERROT, CHARLES (HUGH). 1915-1985. TESTA, ERNEST E(DWARD?). 1908(?)-1999(?). THOITS, ALVIN T. Living in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in 1920s. THOMAS, ALAN (ERNEST WENTWORTH). 1896-1969. THOMAS, JOHN ORAM. 1906-1992. THOMAS, MURRAY. Thomas Murray Ragg, 1897-1953. THOMAS, ROBERT. 1930-1989. THOMAS, SCARLETT. 1972- . Pseudonym. Ref: CA. THOMAS, WARD. Edward T(homas?) McNamara, 1915-1987(?). UNDERWOOD, MAVIS EILEEN. 1916-1987. URI, SHLOMO. 1935-2006. Pseudonym: Uri Dan, q.v. VALLANCE, DOUGLAS. Pseudonym: Gavin Douglas, q.v. WAINWRIGHT, JOHN (WILLIAM). 1921-1995. WALLACE, PAMELA DIANE. Ref: CA. WANDER, KEITH W. 1941-2001. Add year of death. Born in Buffalo NY, lived after retirement north of Traverse City MI. Author of two works of Christian fiction, both mysteries included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. Add the one marked with an asterisk (*) below. Brothers for Life. Illinois: Crossway Books, pb, 1991. Add setting: Michigan (Leelanau County). (*) Last Resort. Illinois: Crossway Books, pb, 1990. Setting: Michigan (Leelanau County). ![]() WATTS, EDGAR JOHN PALMER. 1904-1988. Add year of death. Pseudonym: John Palmer, q.v. WATSON, SELWYN VICTOR. 1912-1989. Add both dates. Pseudonym: Selwyn, q.v. WEBB, DOROTHY ANNA MARIA. 1900?-1985? Add full name and tentative dates. Pseudonym: Christopher Reeve, q.v. Born in Leicestershire; editor and reader for various publishers; living in South Kensington in the 1930s. WELL, ALAN STEWART. Pseudonym of Alan Sewart, 1928-1998, q.v. Add year of death. Under this pen name, the author of four mystery novels included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV, all published in the UK by Robert Hale between 1980 and 1984. WHITE, VALERIE. 1915-1975. Add both dates and the following biographical data: Born in South Africa; trained as a commercial artist; stage and television actress, mostly in England. Author of three mystery novels included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. See below. Case. Arthur Barker, UK, hc, 1954. SC: John Case. Case for Treachery. Arthur Barker, UK, hc, 1955. SC: John Case. “A nuclear thriller.” Lost Person. William Heinemann, UK, hc, 1957. Add SC: John Case. [The beautiful wife of one of the richest men in the world first disappeared from her hotel in Cannes in 1935.] WILLIAMSON, GEOFFREY. 1897- . Year of death not known. Author of one marginally crime-related novel included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. See below. -The Lovable Outlaw. William Heinemann, UK, hc, 1930. Add setting: India. WISE, ERNIE. 1925-1999. Add year of death. Born Ernest Wiseman, he changed his name when he went into show business at a young age. As a comedian, well known as part of the comedy duo, Morecombe and Wise, considered by Wikipedia as “an institution on British television.” With Eric Morecambe, co-author of one book included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. See below. The Morecambe & Wise Special. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, UK, hc, 1977, hc. A humor miscellany, including a short Sherlockian parody: “The Whitechapel Murders: A Tale of Sheerluck Holmes and Dr. Wits-end.” WYLIE, LAURA. Pseudonym of Patricia (Anne Klein) Matthews, 1927-2006, q.v. Add year of death. Under this pen name, the author of one novel included in the (Revised) Crime Fiction IV. See below. The Night Visitor. Pinnacle, pb, 1979. Reprinted as by Patricia Matthews, Severn House, 1988. Delete series character: Casey Farrrel, who does not appear, even though so stated in the CD version of CFIV. Return to the Main Page.
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Allen J. Hubin.